Near seven o'clock we finally surveyed the bank of shellfish, where pearl oysters reproduce by the millions. 七点左右,我们终于到了小纹贝礁石岩脉上,岩脉上繁殖着不可数计的亿万珍珠贝、 These valuable mollusks stick

发表于:2019-01-27 / 阅读(63) / 评论(0) 分类 《海底两万里》中英双语有声读物

We walked by ourselves, genuine loiterers stopping or straying as our fancies dictated. 我们各走各的路,随自己的意思,或停下,或走开。 For my part, I was no longer worried about those dangers my imagination had so ridiculously

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This diver didn't see us. A shadow cast by our crag hid us from his view. 这个采珠人看不见我们。岩石的阴影挡住了他的视线。 And besides, how could this poor Indian ever have guessed that human beings, 并且,这个可怜的印度

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Meanwhile Ned Land pulled the captain clear. Uninjured, the latter stood up, went right to the Indian, quickly cut the rope binding the man to his stone, 可是,尼德兰立即把尼摩船长拉起来。船长没有受伤,站起来,走到那个印

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To the Nautilus, he said. 回诺第留斯号船上去。他说。 The longboat flew over the waves. A few minutes later we encountered the shark's corpse again, floating. 小艇在水波上飞走。几分钟后,我们碰到浮在海上的那条鲨鱼

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DURING THE DAY of January 29, the island of Ceylon disappeared below the horizon, and at a speed of twenty miles per hour, the Nautilus glided into the labyrinthine channels that separate the Maldive and Laccadive Islands. 1月29日,锡兰岛远在天

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We're going, Mr. Ned, where the captain's fancy takes us. 尼德兰师傅,随船长的意思,他愿意带我们到哪里,我们就到哪里。 His fancy, the Canadian replied, won't take us very far. 随船长的意思,加拿大人回答,那他

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Just then a huge cave opened up in our path, hollowed from a picturesque pile of rocks whose smooth heights were completely hung with underwater flora. 这时候,我们面前现出一个宽大的石洞,洞在满铺各种海底花草的岩石堆中。

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Meanwhile, as the sun got progressively higher, it lit up the watery mass more and more. The seafloor changed little by little. 太阳陆续上升,照得水底更加明亮了地下也渐渐起变化。 Its fine-grained sand was followed by a genuin

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Rifles! What for? Don't your mountaineers attack bears dagger in hand? And isn't steel surer than lead? Here's a sturdy blade. Slip it under your belt and let's be off. 枪支:有什么用?你们山中人不是手拿短刀去打熊吗?钢刀不比

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Here we are, Professor Aronnax, Captain Nemo then said. You observe this confined bay? 阿龙纳斯先生,我们到了,尼摩船长说,现在您可以看见这狭窄的海湾。 A month from now in this very place, the numerous fishing boats of

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Finally, at noon, we were plowing the waves of the Red Sea. 到了中午,我们就走在红海里面了。 The Red Sea: that great lake so famous in biblical traditions, seldom replenished by rains, fed by no important rivers, continually drained b

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DURING THE PERIOD in which these developments were occurring, 这些事件发生的时候, I had returned from a scientific undertaking organized to explore the Nebraska badlands in the United States. 我正从美国内布拉斯加州的贫瘠地区做

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(65) / 评论(0) 分类 《海底两万里》中英双语有声读物

And indeed, unless this reef had an engine in its belly, how could it move about with such prodigious speed? 理由是:除非这暗礁在腹部有一架机器,不然的话,它怎能这样快地一会儿到达这里一会儿又到那里呢? Also

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Their hunting was not a fascinating sport. 但这样的打猎并没有什么意思, The manatees let themselves be struck down without offering any resistance. 因为这些海牛面对捕捉丝毫不做反抗。 Several thousand kilos of meat were

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Chapter 18 The Devilfish 第十八章 章鱼 For some days the Nautilus kept veering away from the American coast. 几天来,鹦鹉螺号船只总是一直避开美洲海岸, It obviously didn't want to frequent the waves of the Gulf of Mexico or

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In truth, this animal is a living fishhook, promising wealth and happiness to the greenest fisherman in the business. 实际上,印鱼是一个活鱼钩,它会给淳朴的钓鱼人带来好运和财富。 The Nautilus's men attached to each fish'

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I continued sketching. 我继续工作。 These monsters kept pace in our waters with such precision, 这些怪物非常准确地保持在船的水域中, they seemed to be standing still, and I could have traced their outlines in miniature on the

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Its unstable color would change with tremendous speed as the animal grew irritated, 它身上的颜色不稳定,极其迅速,地随着这头动物的情绪激动程度变化而变化, passing successively from bluish gray to reddish brown. 从灰

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I stared in my turn and couldn't keep back a movement of revulsion. 我上前一看,忍不住感到一阵恶心。 Before my eyes there quivered a horrible monster worthy of a place among the most farfetched teratological legends. 在我的眼前,游

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