EIGHTY-SEVEN Chapter 5 IN the slanting shadow of a pile of sacks heaped up on the platform, Vronsky, in a long overcoat, his hat pulled down low and his hands in his pockets, was walking up and down like an animal in a cage, turning sharply every twe
EIGHTY-EIGHT Chapter 10 WHEN Levin thought about what he was and why he lived, he could find no answer and was driven to despair; but when he left off asking himself those questions, he seemed to know what he was and why he lived, for he acted and li
NINETY Chapter 16 KOZNYSHEV, an experienced dialectician, did not rejoin but immediately turned the conversation into another region. Well, if you want to gauge the national spirit arithmetically, of course that is very difficult to do! Voting has no
War and Peace - Book One: 1805 by Leo Tolstoy Chapter 1 - Anna Scherers soiree Well, Prince, so Genoa and Lucca are now just family estates of the Buonapartes. But I warn you, if you dont tell me that this means war, if you still try to defend the in
EIGHTY-FOUR Chapter 27 GONE! Is it finished? said Anna to herself as she stood by the window; and in answer to that question, the impressions left by the darkness when her candle went out and by the terrible dream, merging into one, filled her heart
EIGHTY-FIVE Chapter 30 THERE, again it is that girl! Again I understand it all, Anna said to herself as soon as the carriage started and, rocking slightly, rattled over the stones; and again different impressions succeeded one another in her brain. W
EIGHTY-THREE Chapter 25 FEELING that they were entirely reconciled, next morning Anna began actively to make preparations for their move, Though it was not settled whether they would go on the Monday or on the Tuesday, as each the night before had yi
EIGHTY-TWO Chapter 22 OBLONSKY felt completely puzzled by the strange and novel language he was listening to. Generally the complications of Petersburg life had an exhilarating effect on him, lifting him out of the Moscow stagnation. But he liked and
EIGHTY-ONE Chapter 20 AS was his wont, Oblonsky did not spend his time idly while in Petersburg. Besides business his sisters divorce and his post it was as usual necessary for him, as he said, to refresh himself in Petersburg after the mustiness of
EIGHTY Chapter 17 OBLONSKYS affairs were in a bad state. Two-thirds of the money for the forest had already been spent, and by allowing a discount of ten per cent, he had obtained from the merchant almost the whole of the last third. But the latter w
SEVENTY-NINE Levin got home just as the Princess arrived, and they met at the bedroom door. There were tears in the Princesss eyes and her hands shook. When she saw Levin she embraced him and began to cry. Well, Mary Vlasevna, darling? she asked, sei
SEVENTY-EIGHT Chapter 12 WHEN her visitors had taken their leave Anna did not sit down, but began pacing up and down the room. Though she had involuntarily done all in her power to awaken love in Levin (as at that time she always did to all the young
SEVENTY-SEVEN Chapter 9 THE Oblonsky carriage! shouted the hall-porter in a stern bass. The carriage drove up and they got in. Only for the first few moments, while they were leaving the courtyard of the club, did Levin retain that sense of club calm
SIXTY-TWO PART SIX Chapter 1 DOLLY and her children were spending the summer with her sister Kitty at Pokrovsk. The house on her own estate was quite dilapidated, so Levin and his wife persuaded her to spend the summer with them. Oblonsky quite appro
SIXTY-THREE And you? What are you dissatisfied with? she said with the same smile. Her disbelief in his dissatisfaction with himself was pleasant, and unconsciously he challenged her to give reasons for her disbelief. I am happy, but dissatisfied wit
SIXTY-FOUR Chapter 7 LEVIN did not return until they called him to supper. On the stairs stood Kitty and Agatha Mikhaylovna, deliberating what wines to serve. But why all this fuss? Serve the same as usual. No, Stiva does not drink it . . . Kostya! W
SIXTY-FIVE Now you go, and I will remain with the horses, he said. A sportsmans jealousy was beginning to torment Levin. He handed the reins to Veslovsky and went into the marsh. Laska, who had long been whining plaintively, as if complaining of the
SIXTY-SIX Hasnt the fresh hay a strong scent! remarked Oblonsky, sitting up. Nothing will make me sleep. Vasenka is up to something out there. Dont you hear the laughter and his voice? Shant we go too? Lets! No, I am not going, answered Levin. Maybe
SIXTY-SEVEN Well then, Princess, let it be just as you think best, he said, turning away. Heavy is the Autocrats crown! [a quotation from Pushkins Boris Godunov] said Oblonsky banteringly, evidently alluding not only to the Princesss conversation, bu
SIXTY-EIGHT Is it much further, Michael? she asked the clerk, to dispel the thoughts that frightened her. They say its seven versts from this village. The calche was descending the village street to a small bridge. A crowd of merry peasant women, wit
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