Chapter 5. BLOOD TYPE 第五章 血型 I made my way to English in a daze. 我神思恍惚地向英语教室走去。 I didn't even realize when I first walked in that class had already started. 我甚至没有意识到,我是在开始上课后才走

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Disappointment flooded through me as my eyes unerringly focused on his table. 当我的目光准确地投向他的桌子时,失望吞没了我。 The other four were there, but he was absent. Had he gone home? 另外四个人都在,只有他不在那

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I sat down automatically, watching him with caution. 我机械地坐下来,警惕地盯着他。 He was still smiling. It was hard to believe that someone so beautiful could be real. 他依然微笑着。很难相信这样美丽的人居然存在在现

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And you've broken promises yourself, I reminded him back. 同样,你也违背了你的承诺。我反将一军。 Just one theoryI won't laugh. 就一个理论我不会笑的。 Yes, you will. I was positive about that. 不,你会的。我对此相

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I looked forward to see Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper all sliding into the Volvo. 我盼着看到爱丽丝、罗莎莉、埃美特和贾斯帕全塞到沃尔沃里面去。 In his rearview mirror, Edward's eyes were on me. 爱德华在从后视镜

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Chapter 3. PHENOMENON 第三章 3. 现象 When I opened my eyes in the morning, something was different. 早上我睁开眼睛的时候,有什么地方不一样了。 It was the light. 是光线。 It was still the gray-green light of a cloudy day

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There was another flurry of hospital personnel, another stretcher brought to the bed next to me. 医护人员又是一阵慌乱,又一张担架床推到了挨着我的那张病床边上。 I recognized Tyler Crowley from my Government class beneath

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So, Mike said, looking at the floor, 嗯,迈克眼睛看着地板说道, Jessica asked me to the spring dance. 杰西卡邀请我参加春季舞会了。 That's great. I made my voice bright and enthusiastic. 那是大好事儿呀。我用喜气洋

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I tried very hard not to be aware of him for the rest of the hour, 一节课接下来的时间里,我极力地不让自己注意他的存在, and, since that was impossible, at least not to let him know that I was aware of him. 但因为这是不可

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I never noticed before your hair has red in it, he commented, 我之前从没注意到过你的头发带着些红影。他评价道, catching between his fingers a strand that was fluttering in the light breeze. 手指间抓着的一股细线在微风

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Put a small drop of blood on each of the prongs. 在四齿涂敷器的四个齿上各沾一小滴血。 He demonstrated, squeezing Mike's finger till the blood flowed. 他还在示范着,挤压着迈克的手指直到血流出来为止。 I swallow

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Can you walk? Mr. Banner asked. 你还能走路吗?巴纳老师问道。 Yes, I whispered. Just let me get out of here, I thought. I'll crawl. 能。我低声说道。只要能让我离开这里,我想,就是爬我也要爬出去。 Mike seemed

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Poor Mike. I'll bet he's mad. 可怜的迈克,我敢打赌他一定气疯了。 He absolutely loathes me, Edward said cheerfully. 他确实恨透我了。爱德华乐滋滋地说。 You can't know that, I argued, but then I wondered suddenly if he

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As was my routine, I glanced first toward the Cullens' table. 如同例行公事一样,我第一眼便向卡伦家的桌子看去。 A shiver of panic trembled in my stomach as I realized it was empty. 当我意识到它是空的时,一阵恐惧的

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I'll just drag you back, he threatened, guessing my plan. 我会再把你拖回来。他猜出了我的计划,威胁道。 I tried to maintain what dignity I could as I got into his car. 我一边努力维持着自己的尊严,一边钻进他的车

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I have too much Charlie in me. She's more outgoing than I am, and braver. 我遗传了太多查理的特点。她比我更直率,更勇敢些。 She's irresponsible and slightly eccentric, and she's a very unpredictable cook. 她很不靠谱,性子

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The hour seemed very long. 这个小时过得非常漫长。 I couldn't concentrate on the movieI didn't even know what subject it was on. 我没法把注意力集中在电影上我甚至不知道它的主旨是什么。 I tried unsuccessfully to rel

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That night Edward starred in my dreams, as usual. 和往常一样,这天晚上爱德华在我的梦里担纲主演。 However, the climate of my unconsciousness had changed. 但是,我潜意识里的气候改变了, It thrilled with the same el

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I laughed. I guess that's right. I suppose I slept just a little bit more than you did. 我大笑起来:我猜想也是。我估计我只比你多睡了一点点。 I'd wager you did. 我敢打赌你确实如此。 So what did you do last night? I

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Not even closebut your father will be home soon. 差远了但你爸爸很快就要到家了。 Charlie! I suddenly recalled his existence, and sighed. 查理!我忽然意识到他的存在,然后叹了口气。 I looked out at the rain-darkened s

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