Arrears and foreclosures 拖欠期款与丧失抵押品赎回权 Staving off the repo man 阻止回购者 丧失抵押品赎回权.jpg When the global housing boom turned to bust, mortgage arrears spiked. In America, the proportion of troubled loans
Television in America 美国电视产业 The bandit of broadcast 广播电视业界的强盗 The Supreme Court's decision on Aereo may affect more than the TV business 最高法院将对Aereo案件进行裁决,而其影响范围或许会超出电视产
Airbnb versus hotels 租房网VS旅馆 Room for all, for now 人人有房,就是现在 But there are signs that the sharing site is starting to threaten budget hotels 有信号显示住房分享网站开始威胁快捷酒店 EVEN as they lobby regu
Technology firms 科技公司 Status shift 地位逆转 Investors have unfriended some high-tech stars 投资者对一些高科技明星公司的态度已不再友好 GOOGLE splashed out an undisclosed sum of money on April 14th to buy Titan Aerospac
Made in Spain 西班牙制造 A pressing issue 迫在眉睫 The government frets about foreign hands on the nation's olive-presses 外国人插手本国橄榄油产业让政府很不安 These are Spanish, not Italian 这些是产自西班牙的橄榄,
Structural reform in southern Europe 南欧的结构性改革 Patchy progress 进展参差不齐 Some signs of improvement. Must try harder 改革小有成效,同志仍需努力 CYPRUS is suffering a vicious recession as it struggles to adjust afte
Post-office banking 邮政银行 Put your money where your mail is 邮件在哪儿,钱就在哪儿 America's postal service ponders a foray into financial services 美邮政业或将涉足金融业 WITH a workforce of just over 491,000 in 2013, the
Finance and economics 财经商业 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac 房利美与房地美 Deconstruction delays 关闭计划或搁浅 A flawed reform of America's housing-finance market 存在缺陷的美国房屋金融市场改革 房利美.jpg A RARE are
Business 商业报道 Facebook and virtual reality 脸谱网与虚拟现实 A game of goggles 一场头戴式3D眼镜的赌博 The social network makes another expensive bet on the future 社交网络又向未来押了一笔高昂赌注 AT SXSW, a te
Finance and economics 财经商业 Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa 非洲撒哈拉以南地区就业状况 Sorry, no vacancies 抱歉,暂无空缺 Why African firms create so few jobs 为何非洲公司创造的就业机会如此之少 AFRICAN bus
Finance and economics 财经商业 Copper 铜 Broken contacts 破碎的联系 Finance, not economics, may explain copper's recent plunge 金融市场而非经济状况造成了近期的铜价下滑 THE copper price has long been held to signal the st
Business 商业报道 Crowdsourcing Monopoly 众包强手棋 The Mayfair shuffle 梅菲尔洗牌 One of the world's largest toymakers tests the wisdom of crowds 世界最大的玩具制造商之一体验众包智慧! IN 1904 a young American named
Business 商业报道 General Motors woes 通用的悲鸣 What do you recall? 你召回什么? GM is forced to confront its faults 通用被迫面对它的错误 WHEN Mary Barra took the wheel at General Motors in January she inherited a company in
Business 商业报道 German firms in Russia 俄罗斯与德企 Lovers, not fighters 爱人,不是敌人 German exporters are pushing back against economic sanctions on Russia 德国的出口商抵制对俄罗斯的经济制裁 DIPLOMATS wonder if
Business 商业报道 Corporate alumni 公司校友 Gone but not forgotten 离开但不会被忘记 More firms are seeking to stay in touch with former staff 更多的公司正在积极尝试和以前的员工保持联系 COMPANIES do not like to be
Finance and economics 财经商业 China's currency 中国货币 One way no more 只有一条路可走 Why China's central bank is weakening its currency 为什么中国的中央银行正在弱化它的货币 CHINA'S currency has long been a source o
Business 商业报道 Schumpeter 熊彼得 The enemy within 家贼难防 Fraud within companies is a risk that can never be eliminated, just managed 企业内部的欺诈行为是一种无法杜绝的风险,只能控制 BUSINESS has always been pla
Business 商业报道 South Korea's internet giant 韩国互联网巨头 Now or Naver 机不可失 At home, South Korea's biggest web portal has thrashed Yahoo and kept Google at bay. 在国内市场,韩国最大的门户网站Naver已经击败了雅
Business 商业报道 Corporate Governance 公司治理 Anything you can do, Icahn do better 无论你做什么,伊坎总能做得比你好 The pressure on companies from activist shareholders continues to grow 激进投资人对公司的压力正与
Business 商业报道 Electric cars 电动汽车 Fully charged 马力十足 Tesla gains new admirers as it heads towards the mass market 面向大众市场,特斯拉赢得许多新的追随者 IF COMFORTABLY outpacing your rivals is the main measur
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