Our wonderment stayed at an all-time fever pitch. Our exclamations were endless. 我们的赞美一直是最高度的。我们不断地发出惊叹声。 Ned identified the fish, Conseil classified them, and as for me, I was in ecstasy over the verve

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Ned my friend, you're a slayer of fish, a highly skilled fisherman. You've caught a large number of these fascinating animals. 尼德兰老朋友,不错,您是千个打鱼手,一个很能干的渔夫。您曾经捕捉过许多这些很有趣味的

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Quarto, Conseil went on, unabashed, the apods, with long bodies that lack pelvic fins and are covered by a heavy, often glutinous skin, an order consisting of only one family. Examples: common eels and electric eels. 第四目是无腹鳍鱼,康塞尔

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Secundo, the selacians, with gills resembling those of the cyclostomes but whose lower jaw is free-moving. 第二目,峻鱼,它的鳃类似圆口鱼的鳃,但下鳃活动。 This order, which is the most important in the class, consists of two

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A triggerfish, I said. 是一条箭鱼。我于是说了。 It's a Chinese triggerfish, Ned Land replied. 尼德兰回答:是一条中国箭鱼。 Genus Balistes, family Scleroderma, order Plectognatha, Conseil muttered. 康塞尔于是低声说:箭

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That doesn't necessarily follow. 这不能算作一个理由。 There are certain Fulton-style guns perfected by the Englishmen Philippe-Coles and Burley, the Frenchman Furcy, and the Italian Landi; they're equipped with a special system of airtight

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I've no more objections to raise, I replied. I'll only ask you, captain: how can you light your way at the bottom of the ocean? 我再没有什么可以非难的了,我回答,但我要问,您在海底下行动是靠什么来照明呢? With th

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I did justice to this meal. It was made up of various fish and some slices of sea cucumber, that praiseworthy zoophyte, all garnished with such highly appetizing seaweed as the Porphyra laciniata and the Laurencia primafetida. 我这顿饭吃得很饱。

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Address away, Professor Aronnax, and if I'm able to answer, I will. 提吧, 阿龙纳斯先生,只要我能答复,我就一定答复。 Well then, captain, how is it that you've severed all ties with the shore, yet you own forests on Crespo Isl

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Without trying to reconcile the contradictions between Captain Nemo's professed horror of continents or islands and his invitation to go hunting in a forest,I was content to reply: 尼摩船长本来是讨厌大陆和岛屿的,现在反来邀我们去

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What it meant I was unable to say. 这话是什么意思,那我可说不上来。 These words pronounced, the chief officer went below again. I thought the Nautilus was about to resume its underwater navigating. 说了这句话之后,船副又下到

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Early in the morning on November 11, fresh air poured through the Nautilus's interior, informing me that we had returned to the surface of the ocean to renew our oxygen supply. 11月11日,大清早,诺第留斯号的内部全换了新鲜空气,我

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Among these valuable water plants, I noted various seaweed: some Cladostephus verticillatus, peacock's tails, fig-leafed caulerpa,grain-bearing beauty bushes, delicate rosetangle tinted scarlet, sea colander arranged into fan shapes, mermaid's cups t

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THE NEXT DAY, November 9, I woke up only after a long, twelve-hour slumber. Conseil, a creature of habit, came to ask how master's night went, and to offer his services. 第二夭,十一月九日,我足足睡了十二个钟头才醒来。康塞尔来

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Then how do you break free? I asked. 那么,可以自由行动的方法是什么呢?我问。 We use the Rouquayrol-Denayrouze device, invented by two of your fellow countrymen but refined by me for my own special uses, thereby enabling you to risk

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THE PART OF THE planet earth that the seas occupy has been assessed at 3,832,558 square myriameters, hence more than 38,000,000,000 hectares. This liquid mass totals 2,250,000,000 cubic miles and could form a sphere with a diameter of sixty leagues,

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It's the beginning of the end! Ned Land said. 现在一切真要完蛋了!尼德兰说。 order Hydromedusa, Conseil muttered. 水母目!康塞尔低声说。 Suddenly, through two oblong openings, daylight appeared on both sides of the lounge. T

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Meanwhile Ned Land, less dedicated to conchology, questioned me about my interview with Captain Nemo. 这个时候。尼德兰他不是贝类学家问我关于我跟尼摩船长会谈的情形。 Had I discovered who he was, where he came from, where

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Now then, at the spot indicated on the world map, one of these seagoing rivers was rolling by, the Kuroshio of the Japanese, the Black Current: heated by perpendicular rays from the tropical sun, it leaves the Bay of Bengal, crosses the Strait of Mal

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Captain Nemo bowed. I was left to myself, lost in my thoughts. They all centered on the Nautilus's commander. Would I ever learn the nationality of this eccentric man who had boasted of having none? His sworn hate for humanity, a hate that perhaps wa

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