Oh, no, it isn't, said Jennie, pleasantly; mamma says maybe we should forget the Lord if we had everything we wanted, and He never forgets us, you know. 哦,不,不是的,珍妮说,令人愉快的;妈妈说,也许我们应该如果我们拥
When the people went by the house to church, the next day, they could hardly believe their eyes. 第二天,当人们去教堂路过他家时,他们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。 There was glass in the windows instead of a wooden shutter, 他家
He stopped in front of her window, and, smiling very pleasantly, said, How shall I find the way to your room? 他在她的窗前停了下来,非常友善地微笑着说:我怎样才能找到通往你房间的路? Jennie pointed to an alley near by,
And a pretty example you set as a father! You'll make your boys as bad as yourself. 作为父亲,你的模范示范可真不赖!你让儿子们像你一样举止恶劣。 Talking as you did all breakfast time about your buttons! and of a Sunday m
O Mary, go and call the cattle home, 哦,玛丽,去牛舍看看, And call the cattle home, 去牛舍,唤唤牛儿, And call the cattle home, 去那里,看看牛儿可在。 Across the sands o' Dee! 于是,她穿过迪河沙滩, The we
He goes on Sunday to the church, 周日,他去教堂做礼拜, And sits among his boys; 坐在自己孩子们中央, He hears the parson pray and preach, 聆听牧师庄严的祈祷, He hears his daughter's voice 捕捉女儿的欢欣歌唱,
Under a spreading chestnut tree 树冠伸展的栗树下, The village smithy stands; 坐落着一间铁匠铺, The smith, a mighty man is he, 身材健壮的铁匠, With large and sinewy hands; 宽厚有力的双手, And the muscles of his br
However, there's one comfort; it can't last long. 不过,倒还有件让你舒心的事,这种场面不会继续了, I'm worn to death with your temper, and sha'n't trouble you a great while. 我烦透了你的坏脾气,难道不该聒噪聒噪
Yes, it is worth talking of! But that's how you always try to put me down. 没错,太该念叨念叨!不过,你怎么总是让我失望? You fly into a rage, and then if I only try to speak, you won't hear me. 只要我刚想开口,你就大发
Well, Mr. Caudle, I hope you're in a little better temper than you were this morning. 好了,高德先生,但愿你现在脾气比今早要好点。 There, you need n't begin to whistle: people don't come to bed to whistle. 呃,你不必立马吹
The spring that bubbled 'neath the hill, 山下有处泉水,汩汩冒泡, Close by the spreading beech, 紧挨泉眼,有片山毛榉林, Is very low; 't was once so high that we could almost reach; 现在山很矮,过去高不可攀,爬到顶
I've wandered to the village, Tom, 汤姆,我在村里徘徊, I've sat beneath the tree, 在那棵树底坐下, Upon the schoolhouse playground that sheltered you and me; 当年你我遮阴的地方,紧挨着校园操场。 But none were left
The following year Providence listened to the prayers of the poor, and the harvest was abundant. 第二年,上帝听到了穷人的祷告,田里庄稼收成丰足。 The peasants who had been saved from starving by Flor Silin now gathered around
In a village adjoining lived Flor Silin, a poor, laboring peasant, 菲洛斯林,一个整日操劳的俄罗斯贫苦农民,住在我家附近的一个村庄。 a man remarkable for his assiduity and the skill and judgment with which he cultivated
In these amusements, the hours passed away uncounted; his deviations had perplexed his memory, and he knew not toward what point to travel. 七兜八转的东奔西突,时间过得飞快,难以确定的方向干扰了他的记忆,后来,他简直
He, therefore, still continued to walk for a time, without the least remission of his ardor, 他兴致盎然地迈步前行, except that he was sometimes tempted to stop by the music of the birds, which the heat had assembled in the shade, 有时停下
Obidah, the son of Abnesina, left the caravansary early in the morning, and pursued his journey through the plains of Hindostan. 艾比内斯纳的儿子奥巴代亚清早离开了商队旅馆,继续他横贯印度斯坦大平原的漫长旅程。
Dryden And Pope. By Samuel Johnson 德莱登和蒲伯。塞缪尔约翰逊 Dryden knew more of man in his general nature, and Pope in his local manners. 德莱登对人的了解更多地着眼于普遍性,而蒲伯则基于地域特征。 The notio
And truly, it was a fault of no ordinary magnitude, that sometimes they did persecute. 真实的情形是,这是一个重大错误,他们有时确实在迫害。 But let him whose ancestors were not ten times more guilty, cast the first stone, an
A man and a lad. 男人和少年 The man sat; the lad ran. 男人坐,少年跑 The man has a hat 男人戴摘边帽 The lad has a cap. 少年有顶便帽
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