Unit 102:Walk someplace different 第102单元:四处走走 A group in Chicago hikes Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays around the exhibits in the Museum of Science and Industry early in the morning before museum visitors arrive. 在芝加哥有一个团

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Unit 101:Walk the mall 第101单元:逛街减肥 Have you ever thought about how much exercise you get while shopping? 你有没有想过你在逛街时的运动量有多少? Make a conscious effort to mall walk on a regular basis. 刻意定期地

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Unit 98:Walk it off 第98单元:走掉肥胖 You've been using a significant amount of energy ever since that first tottering step you took as a child. 打从孩提摇摇晃晃学走路的第一步起,你就已用掉很多的精力了。 Walkin

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Unit 97:Aerobicize 第97单元:有氧运动好处多 Aerobic exercises-aerobic dance classes,brisk walking,running,bike riding, 有氧舞蹈课、快步、跑步、骑脚踏车、 swimming and similar activities requiring steady,intense effort-ar

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Unit 96:Keep a log 第96单元:做记录 A written record of your accomplishments is very satisfying and helps inspire you to keep at it. 把自己所完成的事项记录下来会让你有成就感,并且会有助激励自己持续下去。 I

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Unit 95:Set realistic goals 第95单元:制定切合实际的目标 OK.so you're one of those people who's ready and willing to put in some serious exercise effort. 好了,你现在已经是一位准备好而且愿意努力运动减肥的人了。

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Unit 94:Do a little if you can't (or just don't want to) do a lot 第94单元:如果你无法或者只是不想多做运动,就少做一点吧 Any exercise is better than no exercise,says Dr.Kelly Brownell of the University of Pennsylvania. 宾州大

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Unit 93:Give yourself a break 第93单元:放自己一马 Did you go off your diet? Welcome to the club ! 你在节食中破戒了吗?欢迎你加入我们的行列! You're only human.Don't come down on yourself. 你只是个凡人嘛。别责怪

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Unit 92:Get enough sleep 第92单元:睡眠充足 Sometimes we eat too much not because we're hungry but because we're sleepy. 有的时候我们吃得太多不是因为肚子饿,而是因为想睡觉。 We unconsciously think that eating will

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Unit 100:Walk to woxk 第100单元:走路上班 A brisk hike to your job(if that's realistic)has benefits equal to jogging the same distance,minus all the sweat. 轻快的步行上班(如果可行的话)和慢跑同等距离的功效是一样的

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Unit 46 Snack if you must. Unit 46 选择低脂肪、低卡路里的零食 A snack now and then may satisfy real hunger and may help you feel less deprived psychologically.Air-popped popcorn,at 25 fat-free calories per cup,has been the salvation of m

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Unit 45 Steer clear of junk foods. Unit 45 与垃圾食物划清界限 They're not really foods,anyway,Chips,dips,crunchies,munchies-sounds like something you throw to the animals at the zoo.Junk food is low in nutrition high in calories and almost g

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Unit 44 Listen to your conscience. Unit 44 听听你的良心的指示 It's after midnight and everyone is sound asleep.You've tiptoed to the refrigerator.opened the freezer and found the carton of ice cream.You've pulled out a clean spoon.parked you

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Unit 43 Listen to your stomach. Unit 43 听听你的胃怎么说 For many people ,a weight problem is linked to a more basic problem-they can tell when theyre really hungry.Something tells them to eat.but that somethingis not necessarily hunger,They

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Unit 42 Dont give up,even if you slip up. Unit 42 即使出了小差错,也别放弃 Researchers at the University of Illinois investigated the response of a group of college men and women to a large milk shake before a meal. Half of the students

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减肥瘦身英语口语话题 第41期:种子类食品要连壳带籽一起吃Unit 41 Chew on seeds in their shells. Unit 41 种子类食品要连壳带籽一起吃 There is an exception to what we just said:Seeds that come with shells intact,like

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Unit 40 Lay low on (some) legumes Unit 40 减少摄取某些豆科食物 Like many a human family,the family of legumes has some skinny members and some fat ones.Beans and peas are naturally low in calories and fat. Peanuts(150calories per ounce) a

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Unit 39 Diet on weekdays,splurge on weekends. Unit 39 平日减重周末大吃 If I knew I had to be on a diet seven days a week,I'd go nuts,says Michelle Munoz,a Chicago realtor,but five days I can handle. 如果我知道一周七天都得节食,一

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Unit 38 Be sober about alcohol. Unit 38 清醒的面对含酒精饮料 Heavy calories and a light head are about all you get from alcohol.A 12-ounce can of beer or an 8-ounce glass of wine averages 150 calories. Mixed drinks pack a bigger caloric pun

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Unit 36 Drink diet soda. Unit 36 喝低糖汽水 Spare yourself a couple hundred calories per 12-ounce can by drinking sugar-free soda instead of regular.Drioking diet soda may also help get you into the spirit of rutting sugar from your diet. 喝无糖

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