Unit 35 Chew sugar-free gum. Unit 35 嚼无糖的口香糖 It satisfies your sweet tooth. Your body doesnt really need a cookie. It simply cravens something sweet and chewy in your mouth. Buy gum in family-sized 10-packs so you're always prepared.Try

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Unit 34 Saycheerioto sugary cereals. Unit 34 对甜麦片说拜拜吧 Cereal is a basic food that provides plentiful nutrients.Not as good for you are cereals cooked in oil.sprinkled with sugar and coated with frosting-which describes just about all

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Unit 33 Sweeten up with fruit juice. Unit 33 用果汁来添加甜味 Many companies are offering products sweetened with fruit juice. Sugar-free jams and jellies turn out to be just as tasty, if not more so, than those packed with sugar. You11 find

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Unit 32 Go fruity. Unit 32 多吃水果 Snack on fresh fruit instead of fat一laden,sugary desserts. Some of us recall when dessert was a sliced orange or a hunk of ripe watermelon. Remember how goool they tasted? 用新鲜水果代替那些充满脂肪

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Unit 37 Use artificial sweeteners. Unit 37 用人造代糖 Most weight?loss experts agree that the artificial sweeteners saccharin (Sweet 'n' Low) and aspartame (NutraSweet) are a great way to enjoy sweet foods with fewer calories.A teaspoon of sugar

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Unit 15 De-fat your meat. Unit 15 去除肉类脂肪 Shop for lean cuts. When you get home,trim off visible fat. Cut fat even more by broiling or roasting meat rather than frying. Drain away the last of the fat on paper towels.If youre having groun

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Unit 12 Zap the main culprits Unit 12 向主要的罪魁祸首说不 We overdo it most with salad dressing,margarine,cheese,ground beef,lunch meats,sausages,beef cuts,whole milk,French fries,potato chips,other fried potatoes,fried

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Unit 13 Take your salad naked Unit 13 吃纯沙拉 How many calories are in a tablespoon of salad dressing? Try 74 for creamy bleu cheese,72 for oil and vinegar一plus 7 or 8 grams of fat! Even sour creann has half the calories and fat of salad dre

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Unit 14 Use whipped butter or margarine. Unit 14 使用搅打过的奶油或麦淇淋 As much as youre trying to cut down on your fat intake,some things just dont taste right without a little bit of butter or margarine.Go ahead and spread,but use t

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Unit 16 Put the nix on frying. Unit 16 拒绝油炸品 Meats and poultry release fat and then cook in it when you fry them. Even foods that start out relatively fat-free end up greasy when you throw them into an oil-coated frying pan,Boil,broil,poach

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Unit 91:Watch yourself 第91单元:看清自己的吃相 Do you still occasionally wolf down peanuts or eat ice cream from the carton? 你是不是偶尔仍会大啖花生米或偷吃桶装冰淇淋? A simple exercise may help you stop:While ea

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Unit 90:Fill up your fridge 第90单元:把冰箱装满食物 Your refrigerator shouldn't look like you've just been wiped out by a binge一eating burglar. 你的冰箱不该看起来像是被贪吃贼洗劫一空的样子。 All that empty white

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Unit 88:Cook up a low-cal storm 第88单元:低卡美食亲手做 Turn cooking for weight loss into a creative challenge. 把调理减肥食物当成是一项富含创意的挑战。 Don't be a reluctant cook. Experiment. Start a recipe collectio

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Unit 87:Say a little prayer 第87单元:感恩祷告 Some of us said gracebefore a meal when we were young.Some of us still do. 小时候,我们有些人会在饭前做感恩祷告。有些人到现在还是这么做。 It's a good idea,offerin

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Unit 86:Keep count 第86单元:每月数一次 There are probably going to be times when you go ahead and buy some junk food simply because you want it. 有时候你买垃圾食物只是因为你想吃。 When you do,put an equal amount of money

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Unit 85:Make every day a salad day 第85单元:天天吃沙拉 There's no need to restrict lettuce,tomato and other salad fixings to a bowl. 没有必要限制生菜、番茄或其他沙拉材料一定要拌在碗里。 Liberate your salad:Stuff

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Unit 84:Chop chop 第84单元:食物要一切再切 You say you've been meaning to nibble on carrots and celery instead of junk food? 你说你一直打算要慢慢地啃胡萝卜和芹菜来取代垃圾食物吗? Get out your knife and start c

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Unit 83:Freeze for one 第83单元:一人份冷藏法 Leftovers become invitations to overeat when you throw them into a big container that you stash in the fridge. 当你把剩菜一起倒入一个容器里放到冰箱去冷藏时,往往会让你

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Unit 82:Try to be normal 第82单元:试着用正常的速度进食 Have you ever noticed how normal-weight people eat? 你曾注意过体重标准的人是怎么吃东西的吗? Observe what they order at a restaurant or pack for lunch. 不妨观

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Unit 81:Take good measure 第81单元:精确测量 What does a 1/2-cup serving of cereal really look like? 半杯的麦片到底有多少? How much rice does a cup really amount to on your plate? 而一杯的米放在你的餐盘上究竟是多少呢

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