时间:2019-01-22 作者:英语课 分类:暮光之城•暮色


 Chapter 3. PHENOMENON  第三章 3. 现象

When I opened my eyes in the morning, something was different. 早上我睁开眼睛的时候,有什么地方不一样了。
It was the light.  是光线。
It was still the gray-green light of a cloudy day in the forest, but it was clearer somehow.  虽然依旧是阴天森林里的那种灰绿色的光线,但不知怎么的,的确明亮一些了。
I realized there was no fog veiling my window.  我意识到是没有雾罩着我的窗户了。
I jumped up to look outside, and then groaned 1 in horror.  我从床上跳下来,往外一看,不禁吓得哼了一声。
A fine layer of snow covered the yard, dusted the top of my truck, and whitened the road.  院子里覆盖了一层薄雪,我的车顶披上了银装,道路铺上了白色的地毯。
But that wasn't the worst part.  但这还不是最糟糕的。
All the rain from yesterday had frozen solid — coating the needles on the trees in fantastic, gorgeous patterns, and making the driveway a deadly ice slick.  昨天下的雨全都冻成了冰——给树上的针叶穿上奇异瑰丽的衣衫,将我们家的私人车道变成了一块滑溜溜的冰面。
I had enough trouble not falling down when the ground was dry;  地面干燥时,我都要克服许多困难才不至于摔跤;
it might be safer for me to go back to bed now.  此刻也许回到床上去睡觉对我更安全。
Charlie had left for work before I got downstairs.  我还没下楼,查理就上班去了。
In a lot of ways, living with Charlie was like having my own place, and I found myself reveling in the aloneness instead of being lonely.  从许多方面来说,跟查理住在一起就像有了我自己的空间一样,而且我发现,一个人袋着的时候很陶醉,而不是孤独。
I threw down a quick bowl of cereal and some orange juice from the carton.  我三口两口,灌下了一碗麦片粥和盒子里的一些橙汁。
I felt excited to go to school, and that scared me.  一想到上学我就兴奋,同时又令我害怕。
I knew it wasn't the stimulating 2 learning environment I was anticipating, or seeing my new set of friends.  我知道我期盼的不是什么令人刺激的学习环境,也不是见到我那一群新朋友。
If I was being honest with myself, I knew I was eager to get to school because I would see Edward Cullen.  如果诚实的面对自己内心真正想法的话,我知道自己急着去学校是因为可以见到爱德华·卡伦。
And that was very, very stupid.  而这,真是非常,非常的愚蠢。
I should be avoiding him entirely 3 after my brainless and embarrassing babbling 4 yesterday.  在昨天那样不经大脑思考地,令人窘困地胡说一气之后,按说我本来应该躲着他才是。
And I was suspicious of him; why should he lie about his eyes?  而且我对他一直心存疑虑;他为什么要在自己的眼睛这个问题上撒谎?
I was still frightened of the hostility 5 I sometimes felt emanating 6 from him, and I was still tongue-tied whenever I pictured his perfect face.  我有时感到他身上散发着一种敌意,对这种敌意,我依然很害怕,而且每当我想象他那张完美无缺的脸时,我依然会张口结舌。
I was well aware that my league and his league were spheres that did not touch.  我清楚地意识到,我们和他们是不同的群体,我们之间不会有交集,
So I shouldn't be at all anxious to see him today.  所以今天完全不应该急切地想见他。
It took every ounce of my concentration to make it down the icy brick driveway alive.  我集中了十二分的注意力才活着走完了那条冰砖似的私人车道。
I almost lost my balance when I finally got to the truck, but I managed to cling to the side mirror and save myself.  费了九牛二虎之力,好不容易到了车跟前时,我差点儿失去了重心,好在我设法紧紧抓住了倒车镜,才没有摔倒。
Clearly, today was going to be nightmarish.  显然,今天将是梦魇般的一天。
Driving to school, I distracted myself from my fear of falling and my unwanted speculations 7 about Edward Cullen by thinking about Mike and Eric, and the obvious difference in how teenage boys responded to me here.  开车去学校的路上,我竭力去想迈克和埃里克,以及这里十几岁的男孩子对我的明显不同的反应,以此来分散注意力,使自己别老提心吊胆地怕摔倒和对爱德华·卡伦的那些没有用的胡乱推测。
I was sure I looked exactly the same as I had in Phoenix 8. 我非常清楚我的样子跟在凤凰城时完全一样。
Maybe it was just that the boys back home had watched me pass slowly through all the awkward phases of adolescence 9 and still thought of me that way.  也许只是家那边的男孩子目睹了我度过自己那令人难堪的整个青春发育阶段的漫长过程,而且还在用老眼光看我罢了。
Perhaps it was because I was a novelty here, where novelties were few and far between.  也许是因为在这里我是初来乍到,大家觉得比较新奇,而这里这样的新奇并不多,而且十年八年都难得碰上一回。
Possibly my crippling clumsiness was seen as endearing rather than pathetic, casting me as a damsel in distress 10.  也说不定是大家觉得我笨手笨脚的,挺可爱而不是挺可怜,把我看成了一个需要保护的小姑娘。
Whatever the reason, Mike's puppy dog behavior and Eric's apparent rivalry 11 with him were disconcerting.  无论是出于什么原因,迈克小狗般的举止和埃里克明显地跟他较着劲儿弄得我很不安。
I wasn't sure if I didn't prefer being ignored.  我不知道自己是不是更喜欢被人忽略。

v.呻吟( groan的过去式和过去分词 );发牢骚;抱怨;受苦
  • He groaned in anguish. 他痛苦地呻吟。
  • The cart groaned under the weight of the piano. 大车在钢琴的重压下嘎吱作响。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • shower gel containing plant extracts that have a stimulating effect on the skin 含有对皮肤有益的植物精华的沐浴凝胶
  • This is a drug for stimulating nerves. 这是一种兴奋剂。
  • The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty. 那场火灾完全是由于他们失职而引起的。
  • His life was entirely given up to the educational work. 他的一生统统献给了教育工作。
n.胡说,婴儿发出的咿哑声adj.胡说的v.喋喋不休( babble的现在分词 );作潺潺声(如流水);含糊不清地说话;泄漏秘密
  • I could hear the sound of a babbling brook. 我听得见小溪潺潺的流水声。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Infamy was babbling around her in the public market-place. 在公共市场上,她周围泛滥着对她丑行的种种议论。 来自英汉文学 - 红字
  • There is open hostility between the two leaders.两位领导人表现出公开的敌意。
  • His hostility to your plan is well known.他对你的计划所持的敌意是众所周知的。
v.从…处传出,传出( emanate的现在分词 );产生,表现,显示
  • Even so, there is a slight odour of potpourri emanating from Longfellow. 纵然如此,也还是可以闻到来自朗费罗的一种轻微的杂烩的味道。 来自辞典例句
  • Many surface waters, particularly those emanating from swampy areas, are often colored to the extent. 许多地表水,特别是由沼泽地区流出的地表水常常染上一定程度的颜色。 来自辞典例句
n.投机买卖( speculation的名词复数 );思考;投机活动;推断
  • Your speculations were all quite close to the truth. 你的揣测都很接近于事实。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • This possibility gives rise to interesting speculations. 这种可能性引起了有趣的推测。 来自《用法词典》
  • The airline rose like a phoenix from the ashes.这家航空公司又起死回生了。
  • The phoenix worship of China is fetish worship not totem adoration.中国凤崇拜是灵物崇拜而非图腾崇拜。
  • Adolescence is the process of going from childhood to maturity.青春期是从少年到成年的过渡期。
  • The film is about the trials and tribulations of adolescence.这部电影讲述了青春期的麻烦和苦恼。
  • Nothing could alleviate his distress.什么都不能减轻他的痛苦。
  • Please don't distress yourself.请你不要忧愁了。
  • The quarrel originated in rivalry between the two families.这次争吵是两家不和引起的。
  • He had a lot of rivalry with his brothers and sisters.他和兄弟姐妹间经常较劲。
标签: 英语听力
alcohol block therapy
algological chemistry
anhydrous sugar
batch settling
bottom application
Burchard's test
carditella hanzawai
climatic rhythm
concrete layer
conical grinder
declaration of use
depth ruler for rudder checking
desired to undesired signal ratio
diamond glide
digitally programmable modem
dynamic shrinkage
en grand
essential manpower
evolutionary stochastic process
farther on
field verification
final age of the maximum forest rent
frames up
gas supply regulator
genus Haemodorum
global output
gravity wave manifold
high-frequency sputtering
hill-drop drill
hood type annealing furnace
hot flue
housing investment
I was glad to do it
isoamyl cyanide
jobbing chases
Kabīr, Nahr el
Keith process (for lead refining)
lithospermum arvens l.
loose order
magnetic delay line
Malek Kandī
meadow muffins
miniature bearing race
minimization of finite automaton
monochrome signal
open surface cooler
pass the hat around
plant irrigation with artificial light
plighted lovers
Poliny Osipenko
press out a dress
primary malnutrition
range rod
rape cake
redox equilibrium
Sauro, Torrente
secretory duct
servicing siding
sharpened patterson function
statistical factor in Breit-Wigner formula
statokinetic labyrinth
Séguéla, Dep.de
taxation bears hard
weak digraph
who laughs last laughs best
wild fowl
ZD programme
Zond spacecraft