It was a Nantucket ship, the Bachelor, which had just wedged in her last cask of oil, and bolted down her bursting hatches; 这是一艘叫做单身汉号的南塔开特船,它刚装好最后一桶鲸油,锁好它那象要胀破的舱口; and n
Even the cabin table itself had been knocked into kindling-wood; 甚至舱室里的饭桌也给敲来引火了; and the cabin mess dined off the broad head of an oil-butt, lashed down to the floor for a centrepiece. 船长室里只得用一个大油桶
Meanwhile, others of the ship's company were tumultuously busy at the masonry of the try-works, from which the huge pots had been removed. 这时,其他的船员们正在闹哄哄地忙着炼油间的泥水工作,大油锅已经搬出来了。 Yo
In both cases, the stranded whales to which these two skeletons belonged, were originally claimed by their proprietors upon similar grounds. 这两只搁浅了的鲸骷髅,本来就是出自同一个理由而成它们的物主的所有物的。 Kin
Ere entering upon the subject of Fossil Whales, I present my credentials as a geologist, by stating that in my miscellaneous time I have been a stone-mason, 在着手处理化石鲸这题目之前,我得呈缴我的地质学家的证状,以证明我
Fain am I to stagger to this enterprise under the weightiest words of the dictionary. 这个壮举,我只得借助于字典中那些最有分量的词汇,勉力以赴了。 And here be it said, that whenever it has been convenient to consult one
Chapter 104 The Fossil Whale 第一百零四章 化石鲸 From his mighty bulk the whale affords a most congenial theme whereon to enlarge, amplify, and generally expatiate. 大鲸那非凡的身躯,就是一个最适宜于详尽发挥的题材。
How vain and foolish, then, thought I, 于是,我心里想, for timid untravelled man to try to comprehend aright this wondrous whale, by merely poring over his dead attenuated skeleton, stretched in this peaceful wood. 那些足不出户的胆小鬼
The ribs were ten on a side. 这些肋骨每边各有十根。 The first, to begin from the neck, was nearly six feet long; the second, third, and fourth were each successively longer, 第一根,就是从颈部数起的那一根,几乎有六英尺长
But as the colossal skull embraces so very large a proportion of the entire extent of the skeleton; as it is by far the most complicated part; 不过,因为这个硕大的脑壳占着整个骷髅非常大的比例;它又是极其复杂的部分;
Chapter 103 Measurement of The Whale's Skeleton 第一百零三章 鲸骷髅的尺寸 In the first place, I wish to lay before you a particular, plain statement, touching the living bulk of this leviathan, whose skeleton we are briefly to exhibit. 首先
But soon my line was out; and following it back, I emerged from the opening where I entered. 可是,不一会,我的麻线拉完了;只得顺着麻线打回头,从刚才进去的那个缺口出来。 I saw no living thing within; naught was t
The spoken words that are inaudible among the flying spindles; 在疾驰如飞的锭子声中,说话是听不到的; those same words are plainly heard without the walls, bursting from the opened casements. 可是这种说话,却教墙外的人听
while, suspended from a bough, the terrific lower jaw vibrated over all the devotees, like the hair-hung sword that so affrighted Damocles. 而那只挂在大树枝上的、在一切皈依者头顶颤动着的可怕的下颚,就象是把达摩克利兹
For being at Tranque, years ago, when attached to the trading-ship Dey of Algiers, 因为多年以前,由于我参加了阿尔及尔的商船德号,曾经到了托朗魁, I was invited to spend part of the Arsacidean holidays with the lord of T
Did erudite Stubb, mounted upon your capstan, deliver lectures on the anatomy of the Cetacea; 是不是那个博学的斯塔布曾经爬上你的绞盘,给你讲过鲸类的解剖学; and by help of the windlass, hold up a specimen rib for exhibi
But this was very far North, be it remembered, where beer agrees well with the constitution; 请记住,这是极北的地区,在那里,啤酒很适宜他们的体质; upon the Equator, in our southern fishery, beer would be apt to make the ha
and, furthermore, I compiled supplementary tables of my own, 而且,我还把有关贮藏的鱼等的可能数量,给编了一张补充表格, touching the probable quantity of stock-fish, etc, consumed by every Low Dutch harpooneer in that anc
But this awkwardness only lasted a minute, because the strange captain, observing at a glance how affairs stood, 可是,这种尴尬场面,不过持续了一分钟模样,因为那个陌生的船长一眼就看清了真相, cried out, I see, I
And he took that arm off, did he? asked Ahab, now sliding down from the capstan, and resting on the Englishman's shoulder, as he did so. 那么,它把这只手臂膀给搞掉了,是么?亚哈问道,这时,他搭着那英国人的肩膀,从绞
- 万物简史 第523期:丰富多彩的生命(19)
- 万物简史 第524期:丰富多彩的生命(20)
- 万物简史 第525期:丰富多彩的生命(21)
- 万物简史 第526期:丰富多彩的生命(22)
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- 英语听书《白鲸记》第661期
- 万物简史 第523期:丰富多彩的生命(19)
- 万物简史 第524期:丰富多彩的生命(20)
- 万物简史 第525期:丰富多彩的生命(21)
- 万物简史 第526期:丰富多彩的生命(22)
- 木偶奇遇记 第157期:匹诺曹梦想成真(3)
- 英语听书《白鲸记》第672期
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