When we announce that Bill Nye would be here to address you 我们宣布比尔奈要来演讲后 Boston Magazine called him the region's best commencement speaker 波士顿杂志将他称为区域最佳毕业典礼演讲嘉宾 And the Today Show high
Our human population has risen significantly 这时 人类人口大幅增加了 It went from one and three quarters to 2.3 billion just a couple of decades 仅仅二三十年时间 从17.5亿增加到了23亿 As a boy at the New York Worlds Fair in 1
And by the time you all reach your billionth second here on earth when you're a little over six months into your 31st year 你们也会等到十亿位变动的那一刻到时你们大约是31岁半过一点 We will probably be over 9 billion and perh
We will never run out of fossil fuels we'll never use it all up, not for centuries 化石燃料将永远烧不完几个世纪都用不完 Sure, there is less oil and less especially of that really sweet Appalachian crude than there ever used to be 没错
People in other parts of the world in the factories of India and China 在世界其它地方 例如印度和中国的工厂 are facing the same problems and clamoring for the same kinds of improvement in their air 当地也面临着相同问题 也希望
For me this point of view is just heartbreaking 在我看来这种观点太让人伤心了 The United States leads the world in technology and in big ideas 美国领导着世界科技 领导着大思想 We do not sit by and let other country show us
Here in the United States less than a thirdof our fellow citizens 在美国只有不超过1/3的公民 Have acknowledged the troubles that lieahead 认识到了未来的麻烦 We have to engage in 我们需要参与进来 We have to bring them around
Wind turbines are cool. You're going to love them 风力发电机很酷 你们会爱上它们 They'll be a source of pride 它们将是自豪的来源 The solar cell that powers my never winded watch 为我这块不用上发条的手表提供电能 I
The best scientific exploration sounded like a fairytale. 当时最好的科学理论就像是童话故事。 My second grade teacher Mrs. McGonigle read it to us. 我的二年级老师麦戈尼格尔女士告诉我们。 The dinosaurs had small brai
Skyrocketed to over 50 cents a liter 2 dollars a gallon, everybody 猛涨到50多美分一升2美元一加仑 大伙 Now we're the last country 我们是最后一个国家 I'm hoping someday we'll get leaders in gasoline as well as other things 我希望
So first, let's take on big meaningful projects. 首先,让我们来说说做有意义的项目。 Our generation is gonna have to deal with tens of millions of jobs replaced by automation like self-driving cars and trucks. 我们这一代将不得不
Anyone working on a big vision is gonna get called crazy, even if you end up right. 任何为了更大愿景工作的人都可能会被称为疯子,即使你最终获得成功。 Anyone taking on a complex problem is gonna get blamed for not fully
But I know too many people who haven't the chance to pursue their dreams, 但是我知道很多人不敢追求梦想, because they didn't have a cushion to fall back on if they failed. 因为一旦他们失败,就什么都没了。 We all know yo
The second is redefining our idea of equality, so everyone has the freedom to pursue their purpose. 第二件事是,重新定义平等,让每个人都有追求他们目标的自由。 Now, many of our parents had stable jobs throughout their care
And yes, giving everyone the freedom to pursue purpose isn't gonna be free. 是的,赋予每个人追求目标的自由,这并不是免费的。 People like me should pay for it. 像我这样的人理应为此付费。 And a lot of you gonna do r
I shared stories of my time in school, and they shared their hope that one day they would get to go to college too. 我向他们分享了我读书时的故事,他们分享了对走进大学深造的渴望。 For five years, Ive had dinner with thos
We understand that the great arc of human history bends towards people coming together in ever greater numbers, 回顾历史,历史的车轮总是青睐于更大基数的集体, from tribes to cities to nations -- to achieve things that we couldn
We all get a lot meaning from our communities. 我们都从我们的社群中获得很多的意义。 Whether our communities are houses or sports teams, churches or ** groups, 无论我们的社群是邻里社区还是运动小组,教堂或**团体。
David is a former city councilor who fought to make Mexico City the first Latin American city to pass marriage equalityeven before San Francisco. 大卫是前墨西哥市的议员,他领导了一场使墨西哥城成为第一个通过婚姻平等法案
I was blown away. Here is a young guy who has every reason to be cynical. 我被震撼到了。这个本该是个完全可以愤世嫉俗的年轻人。 He wasn't sure if the country he calls homethe only one he's knownwas gonna deny him his dream of
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