THE LITTLE TOY LAND OF THE DUTCH 荷兰小人国 Away, 'way off 'cross the seas and such 跨越千山万水,漂洋过海, Lies the little fiat land of the Dutch, Dutch, Dutch, 来到这片土地,荷兰,荷兰,荷兰, Where the green toy m
A BACKWARD LOOK 向后看 Just think of the long journey you have taken! 想想你们走过的漫长旅程吧! In only a few days you have visited five different countries. 在短短几天内,你访问了五个不同的国家。 Can you name them
Out in the alley water ran like a river, 巷外水流不息, and the straw roof of the ricksha man's house dripped rain from every corner 黄包车夫家的草棚四处滴落着雨水 and all along each side like a very big umbrella. 每边都搭上草
All the ricksha men say tomorrow will be clear, said Father. 所有黄包车夫都说明天会变晴。父亲说。 I hope so, for already I have used six pairs of straw sandals and lost them all. 希望如此,因为我已经穿了六双草鞋,全都
He was wondering if he might try to climb a new side of the mountain this afternoon. 莫尼在想他下午是不是可以试着爬到他未曾去过的山的另一侧。 It would be fun to lead the goats high up to the Three Dragon Stones, where the
How long they would have been standing there I do not know, 如果格雷特苏丹没有及时赶上去, if the Great Sultan had not caught up to them just in time to see what was happening. 看到正在发生的事情的话,不知道他们还要在
Moni reached her side and stood listening also. Suddenly he heard a faint bleat. 莫尼来到她的身边,也站在那里听。他突然听到了一阵微弱的咩咩声。 It was Meggie's voice coming up from below, a pitiful and frightened call f
When he looked up at poor Meggie, she seemed to be very high above him. 当他往上看可怜的梅吉时,她好像在他上面很高的位置。 Moni saw that it was going to be hard to reach the young goat, 莫尼知道他很难到达小山羊那里
Soon Tonino and Mameto heard a gay sound of music, and a minute later they were on the Grand Place of Vence, 不久托尼诺和玛莫听到了欢快的音乐,一分钟后他们到达旺斯大广场 which is about five times as big as the Grand Plac
How exciting that would be! Mameto agreed that any donkey would have to run fast to beat Tintourlet. 那将是多么令人兴奋的一件事啊!玛莫认为,驴只有跑得快才能打败丁图莱特。 But first, she said, it must be decided how
Tonino felt a little worried. This pottery was ever so much more beautiful than any that the children in Nouvilo decorated, 托尼诺有点担心,这家店里的陶器比以往Nouvilo的孩子装饰的陶器更漂亮, and the cups and the bowls w
What cunning cups and saucers those are, she said. Where did you get them? 这些杯子和碟子多可爱啊,她说。你从哪儿弄来的? She was surprised when Tonino told her that he had made them all himself; 当托尼诺告诉她,这些都
When it was all counted and packed, the pottery-lady told Tonino to hold out his hand while she counted out the money to pay for it. 当一切都清点完毕并收拾好后,陶器店女士叫托尼诺伸出手来,她数出要付的钱。 Tonino h
Tonino had never before eaten so many different things at one meal. 托尼诺以前从来没有吃过这么多东西。 First, there were olives and radishes and little sardines. 首先是橄榄、萝卜和小沙丁鱼。 Then they had stuffed tomato
After that he and Mameto went to the booths, where one could buy nice presents. 之后,他和玛莫去摊位瞅了瞅,在那里可以买到漂亮的礼物。 It was hard to choose among so many beautiful things. 东西都很漂亮,很难决定买
THE DONKEY RACE 驴赛 There were ten donkeys entered for the race; some of them looked very spick and span, 参加比赛的有十头驴;有些看起来干净整洁, with beautiful saddles and stirrups and reins. 戴着漂亮的马鞍、马镫和缰
It would take too long to tell you all about the dinner that Tonino and Mameto had at the Golden Pigeon that night. 将托尼诺和玛莫那天晚上在金鸽子饭店吃的晚餐全部说出得花些时间。 The innkeeper was so proud because the w
TING FANG WINS THE SANDAL RACE 方廷赢得便鞋比赛 Dorothy Rowe 多萝西罗伊 China seems far, far away, and its people seem very strange to us; 中国似乎是个遥远的地方,中国人民对我们来说很陌生; but Chinese boys and g
TONINO TAKES HIS POTTERY TO THE FAIR 托尼诺带着陶器去集市 Helen Hill and Violet Maxwell 海伦希尔、维奥莱特麦克斯韦 Tonino and his sister, Nanou, lived in the little old town of Nouvilo in southeastern France. 托尼诺和他的妹
WHISPERERS 低语的树儿 CLINTON SCOLLARD 克林顿斯科拉德 Whenever I go up or down 无论何时,或往或返, Along the roadway into town, 在通往城镇的道路上, I hear a busy whispering there 我总能听到絮絮的低语, Amo
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- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第17期:过关 Customs
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- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第47期:散步
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第30期:租自行车
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第16期:证照查验 Immigration
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第17期:过关 Customs
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第18期:服务台 Information Desk
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第39期:最后一顿早餐
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第32期:林布兰博物馆
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第33期:鹿特丹
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第34期:海牙
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第36期:在公园
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- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第42期:停车加油
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