Chapter Two The Witch Museum 第二章 巫师博物馆 School finishes at 3:30 p.m. 学校下午3:30放学。 Kelly and Megan meet their friends outside. 凯丽和梅格恩在校外与朋友见面。 Do you have any ideas for Halloween party? Kelly a

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The Origins of Halloween 万圣节起源 Date: 22 AD. Place: British Isles 时间:公元22年。地点:不列颠群岛 Hello, my name is Brennus. I'm a Celt and a pagan. 大家好,我的名字叫布伦努斯。我是一名凯尔特人,是异教

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Chapter Three September 22, 1692 第三章 那年那一天 There is no school on Saturday. 周日不用上课。 It is a cloudy autumn day. 那天是多云的秋日。 Autumn is usually a beautiful season in Salem. 通常,萨勒姆的秋天是一个非

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Chapter Four The Abandoned House 第四章 废弃的古宅 Megan looks at the old house and says, Look at the writing above the door: HOME OF ABIGAIL CROSS OCTOBER 31, 1627 - SEPTEMBER 22, 1692 梅格恩看了看古宅说,看,这门上写了东西:

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Chapter Five Halloween Costumes 第五章 万圣节服装 Megan, Kelly and Susan go back to the big room. 梅格恩、凯丽和苏珊回到大房间。 They look at the old portrait. They don't like it. 她们看了看古老的肖像。她们不喜欢它

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Salem Halloween Cookies 万圣节饼干 It's fun to organize a Halloween party in your home. It's easy too! 在你家里组织万圣节聚会是很有趣的。也很简单! First, find a big room you can use. 首先,找一间你可以用的大房间

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Chapter Six Mysterious Names 第六章 神秘的名字 The girls look at the floor. 女孩们看了看地板。 This floor is very dirty. It is made of stone and it's difficult to clean. 地板很脏。这是由石头做成的,很难清扫干净。

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Chapter Seven The House of Horrors 第七章 恐怖大宅院 The five friends meet at eight that evening. 五个朋友在那天晚上见面了。 Everyone has a scary costume. 每个人都穿上了恐怖的服装。 Bill is a vampire. Nick is a skele

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The girls talk about the party. 女孩们在讨论这个聚会。 How many chairs are there? asks Kelly. There are eight chairs, answers Megan. 那里有几张椅子?凯丽问。有八张椅子。梅格恩回答到。 We must bring chairs from home

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Kelly's heart is beating fast. 凯丽心跳加速。 Her legs can't move. She has no voice. 她的双腿动弹不得。她发不出声音了。 Abigail Cross touches Kelly with her cold hand. 阿比盖尔克劳斯用她冰冷的手触碰着凯丽。

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Chapter Eight Fire! 第八章 午夜起大火 Suddenly the decorations on the wall start moving! 突然,墙上的装饰品开始动了。 The bats are flying around the room. 蝙蝠在房间到处飞。 They are making strange noises. 它们发出奇

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Bill carries Kelly outside. 比尔带着凯丽到了外面。 Is everyone here? asks Nick. 所有人都在吗?尼克问。 He counts. There are twenty people. 他数了数。有20个人。 The fire destroys the house and the evil ghosts inside. 大火

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