Carl下课,看到室友Benny买东西刚回来,好象很兴奋。 Benny: Hey Carl! Check this out! I just picked up three brand-new Hollywood movies...they haven't even been released in theaters yet! Carl: mean they're counterfeit copies
Benny买了便宜的盗版影碟,他室友Carl觉得这样做无异于盗窃。Benny争辩说, B: Come on. If you steal, it means you hurt someone, right? When I buy fake DVDs, who am I hurting? C: Actually, lots of people. Movie and software com
美国驻中国员工Tiffany 跟中国同事Kelly聊天儿。 Kelly Yan: So Tiffany, you've been working with us here in China for a few months now. Are you still feeling culture shock? Tiffany Scolini: Yes, a bit. But it's much better than the first
Robert正在向中国来的同事Penny介绍理解和掌握单词的经验。 R: You could buy an English-language magazine about news or fashion. Read through the articles and underline and look up the words you don't know. Then read the article or
来自中国的雇员Dana跟同事Charlie聊天儿,说自己要去美国朋友家过圣诞节。 Dana: Hey Charlie, you're from Boston right? C: Yeah, I'm from Newton. It's a suburb of Boston. D: I'm going to be visiting your hometown for Christmas
来自中国的雇员Dana跟同事Charlie聊天儿,说自己要去美国朋友家过圣诞节,请Charlie给她讲讲美国人过圣诞的习俗。 D: Would you say Christmas is the most popular American holiday? C: Definitely. It's a really big d
来自中国的雇员Dana跟同事Charlie聊天儿,说自己要去美国朋友家过圣诞,请Charlie给她讲讲美国人过圣诞的习俗。 D: I've heard that some Americans celebrate and open presents on Christmas Eve, while others choose Ch
Jim在走廊上遇到同事Claire,跟Claire打招呼。 Jim:Hey Claire, you've been really quiet these last few days. Is something wrong? Claire:I've been really stressed. It's the end of the year and I've got so much stuff to do! I feel like I'm d
Claire最近工作压力大,我们听听Jim告诉Claire该如何减压。 J:There are lots of options for dealing with stress. What do you find works for you? C:I have no idea. I've tried ginseng, herbal teas...nothing seems to work. J:Oh, look...t
来自中国的雇员Penny跟同事Robert聊天儿。 Penny Liu: Hey, Robert! I was listening to you speak Chinese at the presentation yesterday! You're fluent! Robert: Oh, that's kind of you to say, but in reality I'm just able to hold a conversatio
陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他这两天遇到了感情困扰,去找美国同事Amy讨个主意。 (Office ambience) C:Amy, 我有点私事儿想请教你。 A:What is it, Chen Hao? C:销售部来了一个新的女同事,叫Ka
下班等公车遇到同事Susan , 问Susan明天公司开万圣节派对准备穿什么,Susan说中国不过万圣节,只有鬼月,不知道二者是不是差不多。Lenny 回答说, Halloween essentially the same thing as gho
Lenny说服同事Susan去参加万圣节派对,Susan不知道该穿什么,Lenny说, L: Back when I was a kid, everyone came dressed as a ghost or a mummy or a vampire. These days there are lots of costumes available and people try their best to
Ken早上在饮水器旁见到同事Dan和April. K: Good morning, Dan. Good morning, April. Damp;A: Hi, Ken. Good morning. K: So...have you heard the big news? A: No! Tell us! K: Well, you know Jason Smith? D: You mean our company's Chief Financial O
Ken早上在饮水器旁见到同事Dan和April,谈起公司首席财务官Jason Smith参与庞式骗局被抓起来的事情。Dan问罪名严不严重。 D:So how serious are these charges? A:He could end up serving a very long prison term. These
Ann. 陈豪刚从大学毕业就在北京的一家美国公司找到了一份工作。今天他收到一张通知,可是里面有一个词他不懂,他只知道让他去参加一个什么训练班。所以他就去请教公司里的美籍华人Ma
The Use of Speaker phone 善用电话免提 陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他今天在走廊里遇到了美国同事Amy。 (Office ambience) A:Chen Hao, you look pleased about something. What is it? C:我刚才发现电话上有个叫
The Art of Conversatione 谈话的艺术 陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他今天有事去找美国同事Amy。 (Office ambience) A:Hi, Chen Hao. How are you today? C:还好,不过,我有点儿事想请教你。 A:How can I help
Small Talk in the Office 办公室的闲谈 陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作,他在走廊上遇到了美国同事Amy。 (Office ambience) C:Amy, 你有两分钟时间吗?我有点事儿想请教你。 A:Yes, but let's step into my offi
Hosting Visitors in the Office 在办公室接待客户 陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他正在跟美国同事Amy讲话。 (Office ambience) CH:Amy, 你有时间吗? 我又遇到了点儿为难的事。 A:Well, tell me what the prob
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