At the sight of that pale little corpse, the boys were so frightened that they turned tail and ran. 孩子们看见这苍白的小尸体,吓得拔腿就跑。 In a few moments, all had disappeared. All except Pinocchio. 没过一会儿,所有人都

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Pinocchio went on crying and moaning and beating his head. 皮诺乔一个劲地哭着,喊着,敲着脑袋。 Again and again he called to his little friend, when suddenly he heard heavy steps approaching. 他一遍又一遍的叫着他可怜朋友

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Is this Shark very big? asked Pinocchio, who was beginning to tremble with fright. 这条鲨鱼很大吗?皮诺乔问道,开始吓得颤抖起来。 Is he big? replied the Dolphin. Just to give you an idea of his size, let me tell you that he is

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What was to be done? There were only two means left to him in order to get a bite to eat. He had either to work or to beg. 那怎么办呢?只有两个办法可以让他能吃点儿东西,要么工作,要么乞讨。 He was ashamed to beg, beca

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A few minutes after, a Bricklayer passed by, carrying a pail full of plaster on his shoulder. 过了几分钟,街上又走过一个泥水匠,肩上扛着一桶灰泥。 Good man, will you be kind enough to give a penny to a poor boy who is yawnin

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If Pinocchio cried much longer, the little woman thought he would melt away, so she finally admitted that she was the little Fairy with Azure Hair. 小妇人担心如果继续让皮诺乔哭下去,他会融化,所以她终于承认了她就是天蓝

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Good boys love study and work, but you-- -And I, on the contrary, am a lazy fellow and a tramp all year round. 好孩子爱读书爱干活,可你 正好相反,我一年到头懒惰流浪。 Good boys always tell the truth. -And I always tell lies

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I was just saying, whined the Marionette in a whisper, that it seems too late for me to go to school now. 我想说的是,木偶低声抱怨说,我现在才去上学,好像晚了点。 No, indeed. Remember it is never too late to learn. 一点也

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In the morning, bright and early, Pinocchio started for school. 在明媚的清晨,皮诺乔出发去学校了。 Imagine what the boys said when they saw a Marionette enter the classroom! 诸位想象一下,当孩子们看见一个木偶走进他们

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As the days passed into weeks, even the teacher praised him, for he saw him attentive, hard working, and wide awake, always the first to come in the morning, and the last to leave when school was over. 随着时间过去了几个礼拜,就连老师都

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Do you know what I'll do? said Pinocchio. For certain reasons of mine, I, too, want to see that Shark; but I'll go after school. I can see him then as well as now. 你们知道我打算怎么办么?皮诺乔说,出于我的某些原因,我也想看

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54.67CHAPTER 27 第27章 Going like the wind, Pinocchio took but a very short time to reach the shore. 像风一般,皮诺乔很快就到达了海岸。 He glanced all about him, but there was no sign of a Shark. The sea was as smooth as glass. 皮诺

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Really, you amuse me, answered the Marionette, nodding his head. 你们真让我发笑。木偶点头着回答说。 Hey, Pinocchio, cried the tallest of them all, that will do. 嘿,皮诺乔。他们中最高的叫道,够了。 We are tired of h

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Enraged at not being able to fight the Marionette at close quarters, they started to throw all kinds of books at him. 孩子们眼看无法对木偶近身肉搏,愤怒不已,于是开始朝他扔各种书。 Readers, geographies, histories, gramm

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And after the cauliflower, some cake and jam. 吃完花椰菜,再来点儿蛋糕和果酱。 At this last bribery, Pinocchio could no longer resist and said firmly: Very well. I'll take the jug home for you. 在最后一个诱惑下,皮诺乔再也

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Don't speak about it, wailed Pinocchio, still trembling with fright. 别说了,皮诺乔又吓得浑身发抖,叫着说。 Don't say a word. If you had come a moment later, I would be fried, eaten, and digested by this time. Brrrrrr! I shiver at

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They did not have to repeat their words. The Marionette walked swiftly along the road to the village. 不等他们说第二遍,木偶就快步走向了通向村庄的道路。 But the poor fellow hardly knew what he was about. He thought he had a n

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CHAPTER 28 第28章 During that wild chase, Pinocchio lived through a terrible moment when he almost gave himself up as lost. 这场疯狂的追逐中,皮诺乔经历了一个可怕的时刻,让他几乎要放弃认输了。 This was when Alidoro

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Pinocchio hesitated still another minute. 皮诺乔又犹豫了一分钟。 Then, remembering how his father had often told him that a kind deed is never lost, he swam to Alidoro and, catching hold of his tail, dragged him to the shore. 可他记起他

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As soon as the Fisherman pulled him out, his green eyes opened wide with surprise, and he cried out in fear: What kind of fish is this? I don't remember ever eating anything like it. 渔夫一把他抓出来,两只绿色大眼睛登时惊呆了。他

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