【句子对照】 Hey, don't jump the gun. Listen to what he has to say before you make a decision. 嗨,不要操之过急,在做决定之前听听他怎么说。 【关键俚语】 jump the gun 英:To act too soon, before the proper time; to act on an impulse, without thinking

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【句子对照】 July 4th is the Independence Day in the United States. Happy Birthday, Uncle Sam! 7月4日是美国的独立日,生日快乐,山姆大叔! 【关键俚语】 Uncle Sam 英:The U.S. government; a patriotic figure who symbolizes the United States. 中:山姆大

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【句子对照】 Jane went nuts when I told her the bad news. 当我告诉简这个坏消息的时候,她都发疯了。 【关键俚语】 go nuts ( verb phrase ) 英:[informal; offensive] to become angry and act or yell in a crazy way 中:发疯

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【句子对照】 Don't be a total birdbrain. The directions are completely clear. 别犯傻了,方向很清楚。 【关键俚语】 birdbrain (noun) 英:[offensive] a stupid, unintelligent person 中:愚蠢的人,轻佻的人

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【句子对照】 I was at odds with Mary about the schedule. She wanted me to work on Saturday, but I couldn't. 在工作时间安排上我和玛丽的意见不一致。他要我星期六上班,但我不原意。 【关键俚语】 be at odds with someone (verb phrase) 英:to be in disagree

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【句子对照】 She showed up at the party wearing nothing but her birthday suit. 她出现在聚会上的时候什么也没有穿。 【关键俚语】 birthday suit 英:Wearing nothing but skin; the state of nakedness. 中:裸体

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【句子对照】 That's a bad neighborhood -- it's filled with junkies and prostitutes. 真是个糟糕的邻居,那里除了吸毒的就是妓女。 【关键俚语】 junkie 英:A drug addict. 中:有毒瘾的人

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【句子对照】 I need to exercise more -- my love handles are growing! 我需要多锻炼了,现在腰围越来越胖! 【关键俚语】 love handles 英:Unsightly fat that shows from the sides at the waist, usually on men. 中:游泳圈,胖的腰围

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【句子对照】 I'm having a bad hair day today, so I'm wearing a hat. 我的头发没有梳好,所以我戴了一个帽子。 【关键俚语】 bad hair day (noun phrase) 英:a day when someone's hairstyle doesn't look as good as it could 中:头发不整,心情也好

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【句子对照】 Herbert got into a fender bender while he was looking for a parking place. 赫伯特找车位的时候,出了一点轻微事故。 【关键俚语】 fender bender 英:A minor car accident, where there is slight damage to the body of the car but no serious inj

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【句子对照】 Stephan spends all day on his computer and never talks to anybody. What a dweeb. 史蒂文整天都在玩电脑,从来不和人说话,真是个怪胎! 【关键俚语】 dweeb 英:A nerd; someone who is interested only in schoolwork or computers. 中:书呆子,计

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【句子对照】 We cut a deal with Sony and now we handle all of their accounts in Jersey City. 我们与索尼达成了协议,现在负责操作他们在泽西市的所有帐户。 【关键俚语】 Cut a deal 英:To make an agreement; to form a contract. 中:达成协议;签订合约

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Follow one's heart (verb phrase) 【句子对照】 I'm quitting my job and I'm going to follow my heart. I've decided to move to Rome. 我准备辞掉工作,做自己想做的事情。我已经决定移居到罗马。 【关键俚语】 follow one's heart (verb phrase) 英:to make impor

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【句子对照】 Let's all sit around and brainstorm about how to solve global warming. 我们一起做下来集体讨论一下如何解决全球变暖的问题。 【关键俚语】 brainstorm 英:To concentrate on finding ideas, either alone or as a group; to think hard about a sol

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【句子对照】 Yesterday I was sick as a dog with the flu. I stayed in bed all day. 昨天因为感冒我病的十分严重,整天都在床上躺着。 【关键俚语】 sick as a dog (adjective) [informal] 英:to be very sick 中:病的十分严重

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【句子对照】 I'd like to do a dry run of our presentation. I need more practice using the microphone. 为了演出,我想排练一次。我应该多掌握一下如何使用麦克风。 【关键俚语】 dry run (noun phrase) 英:a practice session, a rehearsal 中:演习,排练

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【句子对照】 You're a wiz at math! You should be a math teacher. 你真的诗歌数学天才!你应该当数学老师。 【关键俚语】 be a wiz at something (verb phrase) 英:to be very good at doing something 中:在某方面具有天赋

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【句子对照】 The new movie by Steven is getting a lot of hype. 史蒂文的新片正在大作广告。 【关键俚语】 Hype 英:Loud advertising and promotion 中:大作广告

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【句子对照】 He took French leave during the dinner party. 宴会上他不辞而别。 【关键俚语】 French leave 英:leaving without saying goodbye. 中:不辞而别

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【句子对照】 I did a 15-week crash course in typing. 我参加了一个15周打字速成班。 【关键俚语】 crash course 英:concentrated, short term course 中:速成班

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