I am a healer, Mirri Maz Duur said. 我只是个医者。弥丽马兹笃尔说。 A healer of sheeps, sneered Qotho. 羊的医者。柯索轻蔑地说, Blood of my blood, I say kill this maegi and wait for the hairless men. 吾血之血,我说杀了

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And you, Mago, hold your tongue and find another lamb to mount. 至于你,马戈,闭上你的嘴巴,去找别的羊骑。 These belong to my khaleesi. 这些人属于我的卡丽熙。 He started to reach out a hand to Daenerys, but as he lifte

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Sir Jorah lifted the visor of his flat-topped greathelm as he rode up. 乔拉爵士骑上前来,揭开平顶巨盔的面罩。 Your lord husband awaits you within the town. 您的夫君在镇里等您。 Drogo took no harm? 卓戈没受伤吧? A

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The cooks were serving the meat course: five suckling pigs, skin seared and crackling, a different fruit in every mouth. 厨子正端上当晚的主菜:五只烤得金黄酥脆,嘴里含着不同水果的乳猪。 The smell made his mouth water. 闻

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Bronn rose, cat-quick and cat-graceful, turning his sword in his hand. 波隆霍地起身,动作如灵猫一般迅捷优雅,手心转着剑。 You'll have me beside you in the battle, dwarf. 侏儒,打仗时我会在你身边。 Tyrion nodded.

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Jyck had not always troubled to do that. 杰克以前通常懒得说明, There was a look the girls got in their eyes sometimes when they first beheld the lordling they'd been hired to pleasure... 于是许多女孩初次见到这位她们受雇服侍

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Sansa started as Joffrey laid his hand on her arm. 乔佛里伸手放在珊莎手臂上,把她吓了一跳。 It grows late, the prince said. He had a queer look on his face, as if he were not seeing her at all. Do you need an escort back to the ca

发表于:2019-03-10 / 阅读(163) / 评论(0) 分类 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》

You never knew Lyanna as I did, Robert, Ned told him. 劳勃,你对莱安娜的了解没我深,奈德告诉他, You saw her beauty, but not the iron underneath. 你只见到她的美,却不知道她真正的硬脾气。 She would have told yo

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He's only a boy, Ned said awkwardly. He had small liking for Prince Joffrey, but he could hear the pain in Robert's voice. 他还是个孩子,奈德尴尬地说。他自己也不喜欢乔佛里王子,但他听得出劳勃语中的痛苦。 Have y

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Yet knowing all that, what had he learned? The king had other baseborn children scattered throughout the Seven Kingdoms. 即便如此,他又能从中发现什么?国王所生的孩子遍及七国全境。 He had openly acknowledged one of his bas

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He was at the door when Ned called, Varys. The eunuch turned back. How did Jon Arryn die? 他走到门边时,奈德叫道:瓦里斯,太监回过头。琼恩艾林是怎么死的? I wondered when you would get around to that. 我还在想你什么

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Lord Tywin would do no such thing, of course, but Tyrion would make up for it if he won free. 泰温公爵当然不会如此,提利昂打算等自己脱身后再想办法补偿。 Ser Rodrik glanced at his lady, his look worried, as well it might b

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Startled, Arya dropped the cat and whirled toward the voice. 艾莉亚吓了一跳,松开猫,旋身面对声音的来源。 The tom bounded off in the blink of an eye. 公猫转瞬间便一溜烟逃走。 At the end of the alley stood a girl with

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and when Lord Arryn said the child was going to Dragonstone to foster with Stannis Baratheon, 艾林大人为了平息尴尬,便吐露那孩子已经决定送到龙石岛去给史坦尼斯拜拉席恩收养, she stormed off without a word of regr

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Yet in his nightmare he faced it again... and this time the burning corpse wore Lord Eddard's features. 然而在他的噩梦里,它又再度到来这次冒火的尸体头上生着艾德公爵的容貌。 It was his father's skin that burst and bla

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He was clumsy and uncomfortable with his left hand, 虽然左手持剑,难看又笨拙, yet even so the steel seemed to flow through the air, as if it had a will of its own. 但宝剑仿佛凭着自己的意志划破空气。 Wolves have claws, a

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I'll wager you, he eats too many beans, he breaks wind just like me, but you'll never hear him admit it, oh, no. 我敢跟你打赌,他豆子吃多了,跟我一样会放屁,不过你甭想听他承认,想都别想。 What's he got to be so pu

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We're talking now, Lord Frey complained. 我们现在不就在谈?佛雷侯爵抱怨。 The spotted pink head snapped around. 他那遍布老人斑的粉红秃头倏地一转。 What are you all looking at? he shouted at his kin. Get out of here. 你

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As Lord Slynt took his place, Grand Maester Pycelle resumed. 等史林特伯爵就位后,派席尔国师继续念: Lastly, in these times of treason and turmoil, with our beloved Robert so lately dead, 最后,于此密谋四起、动乱不堪的危

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Later, when the stomach cramps began, he begged for food instead. 几天后,他肚子抽筋,便改向狱卒求恳食物, It made no matter; he was not fed. 结果还是相同,他依然没东西吃。 Perhaps the Lannisters meant for him to st

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