Unit 75:Don't eat like a mouse 第75单元:别吃得像老鼠那么少 Take a decent serving of food,one that will satisfy you without going back for more. 每次取餐要适量,一次拿的量要能让你饱足,不会再拿第二次。 It's

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Unit 74:Keep food out of the wrong places 第74单元:勿把食物置于错误的地方 Do you keep a jumbo-size candy bar in your desk drawer in the event of a nuclear attack? 你的抽屉里随时都有一条巨无霸糖果棒以防核弹来袭吗

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Unit 72:Slow down on fast foods 第72单元:少吃快餐 McDonald's,Taco Bell,Arby's and other such restaurants offer foods that are both fast and fattening. 麦当劳、墨西哥薄饼店、阿比三明治店等餐厅都能迅速的供应食物,

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Unit 71:Diet for 12 weeks 第71单元:持续节食十二周 Research at Harvard Medical School suggests that the human body reaches a weight-loss limit about 12 weeks into any diet and then plateaus, 哈佛医学院的研究显示,人体在节食

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Unit 70:Shop smart 第70单元:聪明购物法 Always shop with a grocery list,and stick to it. 购物时一定要带着清单,并坚持只买清单上的东西。 Shop after you eat,not before. 餐后再去买东西,而不要在餐前去买。

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Unit 69:Don't tell yourself I'll never have such-and-such again ! 第69单元:别对自己说:下不为例! Your weight一loss program may seem endless,but it really is temporary. 你的减肥计划可能看似永无止境,但它其实是很短暂

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Unit 68:Make your own frozen treats 第68单元:做自己的冷冻大餐 What tastes like a grape popsicle but is small,round,sugar-free and low in calories? 什么东西吃起来像葡萄棒冰,但却又小又圆,无糖且低卡路里呢?

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Unit 67:Eat low-calorie frozen foods 第67单元:吃低卡路里的冷冻食品 As the busier-than-ever American increasingly turns to prepared meals,frozen foods have become quite sophisticated. 当愈来愈多的忙碌关国人改吃现成的食物

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Unit 66:Cut coffee and cigarettes 第66单元:戒除咖啡和香烟 Caffeine and nicotine constrict your blood vessels,cutting back on your body's efficient use of calories and adding io cellulite buildup. 咖啡因和尼古丁会使你的血管收

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Unit 65:Drink plenty of water 第65单元:大量喝水 Water is a wonderful aid to weight loss. 喝水是减肥非常好的方法。 It helps fill you up during and between meals.And it reduces water retention. 水可以帮你在用餐中和两餐之

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Unit 73:Take a break during PMS 第73单元:经前综合症期间暂停节食 Women who suffer from PMS(premenstrual syndrome)may have worse symptoms,from headaches to depression,while they're dieting. 节食期间,患有经前症候群的女人可

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Unit 127:Be an early-bird exerciser 第127单元:做个早起的运动者 Researchers at the Southwest Health Institute in Phoenix compared people who work out in the morning to people who do so in the evening. 凤凰城西南健康中心的研究员

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Unit 132 Go for the biggest burns Unit 132 尽情地燃烧热量吧 So you dont want to dabble. You want the quickest exercises to burn up fat. For a person weighing 150 pounds.here are some of the best ones (youll burn less if you weigh less,more

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Unit 131 Take a stand Unit 131 站一站吧 Standing beats sitting when it comes to burning calories.If you spend most of your day sitting,standing for a couple of minutes every hour or so gives your legs a much-needed stretch and helps fight dreaded

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Unit 130 Buy some fabulous exercise clothes Unit 130 为自己买些很炫的运动服 You don't have to have a perfect body to look good.Who cares if your stomach shows?You deserve to look good and feel good while you exercise.Paradoxically,wearing

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Unit 129 Distract yourself Unit 129 分散你的注意力 Some of us get our best workout when we don't realize we're doing it.Margie Stiller lost 30 pounds riding a stationary bicycle 30 minutes a day for three months while watching her favorite soa

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Unit 128 Add energy to your environs. Unit 128 在运动的环境中添加活力 Exercising at home is easy for some people,but many of us find it boring and blah.You can improve your routine simply by livening up your surroundings,hanging motivating

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Unit 126:Make age no barrier 第126单元:年龄不是障碍 Sharon Lear learned to downhill ski,a sport which had previously terrified her,in Colorado at the age of 38. 科罗拉多州的雪伦李尔在她三十八岁时学会了先前令她恐惧

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Unit 125:Run yourself more ragged at the gym 第125单元:让自己在健身房里耗尽精力 Exercising on gym or health club equipment,rather than walking or running on your own,tends to give you a harder workout. 不要只靠自己散步或跑步

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Unit 123:Plant a garden 第123单元:开辟一座花园 Use up 400 to 450 calories an hour and have a beautiful garden as well. 在你拥有一座美丽花园的同时,你也会在一小时里消耗掉四百到四百五十卡路里的热量。

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