For a moment Ned was speechless with shock. Who? 好半晌奈德震惊得说不出话。他们指谁? Varys sipped his wine. If I truly need to tell you that, you are a bigger fool than Robert and I am on the wrong side. 瓦里斯啜了口酒,如果
The eunuch stroked his cheek. 太监抓抓脸颊。 Or perhaps Cersei would let Ser Ilyn strike off his head. Less risk for the Lannisters that way, though quite an unpleasant surprise for their little friend. 或者瑟曦会叫伊林爵士把他的头
You are the one she ought to fear, Ned said. 你才是她应该怕的人。奈德道。 No. I am what I am.The king makes use of me, but it shames him. 不,我的身份很清楚。国王利用我,但他为此感到羞耻。 A most puissant warrio
A paper shield, the eunuch said. Try not to look so shocked, Lord Stark. 不过是纸老虎罢了,太监说,史塔克大人,您就别一副震惊的模样了。 Jaime Lannister is himself a Sworn Brother of the White Swords, and we all know wha
Asking questions, Varys said, slipping out the door. 他问得太多了。瓦里斯说着溜出门。 As he stood in the predawn chill watching Chiggen butcher his horse, Tyrion Lannister chalked up one more debt owed the Starks. 提利昂兰尼斯特站
Scarlet-tinged spittle flew from the fat innkeep's mouth as she begged of Catelyn Stark, Don't kill him here! 胖老板娘向凯特琳史塔克苦苦哀求,嘴里喷出一串腥红的唾沫:别在这儿杀他! Don't kill him anywhere, Tyrion ur
Yet knowing all that, what had he learned? The king had other baseborn children scattered throughout the Seven Kingdoms. 即便如此,他又能从中发现什么?国王所生的孩子遍及七国全境。 He had openly acknowledged one of his bas
Who are you? Ned asked. 请问您是?奈德问。 A friend, the cowled man said in a strange, low voice. We must speak alone, Lord Stark. 我是您的朋友。蒙面人用怪异的低沉腔调说,史塔克大人,我们得单独谈谈。 Curiosi
Arya stood on one leg. She was getting much better at that of late. 艾莉亚单脚站立,近来她越来越擅长此道。 Syrio says that every hurt is a lesson, and every lesson makes you better. 西利欧说每次受伤都是一次教训,而每
The melee went on for three hours. Near forty men took part, freeriders and hedge knights and new-made squires in search of a reputation. 团体比武则打了三个小时。总共有近四十人参加,多半是有意谋求功名的自由骑手、雇
No, he told her. There will be one final joust, between the Hound and the Knight of Flowers. 不是,他告诉她,猎狗和百花骑士还得再比一场。 But Sansa had the right of it after all. A few moments later Ser Loras Tyrell walked back
He's only a boy, Ned said awkwardly. He had small liking for Prince Joffrey, but he could hear the pain in Robert's voice. 他还是个孩子,奈德尴尬地说。他自己也不喜欢乔佛里王子,但他听得出劳勃语中的痛苦。 Have y
This was needless. War should not be a game. 他根本不该送命。战争岂是儿戏? Ned turned to the woman beside the cart, shrouded in grey, face hidden but for her eyes. 奈德转身面对站在推车边的灰衣女人,她全身上下包裹
The king means to fight in the melee today, Ser Barristan said as they were passing Ser Meryn's shield, 国王打算今天参加团体比武,他们经过马林爵士的盾牌时,巴利斯坦说。 its paint sullied by a deep gash where Loras Tyre
Seven hells! Robert swore. Do I have to do it myself? Piss on the both of you. 七层地狱啊!劳勃咒骂,难道我非得亲自动手不可?你两个都是他妈的饭桶。 Pick it up. Don't just stand there gaping, Lancel, pick it up! The l
Ser Barristan Selmy chuckled with him. Even Eddard Stark managed a smile. 巴利斯坦赛尔弥爵士跟着呵呵笑了,就连艾德史塔克也露出了微笑。 Always, though, the graver thoughts crept in. He could not help taking note of the tw
You never knew Lyanna as I did, Robert, Ned told him. 劳勃,你对莱安娜的了解没我深,奈德告诉他, You saw her beauty, but not the iron underneath. 你只见到她的美,却不知道她真正的硬脾气。 She would have told yo
For a certainty, Ned said, and Ser Barristan Selmy bowed his head in silent accord. 可想而知。奈德道。巴利斯坦赛尔弥爵士静静地点头同意。 For a moment Robert was so angry he could not speak. 有好一阵子,劳勃气得说不
Drink and stay quiet, the king is talking. 现在国王在说话,你闭上嘴乖乖喝酒。 I swear to you, I was never so alive as when I was winning this throne, or so dead as now that I've won it. 我跟你发誓,我这辈子再没比在战场厮
The king's melancholy melted away with the morning mist, 国王先前的感伤随晨雾散去, and before long Robert was eating an orange and waxing fond about a morning at the Eyrie when they had been boys. 片刻之后,劳勃便一边吃着柑子
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