美国语文第五册 第245期:莱茵河畔的士兵(3)
时间:2019-02-21 作者:英语课 分类:美国语文第五册
美国语文第五册 第245期:莱茵河畔的士兵(3)
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- 1 美国语文第五册 第245期:莱茵河畔的士兵(3)
I dreamed I stood with her, and saw the yellow sunlight shine On the vine-clad hills of Bingen,—fair Bingen on the Rhine. 我梦想与她牵手伫立,一起漫步在满山葡萄藤缠绕的山巅,眺望宾根的金色日出,——莱茵河畔宏伟的宾根。
I saw the blue Rhine sweep along: I heard, or seemed to hear, 我看见蓝色的宾根在飞奔勇进,我听见,
The German songs we used to sing, in chorus sweet and clear; 哦,似乎听见,那些我们曾经反复吟唱的德国战歌,那甜蜜清澈的和声,
And down the pleasant river, and up the slanting 1 hill, 随着欢快河流奔腾流泻。那美妙旋律回荡在风光巍峨的群山,
The echoing chorus sounded, through the evening calm and still; 穿透夜晚的安宁静谧。
And her glad blue eyes were on me, as we passed, with friendly talk, Down many a path beloved of yore, and well-remembered walk; 当我们手牵手依偎徜徉,她那双幸福的蓝眼睛看着我。那条镌刻下古老爱恋的幽静小路,难以忘怀的小路,
And her little hand lay lightly, confidingly 2 in mine,—But we’ll meet no more at Bingen,—loved Bingen all the Rhine. 她柔软小手轻轻地放到我的手上,与我互吐衷肠。然而,我们此生再亦不会在宾根重逢相遇,莱茵河畔的所有,——迷人的宾根。
His trembling voice grew faint and hoarse 3; his grasp was childish weak, His eyes put on a dying look,—he sighed and ceased to speak. 他颤抖的声音愈来愈虚弱嘶哑;他的手亦轻飘无力,他的眼神现出濒死之光,他怅叹一声。不再说话。
His comrade bent 4 to lift him, but the spark of life had fled,—The soldier of the Legion in a foreign land was dead! 他的战友急忙蹲下扶起他,但他的生命火花急遽黯淡,那位德国军团士兵最终客死在他乡!
And the soft moon rose up slowly, and calmly she looked down On the red sand of the battlefield, with bloody 5 corses strewn; 温柔的月亮缓慢升起,它冷冰冰地望着那片浸满殷红鲜血的战场,
Yes, calmly on that dreadful scene, her pale light seemed to shine, As it shone on distant Bingen,—fair Bingen on the Rhine. 月光下,尸体纷乱杂陈,呈现出一幕可怖景象。那缕惨白月光撒在异乡的土地,如同它照耀在遥远的宾根,——莱茵河畔妖娆美丽的宾根。
- The rain is driving [slanting] in from the south. 南边潲雨。
- The line is slanting to the left. 这根线向左斜了。
- She watched him confidingly and without any fear, faintly wagging her tail. 木木信任地望着自己最新近的主人,不但没有畏惧,还轻轻地摇着尾巴。 来自互联网
- He asked me a question in a hoarse voice.他用嘶哑的声音问了我一个问题。
- He was too excited and roared himself hoarse.他过于激动,嗓子都喊哑了。
- He was fully bent upon the project.他一心扑在这项计划上。
- We bent over backward to help them.我们尽了最大努力帮助他们。