编者按: 想得到的多就永远不要奢望太多。 智者不会在意他们得不到的东西。 On Achieving Success We cannot travel every path. Success must be won along one line. We must make our business the one life purpose to which every
编者按: 八月是多么令人惬意的季节啊!果园和麦田到处都充溢着忙碌劳作的声响;串串果实压得果树都弯下了腰,枝条低垂到地面;还有谷穗,有的一捆捆优雅地堆挤在一起,有的迎风招展
编者按: 我的尝试和成败得失熔铸成一个坚定的信念绝非仅我一人试图理解与尊重他人。我相信合作与相互关爱正是人类的本性。 I Live Four Lives at a Time by Alice Thompson I live a life of four dimension
编者按: 你可以帮助我提醒这个人,美丽不是拿我们自己同他人相比,而是在爱别人、爱生活时我们身上闪光的部分。它并非全部来自身体,也非全部来自精神,它温柔地融合着我们所拥有的
编者按: 不要借口真爱难求而紧闭心扉。获得爱的最快途径是给予;失去爱的最快办法是握得过紧;维持爱的最好办法是给爱以双翅。 不要让生活的脚步过于匆忙以至忘记你过去的足迹和你今
编者按: 把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,然后小心地看好它;要量入为出;最后一点,要有耐心,就像艾默生所言:除了你自己没人能真正阻止你成功。 The Road to Success It is well that young men s
编者按: 假如人们过一种似是而非的生活,更关注人生的意义,而非赞誉和掌声,这个世界将会更加理智。 --肯特.基思 The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr.Kent M.Keith 1.People are illogical,unreasonable,and sel
编者按: 唱则群山应, 叹则空散尽。 回声反射成欢欣, 倾诉忧虑无回音。 孤独 笑则天下笑, 泣则独自泣。 因悲哀的旧世界须借贷欢笑, 而它自身的麻烦不少。 唱则群山应, 叹则空散尽。
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening ---by Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know, His house is in the village though. He will not see me stopping here, To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer, To stop wit
She Walks in Beauty She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all thats best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade
My parents owned six books between them. Two of those were Bibles and the third was a concordance to the Old and New Testaments. The fourth was The House At Pooh Corner. The fifth,The Chatterbox Annual 1923 and the sixth, Malorys Morte dArtliur. I
TO see the golden sun and the azure sky, the outstretched ocean, to walk upon the green earth , and to be a lord of a thousand creatures to look down giddy precipices or over distant flowery vales, to see the world spread out under one's finger in a
At the Edge of the Sea By Rachel Carson The shore is an ancient world, for as long as there has been an earth and se a there has been this place of the meeting of land and water. Yet it is a world that keeps alive the sense of continuing creation and
The other day an acquaintance of mine, a gregarious and charming man, told me he had found himself unexpectedly alone in New York for an hour or two between appointments. He went to the Whitney and spent the empty time looking at things in solitary b
编者按: 我信仰人类,信仰透明、纯粹的人性。倾听人们的心声,帮助他们达成所愿,得到需要的东西,这也是我的信仰。 Give Part of Yourself Away By DR.HAROLD TAYLOR We are living in one of those periods i
编者按: 地球是多数人的幸福家园。但信念是精神的一种状态。人只要拥有信念,就不会轻言放弃。倘若他不得已颠沛流离,就会再次建起一座房子,那是地球上任何飓风都无法摧毁的。 Th
编者按: 美丽总会稍纵即逝,从外到内,给人留下无尽的感伤。对美的需求是人类最崇高的善举,是人类灵魂最伟大的天赋。 Growing in the Middle Ground Anne Phipps I believe that my beliefs are changing. No
- 名篇背诵23:关于获得成功(欧内斯特.海明威)
- 名篇背诵19:八月之美(查尔斯.狄更斯)
- 名篇背诵20:我的四种生活
- 名篇背诵21:黄昏
- 名篇背诵22:你真美
- 名篇背诵24:不要...(布莱恩.迪森)
- 名篇背诵25:成功之路(卡耐基)
- 名篇背诵26:友谊的颜色
- 名篇背诵27:似是而非的戒律(肯特.基思)
- 名篇背诵18:孤独(Ella Wheeler Wilcox)
- 名篇背诵09:少女
- 名篇背诵03:雪夜林边小驻
- 名篇背诵04:她在美中徜徉
- 名篇背诵05:艺术与生命
- 名篇背诵07:何为不朽?
- 名篇背诵08:在海边
- 名篇背诵10:独居的报偿
- 名篇背诵12: 乐于奉献(哈罗德.泰勒博士)
- 名篇背诵13:更光明的未来(海伦.凯勒)
- 名篇背诵14: 在探索中成长
- 名篇背诵23:关于获得成功(欧内斯特.海明威)
- 名篇背诵19:八月之美(查尔斯.狄更斯)
- 名篇背诵20:我的四种生活
- 名篇背诵21:黄昏
- 名篇背诵22:你真美
- 名篇背诵24:不要...(布莱恩.迪森)
- 名篇背诵25:成功之路(卡耐基)
- 名篇背诵26:友谊的颜色
- 名篇背诵27:似是而非的戒律(肯特.基思)
- 名篇背诵18:孤独(Ella Wheeler Wilcox)
- 名篇背诵09:少女
- 名篇背诵03:雪夜林边小驻
- 名篇背诵04:她在美中徜徉
- 名篇背诵05:艺术与生命
- 名篇背诵07:何为不朽?
- 名篇背诵08:在海边
- 名篇背诵10:独居的报偿
- 名篇背诵12: 乐于奉献(哈罗德.泰勒博士)
- 名篇背诵13:更光明的未来(海伦.凯勒)
- 名篇背诵14: 在探索中成长