Then, what did you do next? 那么,接下来你们怎么做的? We made more. 我们干劲倍增。 We worked harder. 并且更加努力。 We said: This is great. Lets do more. 我们曾经说过:这事儿挺不错, 让我们做得更棒些。
How do you find talented people? Do you have a special way? 苹果怎样寻找人才?有没有什么特殊渠道? When I hire somebody really senior,competence is the ante. 我要招一个高级员工的时候, 能力是我所看重的。 The
Were Still the Most Profitable Producer 我们仍然是受益最多的生产商 Did you wait too long to come back? 早就等不及要回来了吗? I probably could have come back a little bit sooner, 我原本大概可以早一点回来, but I d
Dell was famous for its low-cost approachfor its direct-sales model via Internet and telephone. 戴尔因其低成本而闻名采用网络和电话直销形式。 Is that still an advantage today? 现在这依然是一个优势吗? We are 10 times
Most of your growth, though, is likely to come in quickly developing countries like China. 你们多数成就是在发展迅速的国家,如在中国取得的。 What is your strategy there? 你们在这些国家有怎样的战略? We just introd
How do you look at the last quarter? 你如何看待上一季度的表现? What we said was that the quarter showed some strength in US search and performance display, but more weakness in branded, 我们讲到第三季度美国市场上的搜索业
Of course, I cant imagine advertisers are going to say were going to juice up spending soon, and so were assuming a lengthy period of weakness. 当然,广告客户也不太可能在现在这种情形下增加开支,所以我们假定会有一段长
And, in this uncertain environment, I think I am absolutely the right person. 在这种不确切的环境下,我想我绝对是合适的人选。 Times like this require a leader who really understands this company and its customers,and I think I
Where did you grow up, and what you were like as a kid? 你在哪长大的?你小的时候是什么样子的? I was born in Paris, France. I lived there until I was six years old actually, and I went to bilingual school as I was growing up during
How would you describe yourself as a kid? 你怎样来描述自己小时候的样子? I was actually interested in gadgets, little electronic gadgets. 实际上,我对小装置很感兴趣,小的电子装置。 Whether it was calculators一actu
Were you a good student? 你是一个好学生吗? I was one of these guys that didnt really study, so I dont think I was a good student. 我是那种基本不学习的学生,所以我并不认为自己是一个好学生。 I am very proud to say
Did you pass gym? 那体育考试通过了吗? Good question. I dont know if I failed gym or not. I dont think I failed. 好问题。我也不知道我的体 育成绩是否及格了。我想应该及格了。 It sounds like even then you were kind
Was there ever any doubt in your mind that computer science was what you wanted to do? 你对自己想要从事计算机科学这个行业有过任何的怀疑吗? I always wanted to be involved with computers. 我一直想跟计算机打交道。
That changes everybodys perspective, I think. And we think we can be opportunistic. 那会改变很多人的立场,我觉得我们可以做一个机会主义者。 We have not bought back stock. Right now our stock is very cheap, but we think havin
How Do We Deal with Roadblocks 我们如何排除万难 How do you deal with roadblocks? 你们是如何排除万难的? At Pixar when we were making Toy Story, 当我们在皮克斯公司制作《玩具总动员》的时候, there came a time wh
So how did it happen that you created Craigslist? 是什么促使你创立Craigslist网站? The effort started in 1994 when I was at Charles Schwab, working then on overall security architecture. 那是在1994年,那时我还在嘉信理财,负责
Were just starting. We have to improve technologies like multicity search. 我们才刚刚开始。我们需要提高某些技术,如多城市搜索。 In some cases, we need to be able to search in nearby cities rather than doing multiple searches
I understand, but the apartment brokers who we charge asked us to charge them 我明白你的意思,但纽约的房屋中介主动要求我们收费, because they figured it would cut down on the perceived need to post and repost the same places 这
How did you not suffer the fate of many businesses that make unsuccessful changes, then never recover their initial momentum and eventually shut down? 很多企业因为不成功的改变无法恢复最初的动力,最终导致关门,你是如何从
Later on in 1995, I remembered that I was a programmer 1995年后期,我想起我是个程序员, and that I could turn code into HTML, so i would be able to do instant publishing. 可以写超文字标记语言,我可以将这些列表即时发表
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