A hundred reasons. Duty. Honor. He yearns to write his name large across the book of history, to get away from his wife, or both. 理由多的是,责任心、荣誉感都有可能,或者他想名垂青史,或者他们夫妻不和,甚至两者皆

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Maester Luwin averted his eyes. Even Ned looked shocked. What are you doing?he asked. 鲁温学士见状立刻别过头去,连奈德都被她突如其来的举动给吓住。你要做什么?他问。 Lighting a fire,Catelyn told him. She found a

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She was about to go to him when the knock came at the door, loud and unexpected. Ned turned, frowning. What is it? 她正准备起身走到他身旁,敲门声却突然传来,在这样的时刻显得尤为刺耳,出乎意料。奈德回身,皱眉

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Honors? Ned laughed bitterly. 荣誉?奈德苦涩地笑道。 In his eyes, yes, she said. 在他眼里,没有更高的荣誉了。她回答。 And in yours? 在你眼里呢? And in mine, she blazed, angry now. Why couldnt he see? 在我眼里也一

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They arrived, flushed and breathless, to find Jon seated on the sill, one leg drawn up languidly to his chin. 等她气喘吁吁地跑到目的地,却发现琼恩已经靠坐在窗棂上,一只脚无精打采地翘起顶着下巴。 He was watchi

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Septa Mordane, Jon told her. I dont think shed like Nymeria helping, either. 茉丹修女会啰。琼恩告诉她,而且我想她一定不喜欢娜梅莉亚这样帮忙的。 The she-wolf regarded him silently with her dark golden eyes. Its just as

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12.EDDARD 第十二章 艾德 The summons came in the hour before the dawn, when the world was still and grey. 国王传唤他时,天还未亮,世界一片寂静,灰蒙蒙的。 Alyn shook him roughly from his dreams and Ned stumbled into the

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You were never the boy you were, Robert grumbled. Mores the pity. And yet there was that one time 你小子从来也没年轻过,劳勃咕哝,也罢。不过有那么一回 what was her name, that common girl of yours? Becca? No, she was one of m

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Three days ride from Winterfell, however, the farmland gave way to dense wood, and the kingsroad grew lonely. 然而好景不长,离开临冬城三日之后,农田退去,只见茂密深林,国王大道也越来越人迹罕至。 The flint hil

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Tyrion was never much use in making a camp or breaking one. 无论扎营拔营,提利昂都帮不上忙。 Too small, too hobbled, too in-the-way. 他个子太小,蹒跚跛行只会碍手碍脚。 So while Stark and Yoren and the other men erecte

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He will not cross, Ned promised. And if by some mischance he does, we will throw him back into the sea. Once you choose a new Warden of the East 他渡不了海的。奈德保证,就算他真来了,我们也能协力把他赶回去。等你任命好

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Ned knew better than to defy him when the wrath was on him. 奈德很清楚不能在国王气头上顶撞他。 If the years had not quenched Roberts thirst for revenge, no words of his would help. 如果这么多年的时间都无法浇熄他复仇的

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Ser Jorah is now in Pentos, anxious to earn a royal pardon that would allow him to return from exile, Robert explained. 乔拉爵士现下人在潘托斯,正焦急地等着王家特赦好渡海回国。劳勃解释, Lord Varys makes good use of h

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Syria's Kurds Struggle for Rights 叙利亚库尔德人为权力而斗争 In eastern Syria, there are people who have been working the land and filling towns and villages, as their ancestors did, for

发表于:2019-01-14 / 阅读(94) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA2005(下)--国政军事聚焦

You are khaleesi, Rakharo said, taking the arakh. 您是卡丽熙,拉卡洛说罢接过亚拉克弯刀。 I shall ride at your side to Vaes Dothrak beneath the Mother of Mountains, 我将与您并肩骑到圣母山下的维斯多斯拉克, and ke

发表于:2019-01-30 / 阅读(103) / 评论(0) 分类 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》

Tyrion laughed.Youre too smart to believe that. The Nights Watch is a midden heap for all the misfits of the realm. 提利昂笑笑。聪明如你,怎会相信这种屁话?守夜人军团是个专门接收全国各地人渣废物的垃圾场, I

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Maester Luwin set the lamp in a niche by the door and fiddled with its wick. 鲁温学士把油灯安置在门边的壁龛里,胡乱捻着灯芯。 There are several appointments that require your immediate attention, my lady. 夫人,还有好些职

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It was a great honor to ride with the queen, and besides, Prince Joffrey might be there. Her betrothed. 能与王后作伴是至高无尚的荣耀,更何况乔佛里可能也在。那可是她的未婚夫呢。 Just thinking it made her feel a stra

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冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第210期:第十六章 艾德(8)Robert looked at Ned with flat, dead eyes and left without a word, his footsteps heavy as lead. Silence filled the hall. 劳勃眼神呆滞地看了看奈德,然后迈开沉

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Yes it is! Prince Joffrey insisted. They all attacked me, and she threw Lion's Tooth in the river! 明明就是这样!乔佛里王子坚持,他们一起围攻我,她还把狮牙丢进河里! Ned noticed that he did not so much as glance at Ar

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