文本: Catwoman:Which one lets me out of here alive? Two-Face:Not this one.Time to die! Catwoman:I vote for a stay of execution.No gun,Harv? Shame.This is gonna hurt. Two-Face:__(2)__,bitch! Catwoman:And I thought it was cats who have nine lives.H
文本: Myron Faulke:This is Director Faulke to all XCOM _(1)_ remaining in the field.In the event that you are receiving this transmission,it means that I have issued a Code Alpha evacuation order.Do not approach the area known as Site X.Consider
文本: Victoria: What's up, Kate? Kate: School. Taylor: That's it? Victoria: That video of you clubbing didn't look like homework... Kate: Victoria, that wasn't me... Taylor: Oh my God. Right. Victoria: Don't be shy. I think it's awesome you set a
文本: Max: Oh no, not again. Why is this happening to me? Why am I here again? Max: October 11th? Is this Friday! That's only four days away... Oh no... That tornado is headed straight for the town... Chloe... you're here. I'm back. Oh my Lord. T
文本: David: I'm sick of your disrespect! Tell me the truth, that's an order! Whose is it? Chloe: Stop treating me and my mom like we're your family platoon. David: Hey, leave Joyce out of this. Chloe: I wish you'd leave Joyce. Like now. David: C
文本: Chloe: My room looks a bit different than the last time you saw it. Max: It's cool. At least we can chill out. Chloe: This isn't exactly my chill out zone ...My step-fuhrer makes sure of that. Come in and close the door. Put on some music w
文本: Max: Man, Nathan Prescott is messed up. And dangerous... This day never ends... Chole: Oh, and thanks, Chloe! After five years you're still Max Caulfield. Don't give me the guilty face. At least pretend you're ___(1)___. Max: I am seriously
文本: David: ...so don't think I'm blind! I see everything here at Blackwell! Do you understand what I'm saying? Kate: No, and leave me alone! Max: Hey, why don't you leave her alone? David: Excuse us, this is official campus business-- Max: Exc
文本: Max: Uh...hey, Victoria... Victoria: What do you want, Max? Max: I am sorry. That's an _(1)_ cashmere coat... Victoria: It was. But there will be another. Max: Well, you always seem to know how to pick the right outfits. Victoria: I do have
文本: Max: I need to go to my room and return Warren's __(1)__. Victoria: Oh look, it's Max Caulfield, the selfie ho of Blackwell. What a lame gimmick. Even Mark --Mr. Jefferson-- falls for your waif hipster bullshit. The Daguerreian Process, Sir
文本: Principal Wells: Or have you done something wrong... Is that it? Well, Max? Talk to me. Max: I just got sick in class... Um, __(1)__-- Principal Wells: Except you're wandering around like a zombie. And do you think that's the first time a s
Max: Whoa! What the fuck...? How? How can that be? I was in the bathroom... He shot that poor girl... ...I held up my hand... and then I was back here. I already heard this lecture... Now Kate is being _(1)_ again... And if Victoria's phone rings...
Max:Welcome to the real world. I need a serious time out in the bathroom. Splash water on my face and make sure I don't look like a __(1)__. Empty. Good. Nobody can see my meltdown. Except for me. Just relax. Stop torturing yourself. You have a gift.
文本: Max:Where am I? What's happening? I'm trapped in a storm? How did I get here? ...and where is here? Wait...There's the _(1)_...I'll be safe if I can make it there...I hope...Please let me make it there...Holy shit! Whoa! No! That was so sur
文本: Origin:Origin Is The Truuuuuuu-u-u-u-u-thhhhhh. Angela Weaver:Stand down.Now it is complete. Councilman:...and then what happened? Angela Weaver:The ship was ours.The Ethereal and I __(1)__ to Mosaic network.Every last Outsider on Earth was
文本: Chloe: This song fucking rules! Can't dance, hippie? Come on! Rawk out, girl! Yes! Break it down, Max! David: Chloe, are you up there? Chloe: Yo, ____(1)____! David: How many times have I told you to stop blasting that punk shit? Chloe: Dud
文本: Max: Damn, ___(1)___. Chloe: You saved me again. Crazy. Now we're totally bonded for life! Max: You okay? Chloe: I got splinters in my ass and leg, so I wish there was a less violent way for you to save me... And now the trains can't get to
文本: Max: Please... Please step back. Frank: You're kidding. Put that down. Come on, girlie. Shoot me. Oh Christ. You're more like Abbot and Costello. Nice piece. I'll consider this interest on your loan. Thanks. You have until Friday to pay me.
文本: Max: How about aiming for the left tire? Chloe: Adios, spinning wheel of death... Ubercool. I cannot believe this is for reals. My best friend is a _(1)_! Now it's your turn to bust a cap! Max: I don't know... Chloe: Max, your nose. Damn...
文本: Chloe: So go ahead, chat up Kate Marsh from Blackwell. I've got other people to hang out with too. Max: Hey Kate, what's up? Chloe: Please, don't let your best friend get in the way. Max: You okay? I promise, Kate. I won't forget. I _(1)_.
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