A: Where are you feeling the pain? B: I cant stand up! My stomach is killing me! A: Can you put your hand where it hurts the most? B: It hurts smack in the middle of my gut! A: Did this just come on suddenly? B: I felt OK until an hour or so ago, and
A: Can you tell me where it hurts? B: I am so glad they called you. It feels like something is really wrong with my stomach! A: Does it hurt when I push here? B: Its mostly on my right side. Right here! A: Have you been feeling this way for awhile? B
A: What seems to be the problem? B: Oh, my God! Its my stomach. Its killing me! A: Where does it hurt the most? B: Right here! It hurts right here! A: How long has it felt like this? B: I felt OK when I woke up, and then, suddenly, I had this really
A: I need information on purchasing health insurance. B: Is this the first time you have had health insurance? A: This is my first time buying health insurance. B: You have a choice of HMO or PPO. Do you understand the difference? A: I am not sure wh
A: Are you feeling OK? B: My stomach is bothering me. A: What have you been eating? B: I had a ham sandwich with mayonnaise for lunch. A: Maybe the food had something wrong with it. B: It could be bad food, but I didnt feel so well yesterday, either.
A: I am calling to purchase health insurance. B: Do you have health insurance now? A: I was on my parents policy, but I need to start buying my own. B: You can purchase an HMO or a PPO. Do you know what you want? A: I dont know what I want. B: Let me
A: I would like to purchase some health insurance. B: Have you ever purchased health insurance before? A: I have health insurance now, but I want to look into other choices. B: Do you know if you are interested in an HMO or a PPO? A: Could you explai
A: Excuse me for being late to work. B: Where have you been? A: My car broke down. B: That's too bad. Please try to fix it so that it doesn't happen again. A: Yes, I'll work on it. B: Thank you, have a seat. We are working on the new project A: Great
A: I would like to make an appointment for a project meeting. B: Of course, I have Monday or Tuesday available. What day would be best for you? A: I would like to meet on Monday. B: Very well then. Are mornings or afternoons best? A: I want to come i
A: Could I meet with you to discuss the project? B: Good idea. We could meet on Monday or Tuesday. Which day would you prefer? A: Tuesday would be good for me. B: OK. Do you think we should meet in the morning or in the afternoon? A: I think the afte
A: When could we meet to discuss the project? B: I will be available on Monday or Tuesday. Choose which day is best for you. A: I prefer Monday. B: Good. Can you come in the morning or would afternoon be best? A: Either one is OK. B: Great! When I ch
A: I had an appointment tomorrow and I need to change it to a different date. B: Certainly, what day would be best for you? A: I think that Monday or Tuesday would be good for me. B: I can give you Monday; I have ten or eleven in the morning. A: I th
A: I was wondering if I could reschedule my appointment to a later date? B: OK, just tell me what day would be best for your appointment. A: Wednesday or Thursday would be perfect. B: Thursday is available; would ten or eleven be best? A: I would lov
A: I can't make my appointment and need to make another one. B: That's OK, we can reschedule it if you tell me what day works for you. A: Friday, Saturday, or Sunday would be good for me. B: I can give you Friday; would you prefer ten or eleven? A: T
A: Can you describe her for me? B: She was large, hairy, and scary! A: What are you talking about? B: When she laughed, it sent chills up my spine. Have you ever met someone like that? A: Yes, one time I met someone like that. B: She had eyes like la
A: What does she look like? B: Well, she was pretty tall, about 5 feet 10 inches and kind of scary looking! A: What do you mean, scary? B: Well, she had a crazy sounding laugh and wild hair. Do you know what I mean? A: Yes, I know what you mean. B: A
A: I really needed the supplies today and you are telling me you don't have them? B: The supplier said that it will be a few more days until they can ship the order. A: Fine, what day will the whole order be here? B: If we are lucky, they may get her
A: You promised me the supplies would be in today and now you say they aren't here? B: They said they had part of the order, but the rest won't be available until later. A: I guess that's it then, when will you be able to get the rest? B: I am not su
A: So tell me again, why couldn't you get the supplies I ordered? B: Well I ordered them when you asked, but the supplier said they might need to back order them. A: OK, when do you think they will finally arrive? B: I think maybe by Tuesday. A: If t
A: I lost track of time, am I late? B: Yes. What kept you from arriving on time? A: My friend needed me to help him. B: I realize that everyone has emergencies; just get here on time from now on. A: My apologies. B: I appreciate you saying that and w
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- 赖世雄旅游观光英语通 第16期:证照查验 Immigration
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