CHAPTER 1 A Runaway Reef 第一章 飞走的暗礁 THE YEAR 1866 was marked by a bizarre development, an unexplained and downright inexplicable phenomenon that surely no one has forgotten. 人们一定还记得1866年海上发生的一件离奇的、神

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A MOMENT LATER we were seated on a couch in the lounge, cigars between our lips. 一会儿,我们坐在客厅的一张长沙发上,各人嘴里叼着雪茄。 The captain placed before my eyes a working drawing that gave the ground plan, cross se

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Meanwhile I examined the Nautilus's engine with a fascination easy to imagine. 这时我以极大的兴趣研究着诺第留斯号的机器设备。 You observe, Captain Nemo told me, that I use Bunsen cells, not Ruhmkorff cells. The latter would be

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There, even more powerful and obedient than gas, electricity did most of the cooking. Arriving under the stoves, wires transmitted to platinum griddles a heat that was distributed and sustained with perfect consistency. 在厨房里,一切烹任工作

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It's marvelous, I replied, and I truly see, captain, how right you are to use this force; it's sure to take the place of wind, water, and steam. 真了不得。我答,船长,我很明白您使用这种原动力的理由,因为这原动力是可以

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I'm not so certain they'll find it, Captain Nemo replied icily. But be that as it may, you're already familiar with the first use I've found for this valuable force. 我不知道他们是不是总有一无能够找到,尼摩船长冷淡地回答,不

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From the earth? I said, my voice going up on the word. 陆地上的?我着重地说。 We'll say coal from the seafloor, if you prefer, Captain Nemo replied. 就说是海底的煤炭吧。尼摩船长回答。 And you can mine these veins of underw

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Sodium? 钠吗? Yes, sir. Mixed with mercury, it forms an amalgam that takes the place of zinc in Bunsen cells. 是的,先生。钠跟汞混合,成为一种合金,代替本生电池中所需要的锌。 The mercury is never depleted. Only the

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First off, I'll mention that at the bottom of the sea there exist veins of zinc, iron, silver, and gold whose mining would quite certainly be feasible. 首先,我对您说,海底有锌、铁、银、金等矿藏,开发并不是不可能的事。

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Electricity! I exclaimed in some surprise. 电!我惊异得叫起来。 Yes, sir. 是的,先生。 But, captain, you have a tremendous speed of movement that doesn't square with the strength of electricity. 但是,船长,您这只船移动的速

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These are the normal navigational instruments, I replied, and I'm familiar with their uses. 这些是航海家常用的仪器,我答,我知道它们的用法。我现在看见的这个表盘,上面有能转动的针,那不是流体压力计吗?

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SIR, CAPTAIN NEMO SAID, showing me the instruments hanging on the walls of his stateroom, 先生,尼摩船长指着挂在他房中墙壁上的仪表说, these are the devices needed to navigate the Nautilus. 这些就是诺第留斯号航行所必需

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Professor Aronnax, Captain Nemo answered me, I've said you'd be free aboard my vessel, so no part of the Nautilus is off-limits to you. 阿龙纳斯先生,尼摩船长回答我,我跟您说过了,您在我船上是自由的,因此,诺第留斯

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Aside and in special compartments, strings of supremely beautiful pearls were spread out, the electric light flecking them with little fiery sparks: 另外,在特殊的格子中,摆着最美丽的串珠,被电光照得发出星星的火花, p

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Aside and in special compartments, strings of supremely beautiful pearls were spread out, the electric light flecking them with little fiery sparks: 另外,在特殊的格子中,摆着最美丽的串珠,被电光照得发出星星的火花, p

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What! You have a skiff? I replied in some astonishment. 什么!您还有一只小艇吗?我有些惊异地说。 Surely. An excellent longboat, light and unsinkable, which is used for excursions and fishing trips. 当然喽。一只很好的小艇,

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Captain Nemo didn't reply but signaled me to follow him to the main lounge. 尼摩船长并不答话,他对我做个手势,要我跟他到客厅中去。 The Nautilus sank a few meters beneath the waves, and the panels opened. 诺第留斯号潜入

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Questioning the natives, Captain Dumont d'Urville also learned that after La Perouse's two ships had miscarried on the island's reefs, 杜蒙?居维尔详细询问土人,知道拉?白鲁斯在岛附近暗礁上损失了他的两只船后,又造了一

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On February 10, 1828, the new Astrolabe hove before Tikopia Island, took on a guide and interpreter in the person of a deserter who had settled there, 1828年2月10日,浑天仪号到了提科皮亚岛面前,请了一个落户在岛上的逃兵作向

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Finishing his investigations, Dillon stayed at the site of the casualty until the month of October. 狄勇为了使自己所获得的材料更完备起见,他在这遇难的地方留下,一直到同年十月。 Then he left Vanikoro, headed towar

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