Background: 背景:网络巨头 Google 宣布从2010年1月起将会将伊拉克国家博物馆的宝藏的照片放在互联网上供全世界人民免费观赏。Google 首席执行官 Eric Schmidt 先生在参观伊拉克国家博物馆时宣布了
Background: 维珍集团总裁 Richard Branson 向公众展示了世界上第一艘商业载人宇宙飞船。等通过严格的试航测试以后,六名乘客将有机会登上这艘子弹型飞船,真正感受宇宙旅行的刺激。 Its 60 fee
Background: 一个曾经治疗过北美洲多名职业运动员的加拿大医生被怀疑在加拿大和美国边境给体育运动员提供了兴奋剂药品。警方在对他的诊所进行搜查后决定对他进行指控。 The laying of formal
Background: 近日冰岛国会决定将赔偿由于冰岛银行2008年破产,而对其英国和荷兰储户造成的巨额存款损失。此举受到冰岛民众的强烈抗议,所以冰岛总统拒绝签署这项赔偿法案,并建议由公众投
Background: 位于阿拉伯联合酋长国的世界第一高楼迪拜塔终于最近终于正式揭开神秘面纱。迪拜塔的建造时间历时六年之久,其间也正值迪拜受到全球金融危机的席卷。不过,在竣工典礼上,伴
Background: 印度曲棍球国家队的22名明星球员们拒绝为下个月在新德里举行的曲棍球世界杯训练,他们认为参加 很多比赛都没有得到应有的回报。这22名球员将无限制罢训下去,直到政府给与他们
Background: 背景:一对美国夫妇在没有受到邀请的情况下,不但混入了白宫而且还受到了总统奥巴马的接见。此后,美国特情局决定将加强对在白宫内举行官方活动的安防检查。特情局已经发表
Vicki: Hello and welcome to Real English, where you can find out about English words and expressions that might not be in your dictionary. Im Vicki. Helen: 大家好,我是 Helen。Vicki, do you know my friend Jack Smith? Vicki: No, the name rings
President Obama has outlined his plan for cutting America's huge budget deficit, saying that corporations and the wealthiest citizens must pay higher taxes. Speaking at the White House, Mr Obama said it was wrong that someone earning only $50,000 a y
The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has received rousing applause at the United Nations General Assembly after flourishing his formal application for UN membership for a Palestinian state. The United States had opposed the move, threatening to ve
The most senior American military officer Admiral Mike Mullen says the militant Haqqani group, which has carried out a series of recent attacks in Afghanistan, is an arm of Pakistan's intelligence service. Admiral Mullen told US senators that Haqqani
The man leading Afghanistan's efforts to negotiate peace with the Taliban has been killed by a suicide bomber at his home in the capital Kabul. Burhanuddin Rabbani, a former president of Afghanistan, was meeting two members of the Taliban at the time
The security forces in the Yemeni capital Sanaa have opened fire with machine guns on tens of thousands of anti-government protesters, killing at least 25 people and injuring hundreds more. Witnesses said the police even used anti-aircraft weapons ag
The American ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron Munter, says there's evidence linking one of the main militant groups in Afghanistan, the Haqqani network, to the Pakistani government and that those links have to stop. He said the US believed the Haqqani
The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has confirmed that he'll ask for full membership of the United Nations next week. Mr Abbas said that he would apply to the Security Council for Palestinian statehood within the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem
Financial markets around the world have responded positively after five leading central banks said they are taking new steps to tackle the financial crisis. The banks will provide extra loans in US dollars to commercial banks to make sure they have e
The forces of the Libyan National Transitional Council, the NTC, have entered one of the two remaining strongholds held by pro-Gaddafi forces, the city of Sirte. It's unclear how many Gaddafi loyalists are still holding out there. The BBC's Alastair
The defence lawyer for Michael Jackson's personal doctor has told a court in Los Angeles that the singer caused his own death. Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray denies involuntary manslaughter. His lawyer Ed Chernoff said that when Doctor Murray was not
The script of this programme 本节目台词 Terror down in the Dungeon Insert Ive seen strange and terrible things like the woman in black. She stares into you with evil eyes that burn right through your soul. Jean: Oh no Neil, where have you brought me
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