The watchman, my lord, Jory said. He vows he'll never touch another horse. 老爷,您说的这个都城守卫,乔里道,他发誓这辈子再也不碰别的马了。 What did he have to say? 为什么? He claims he knew Lord Arryn well. Fast

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The trumpets blared again, da-DAAA da-DAAA da-DA da-DA da-DAAAAAAA. 喇叭再度响起,嘟嘟、嘟嘟、嘟嘟、嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟。 Sir Gregor waved his huge sword and bellowed a command, and a thousand other voices screamed back at hi

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Maddened, the beast lunged into the ranks. 发狂的战马跃入敌阵, Spears thrust at him from every side, but the shield wall broke beneath his weight. 长枪自四面八方向它捅来,但盾墙也同时在它的重压之下瓦解, The nor

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A warhorn sounded in the far distance, a deep mournful note that chilled the soul. 远处响起军号,低沉哀怨,令人灵魂不寒而栗。 The clansmen climbed onto their scrawny mountain horses, shouting curses and rude jokes. Several appear

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and yowling like a babe at the few that had buried themselves in his flesh. 有几枝箭射进体内,拔得他像个婴儿似喊痛。 Chella daughter of Cheyk rode up as they were yanking arrows out of Shagga, and showed them four ears she had tak

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I must ride down the line, Mother, he told her. 母亲,我得上前线去。他告诉她, Father says you should let the men see you before a battle. 父亲教导我,开战之前,要让部下看到首领与他们同在。 Go, then, she said.

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There is no other way to besiege Riverrun, yet still, that will be their undoing. 包围奔流城,这是惟一的方法,但这也将是他们的致命伤。 Two or three thousand horse. 对方的骑兵约莫两三千。 The Kingslayer has us thre

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Did you watch for me? he'd ask when he bent to bug her. Did you, little cat? 你有没有等我啊?当他弯身搂抱她时,一定会这么问,有没有啊,小凯特? Brandon Stark had bid her wait as well. 布兰登史塔克也教她等了好

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It should not be long now, my lady, Hallis Mollen said. 夫人,等不了多久了。哈里斯莫兰道。 He had asked for the honor of protecting her in the battle to come; 他要求在这场战事中有幸担负起保护她的责任, it was his

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It is not a matter of gold or horses. This is bloodmagic, lady. Only death may pay for life. 这不是黄金或马匹的问题,夫人,这是血魔法,惟有死亡方能换取生命。 Death? Dany wrapped her arms around herself protectively, ro

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Weasels will tear out her entrails and carrion crows feast upon her eyes. 让黄鼠狼扯出她的内脏,让乌鸦啄食她的眼睛, The flies off the river shall lay their eggs in her womb and drink pus from the ruins of her breasts... 河边的苍

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Dany did not want to go back to Vaes Dothrak and live the rest of her life among those terrible old women, 丹妮不愿意返回维斯多斯拉克,去和那群恐怖的老妇共度余生, yet she knew that the knight spoke the truth. 但她知道骑

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When his lips opened, no words escaped them, only a moan. 他张开嘴巴,却说不出话,只有呻吟。 Where is Mirri Maz Duur? she demanded, her patience rubbed raw with fear. 弥丽马兹笃尔在哪儿?她的耐心快要被恐惧磨光,忍

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Qotho glared down at her, his eyes hard as flint. 柯索从马上瞪着她,两眼刚硬如燧石。 The maegi. He spat. This I will not do. 巫魔女,他啐了一口,我不干。 You will, Dany said, or when Drogo wakes, he will hear why you de

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A maester in Asshai, Sir Jorah mused. Tell me, Godswife, what did this Marwyn wear about his neck? 学士竟会出现在亚夏?乔拉爵士若有所思地说,告诉我,女祭司,这位马尔温的脖子上戴了什么? A chain so tight it w

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Khal Drogo waved him away. 卓戈卡奥把他挥开。 I need no man's help, he said, in a voice proud and hard. 我不需要人帮忙,他用骄傲而坚定的语气说。 He stood, unaided, towering over them all. 他不靠搀扶站了起来,比在

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Dany heard Jhogo shout. 丹妮听见乔戈大叫。 The rapers laughed at him. One man shouted back. 施暴者们嘲笑他,有个人甚至吼了回去。 Jhogo's arakh flashed, and the man's head went tumbling from his shoulders. 乔戈的亚拉克弯

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I am the blood of the dragon, Daenerys Targaryen reminded herself as she turned her face away. 我是真龙传人,丹妮莉丝坦格利安一边转开脸,一边提醒自己。 She pressed her lips together and hardened her heart and rode on towar

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Once Dany might have taken them for Dothraki, for they had the same copper skin and almond-shaped eyes. 若是从前,丹妮可能会把他们错当成多斯拉克人,因为他们同样有着古铜色皮肤和杏仁形的眼睛。 Now they looked

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I believe you would. Shae lowered the greathelm down over his head, and Pod fastened it to his gorget. 我相信你会。雪伊为他戴上巨盔,波德随即将之与护喉相连。 Tyrion buckled on his belt, heavy with the weight of shortsword a

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