A Lesson in Philosophy 哲学课一则 Why worry? 何必忧虑呢? Really, you have only two things to worry about-either you are sick or you are well. 真的,你只有两件事要担心,你不是会生病就是身体健康。 If you are well, yo

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Wow!That's a Big One! 哇!那个真是大得吓人 One day a tourist walked into a Texas tavern and ordered a shot of whiskey. 某一天一位观光客走进一家德州酒店点了一杯威士忌。 The bartender put a big tumbler full of whiskey in

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No Fooling! 不要瞎混! Please be gentle with me, darling, said the bride on her wedding night, I'm a virgin. 请对我温柔一些,亲爱的!新婚之夜新娘对新郎说道。我是个处女。 You're a virgin? exclaimed her husband with surpr

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Getting into His Work 专注于工作 The priest was so concerned with the welfare of his pretty young parishioner that he invited her to his private quarters to discuss her confession. 一位神父非常关切教区内一位年轻美丽的教友幸福

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Can't You Be Little More Supportive? 你能不能多支持我一点? The delighted young politician called his mother and reported enthusiastically, 一位年轻的政客打电话给他母亲,高兴地说道: Hey, Mom, I just won the election! 嘿,

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The Perfect Solution 完美解决之道 President Shrub was flying over the U. S. with his staff. 史拉伯总统和他的幕僚正搭机横越美国上空。 Suddenly he got a brilliant inspiration: 忽然间他心中突发奇想, You know, I thin

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Change of Plan 临时改变主意 Frank and Fred had received their draft notices on the same day, and neither wanted to enter the army. 法兰克和佛烈德两人同一天收到召集令,两人都不想去服兵役。 But Frank had heard that the

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And Stuff the Cuffs in Your Boots 把裤脚塞到你的靴子里面去 The untried general faced battle the next day, and was more than a little frightened. 一位未曾有过作战经验的将军非常惶恐,因为第二天将有个战役要面对。

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Keep Your Head 头脑要保持冷静! A young man was working in the produce section of a grocery store when a customer asked him for half a head of cabbage. 有一个年轻人在一家杂货店的农产部门工作,一天一位顾客要向他买半颗

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NO Sweat! 不费吹灰之力 There were four passengers in the small aircraft as it sputtered over the Andes: 一架正飞越安第斯山脉的小飞机上坐着四名乘客: a businessman, an inventor, a priest and a laid -back budget traveller. 一

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A Satisfied Gustomer 一位心满意足的客户 A rough looking fellow strolled into the bank and walked up to the teller. 有一位相貌粗鲁的家伙走进银行对柜台职员说: I wanna open a god-damned checking account. 我想开个你他妈的

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Where Do You keep Yours ? 你的东西放到哪儿去了? The famous but rather aged, doctor was making his rounds, followed by a young intern. 一位上了年纪的著名医生正在各病房做例行巡视,一位年轻的实习医生跟着他。

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We're in the Same Boat 同病相怜 The young man was terribly self-conscious because he had a wooden eye. 一位年轻人因为他有只木制的眼睛而感到非常自卑。 His friends would often invite him to dance parties, 他的朋友常会邀请

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Age has it's advantages 老马识途 A young vice president of a bank had embezzled $200,000 and squandered it at the race track. 一位年轻的银行副总裁挪用了二十万美金的公款,并悉数浪费在赛马上。 The bank examiners were

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And Modest Too 也要谦虚为怀 The man I marry must be as wise as Solomon, 我要结婚的对象必须要像所罗门王一样聪明, as mighty as Hercules, 像赫克力士一样强壮, as brave as Admiral Nelson, 像纳尔逊上将一样英勇,

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It's the Law 这是个法律问题 A slender, delicate, immaculately dressed Englishman was explaining to the visiting American about British law. 一位身材修长,举止文雅,穿着光鲜的英国人向来访的美国人解释英国法律。

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A Proud Father 骄傲的老爸 The concerned father was puzzled because his son s grades had been dropping steadily while he was at college, 一位关心儿子的老爸对于念大学的儿子成绩每况愈下一直想不懂, so he called the dean

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Down on the Farm 农场趣谈 The farmer was painting the inside of his outhouse, 一位农夫正在漆他茅房内的墙壁, when he slipped on the seat and fell into the hole beneath. 一不小心由所坐的椅子上滑了一跤,跌落到下面的

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Charity Begins at Home 慈善应由家中做起 Sam Sidney was going door to door selling raffle tickets to raise funds for the charitable organization of which he was a member. 山姆,希德尼正挨家挨户推销他所属的一家慈善机构的彩

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Play Now Pay Later 先享受后付款 Jack the playboy had explored every corner of the world and dallied with many women, 花花公子杰克喜欢到世界各地探险,和许多妓女风流, but in Hong Kong he finally encountered a professional

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