Unite 1. Be realistic. 第一单元 要务实一点 One pound of fat equals 3,500 calories. To lose one pound,you need to consume 3,500 fewer calories.Thats a lot!we can hear you protesting. But you dont have to do it all in one day. A realisti

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Unit 2.Dont even call it a diet. 第二单元 甚至不要称之为节食 Words hold great power. Some people dont mind the word diet.To others, it spells torture and deprivation. If youre in this group,dont tell yourself youregoing on a diet.Say y

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Unit4 Join a weight-loss program: 第四节 参加减重课程 Open newspaper or turn on the television.and you're certain to be bombarded with advertisements for weight-loss programs of every kind. 打开报纸或电视机,你一定会受到各种减

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Unit 5 Stay with the program 第五节 减重计划要执行到底 For 17 years,researchers tracked the success of 1,640 overweight patients who attended a weight-loss program at the Municipal Hospital in Copenhagen,Denmark.The program consisted of n

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Unit 7 Show a little restraint. 第7节 克制一下食欲 You don't have to go on a full-fledged diet to change your eating habits.Some restraint-eating a little of this,skipping a little of that-can help you cut back on the calories. 你不需要采

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Unit8 Conduct research on yourself. Unit8 对自己进行研究 Behavioral scientists say the mere act of recording a behavior often leads to a change in that behavior.In other words,make a note of what you normally eat before cutting back on calorie

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Unit 9 Eat a well-balanced diet. Unit 9 饮食均衡 Remember having to memorize the four food groups when you were a kid and wondering if you were really going to need this information when you grew up? 记得你小时候要死背,而当时却怀疑

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Unit 10 Learn more about nutrition Unit 10 多了解营养 Free advice is available by phone from the American Dietetic Associations Consumer Nutrition Hot Line. Just dial 1-800-366-1655 Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p. m. Central Standa

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Unit 141 Exercise at your desk Unit 141 在办公桌旁边运动 Being office-bound doesn't stop advertising salesman Joe Smith from getting into gear.He keeps a stationary bike in his closet and pedals about 10 miles during his lunch hour. Even with

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Unit 137 Gear up for the competition Unit 137 准备面对竞赛 Certain physical activities,such as running,offer competitive events that can help you improve your performance.I was running off and on for a number of years,but I didn't really become

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Unit 138 Go ahead and boast Unit 138 尽量吹嘘吧 Don't be humble.Announce your exercise accomplishments.Tell your friends and your family and soak up the compliments.They'll be impressed.They may even be inspired to give it a try themselves. 别谦

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Unit 139 Read up Unit 139 多阅读运动资讯 Newsstands are filled with magazines devoted to a wide range of physical activities and sports,from Muscle and Fitness to Runner's World.Reading them,plus ogling the pictures of svelte,healthy people wh

发表于:2019-02-27 / 阅读(171) / 评论(0) 分类 减肥瘦身英语口语话题

Unit 140 Get a new slant on things Unit 140 用新的观点看事情 Some exercises are good for you because they're relaxing,and this is one of them.The only force operating here is gravity,the principle being to raise yoourur derriere and feet up o

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Unit 143 Exercise on the cheap Unit 143 运动不需花大钱 There's really no need for fancy clothes or expensive equipment to get fit.say exercise researchers Dr.Mary O'Toole and Dr.Pamela Douglas.You can spend as little as the cost of a good pair

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Unit 142 Let yourself go Unit 142 放逐自己 Dr.Theodore Rubin,author of The Thin Book by a Formerly Fat Psychiatrist,notes that all people have a deep need for an occasional experience of abandon-when we let go of our cares and self-consciousness

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Unit 99:Take 10,000 steps a day 第99单元:每天走一万步 A research study looked at 332 middle-aged,overweight men who needed to lose weight and lower their blood pressure and cholesterol levels. 一项针对三百十二名超重,需要减

发表于:2018-12-26 / 阅读(118) / 评论(0) 分类 减肥瘦身英语口语话题

Unit 106:Climb away calories 第106单元:爬掉你的卡路里 When it comes to fighting fat,research shows that climbing stairs is actually better than jogging or riding a bike. 当戏们谈到如何消除脂肪时,研究报告显示爬楼梯

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Unit 105:Ride a bike 第105单元:骑脚踏车 It provides an excellent aerobic workout. 骑脚踏车是一种绝佳的有氧健身运动。 Ride indoors on a stationary bike or go outside and enjoy the scenery. 在室内踩健身脚踏车或骑脚

发表于:2018-12-26 / 阅读(131) / 评论(0) 分类 减肥瘦身英语口语话题

Unit 104:Run for it 第104单元:跑出好身材 Serious runners are renowed for their slender physiques,thanks to the hundreds of calories a good run eats up. 真的跑者皆以体态苗条著称,这都要归功于跑步可消耗好几百卡路里

发表于:2018-12-26 / 阅读(130) / 评论(0) 分类 减肥瘦身英语口语话题

Unit 103:Put on the speed 第103单元:速度加快 The faster you walk,the faster you burn calories. 你走得愈快,卡路里的燃烧速度也愈快。 If you're already a walker,add some action with speedwalking. 如果你已养成走路的习

发表于:2018-12-26 / 阅读(119) / 评论(0) 分类 减肥瘦身英语口语话题