4. Babbitty Rabbitty and Her Cackling Stump 4. 兔子巴比蒂和她的呱呱树桩 A long time ago, in a far-off land, there lived a foolish king who decided that he alone should have the power of magic. 很久很久以前,在一个遥远的地方,

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One morning, as the charlatan and the foolish King were twirling their twigs, and hopping in circles, and chanting meaningless rhymes, a loud cackling reached the King's ears. 一天早晨,当江湖骗子和愚蠢的国王正在挥舞他们的树枝,

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The following morning all the lords and ladies of the kingdom assembled in the palace grounds. 第二天早晨,王国里所有的王公贵族都聚集在宫殿的庭院里。 The King climbed on to a stage in front of them, with the charlatan by hi

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An axe was brought at once, and the old tree was felled to loud cheers from the courtiers and the charlatan. 斧头立刻就被拿来了,老树被砍倒了,江湖骗子和朝臣们大声欢呼。 However, as they were making ready to return to th

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The resemblance of this action to the creation of a Horcrux has been noted by many writers. 许多作家都注意到这种行为跟制造魂器有类似之处。 Although Beedle's hero is not seeking to avoid death, he is dividing what was clearly no

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Albus Dumbledore on Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump 阿不思邓布利多评《兔子巴比蒂和她的呱呱树桩》 The story of Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump is, in many ways, the most real of Beedle's tales, in that the magic

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(Note. 2: Professor McGonagall, Headmisrress of Hogwarts, has asked me to make clear that she became an Animagus merely as a result of her extensive researches into all fields of Transfiguration, and that she has never used the ability to turn into a

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(Note. 4: As intensive studies in the Department of Mysteries demonstrated as far back as 1672, wizards and witches are born, not created. (注释四:早在一六七三年,神秘事务司的深入研究就显示,巫师是天生的,而不是造

发表于:2018-12-18 / 阅读(155) / 评论(0) 分类 诗翁彼豆故事集

1. The Wizard and the Hopping Pot 1.《巫师和跳跳埚》 There was once a kindly old wizard who used his magic generously and wisely for the benefit of his neighbours. 从前,有一位善良的老巫师,他总是慷慨而智慧地利用自己的

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Clang, clang, clang, went the cooking pot's single brass foot upon the floor, but now its clamour was mixed with the brays of a donkey and human groans of hunger, echoing from the depths of the pot. 哐啷、哐啷、哐啷,坩埚的独脚在地板上

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Albus Dumbledore on The Wizard and the Hopping Pot 阿不思邓布利多关于《巫师和跳跳锅》的批注: A kind old wizard decides to teach his hardhearted son a lesson by giving him a taste of the local Muggles' misery. 一位善良的老巫

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The solution was to jettison the pro-Muggle moral but keep the warty cauldron, so by the middle of the sixteenth century a different version of the tale was in wide circulation among wizarding families. 解决的办法是抛弃亲麻瓜的寓意,保留

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Note 2. (A Squib is a person born to magical parents, but who has no magical powers. Such an occurrence is rare. Muggle-born witches and wizards are much more common. JKR) 注释二:(哑炮就是父母都会魔法,但是自己却不会魔法的人。

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2.The Fountain of Fair Fortune 2.《好运泉》 High on a hill in an enchanted garden, enclosed by tall walls and protected by strong magic, flowed the Fountain of Fair Fortune. 好运泉在一处魔法园林的一个山顶上,周围高墙耸立,有

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Before they could reach it, however, they came to a stream that ran round the hilltop, barring their way. 可是,没等他们来到泉边,却遇到了一条小溪。这条溪流环绕山顶,挡住了他们的去路。 In the depths of the clear

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Albus Dumbledore on 'The Fountain of Fair Fortune' 邓布利多评《好运泉》 'The Fountain of Fair Fortune' is a perennial favorite, so much so that it was the subject of the sole attempt to introduce a Christmas pantomime to Hogwarts' festive c

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(Note 3: Professor Kettleburn survived no fewer than sixty-two periods of probation during his employment as Care of Magical Creatures teacher. (注释三:凯特尔伯恩教授在担任神奇动物保护课期间至少经历了62个课时的试用期

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3. The Warlock's Hairy Heart 3.《男巫的毛心脏》 There was once a handsome, rich and talented young warlock, who observed that his friends grew foolish when they fell in love, gambolling and preening, losing their appetites and their dignity. 从

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It might have taken the warlock fifty years to find such a woman, yet it so happened that the very day after he decided to seek her, a maiden answering his every wish arrived in the neighborhood to visit her kinsfolk. 男巫恐怕要花上五十年才能

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Here, in an enchanted crystal casket, was the warlock's beating heart. 在这里,一个被施了魔法的水晶匣子里,放着男巫跳动的心脏。 Long since disconnected from eyes, ears and fingers, it had never fallen prey to beauty, or to

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