Parallax 视差就是从有一定距离的两个点上观察同一个目标所产生的方向差异。从目标看两个点之间的夹角,叫做这两个点的视差,两点之间的距离称作基线。只要知道视差角度和基线长度,就
The Front End of the Earth 火流星看上去非常明亮,像条闪闪发光的巨大火龙,发着沙沙的响声,有时还有爆炸声。有的火流星甚至在白天也能看到。火流星的出现是因为它的流星体质量较大(质量大
Zippy Aliens 爱因斯坦的狭义相对论认为物体的运动速度越接近光速,时间越慢。在1971年,物理学家理查德基廷和乔伊哈夫勒验证了这个假想。他们将4个极为精确的原子钟放在一架普通航行的飞
Gun Silencers 所谓消声手枪也不可能是完全无声,只是将声音尽量降低。手枪的消声方法有很多. 手枪的声音主要来自子弹出膛,空气冲出枪口是巨大的压力对外面的空气引起的冲击震动.消声器是
Sinking River Deltas 据《生活科学》网站报道,美国科学家最新的研究报告显示,由于人类活动的影响,世界上大部分的河流三角洲正在不断下沉,使得该地区更易遭受到洪水和海洋风暴的袭击,
Prune Skin 当在浴缸中浸泡过久后,我们的皮肤表层(表皮)吸收了一定水分,于是我们的肌肤看起来就会像老太太的一样了。手和脚的皮肤比身体其他部分的皮肤略厚,所以它们的变化也更引人
Who Believes in Vampires? 吸血鬼,傳說中永生不老的超自然不死生物。吸血鬼的典型形象和特征是:牙齒尖長,皮膚白皙,眼睛发红。吸血鬼害怕照射到陽光,在太陽下會烧起来变成灰。但是也认为
The Bloated Look of the Starving 饥饿性水肿,脂肪和肌肉丢失而使细胞外液体增多,组织张力降低,皮肤失去弹性。快要饿死的人,都是肚子大大的。 Its one of the most painful aspects of starvation to witness: th
Why Frisbees Fly With a gentle flick of the wrist on a warm summer day, you can launch a frisbee on a long and graceful flight. Why do they fly so well? One reason is something called gyroscopic force. This is the tendency of a spinning object to mai
For Minnows, A Suicidal Survival Strategy 北美多种小型鱼类,特别是鲤科(Cyprinidae)鱼类的总称。亦指荫鱼科(Umbridae)和鱂科(Cyprinodontidae)鱼类,minnow一词又泛指许多大型鱼类的幼鱼。北美的鲤科米诺鱼包
Mans Best Friendin All Shapes and Sizes Scientists are making great strides in understanding the genes that allow such a wide range of shapes, sizes and personalities in different dog breeds. Did you know domestic dogs were bred from wolves about 15,
Sugar bowls and hole 孔隙是岩土固体矿物颗粒间的空间。岩土中直径大于1毫米、重力水可于其中自由运动的孔隙,是大孔隙(macro-pore,large pore)。岩土中直径为0.01~1毫米、重力水和毛管水可存其
Airplane Contrails Have you ever seen a perfectly cloudless sky? Cloudlessthat isexcept for two or three long white lines smeared across the perfect blue sky by airplanes like smudges on a pane of glass. Why do airplanes sometimes leave contrails beh
Terrestrial Planet Finder 瑞士科学家米歇尔梅耶带领欧洲科学家小组宣布发现了一颗新的可能适宜人类居住的星球,现在,他又制定了更大的目标:寻找地外生命的迹象。该发现小组的成员斯蒂凡尤
Megaphones If you want to call to a friend half a block down a crowded street, you might cup your hands around your mouth to better aim your voice. Have you ever wondered why simple megaphonesamplify your voice so well? Actually, they work for two di
Zits Versus Hairy Faces 痤疮是发生在毛囊皮脂腺的慢性皮肤病,发生的因素多种多样,但最直接的因素就是毛孔堵塞。毛孔堵塞以后,毛囊里面的油脂排不出来,越积越多就形成一个个小痘痘,青
Lying to a Machine 不说谎的人觉得它很神秘,说谎的人觉得它很可怕,这就是神奇的测谎仪。面对不断攀升的犯罪,善良的人们总是期望借助科学的灵丹妙药,将所有犯罪分子手到擒来。测谎技术
Gender-Jumping Toads 美国研究人员说,常用除草剂阿特拉津会令雄蛙变性为雌蛙。美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校研究人员把40只雄性非洲爪蛙放入阿特拉津浓度为10亿分之2.5的水中,发现90%雌性化
EIGHTY-NINE Chapter 13 LEVIN remembered a recent scene between Dolly and her children. Left by themselves, the children had started cooking raspberries over a candle, and pouring jets of milk into their mouths. When their mother caught them at this p
EIGHTY-SIX That review was followed by dead silence both in print and in conversation concerning the book, and Koznyshev saw that his six years work, carried out with so much devotion and labour, was entirely thrown away. His position was the more pa
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第30期:租自行车
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第16期:证照查验 Immigration
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第17期:过关 Customs
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第18期:服务台 Information Desk
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- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第30期:租自行车
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第16期:证照查验 Immigration
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第17期:过关 Customs
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第18期:服务台 Information Desk
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- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第42期:停车加油
- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第43期:使用道路地图
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- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第47期:散步