They're going to what? screamed Wilbur. 他们要做什么?威尔伯尖叫起来。 Fern grew rigid on her stool. 弗恩在她的凳子上呆住了。 Kill you. Turn you into smoked bacon and ham, continued the old sheep. 杀你,把你变成熏肉火

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Stop! screamed Wilbur. 别说了!威尔伯尖叫, I don't want to die! Save me, somebody! Save me! 我不要死!救救我,你们哪一位!救救我! Fern was just about to jump up when a voice was heard. 弗恩正要跳起来,听见了一

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As the days went by, Wilbur grew and grew. 日子一天天过去,威尔伯越长越大。 He ate three big meals a day. 它一天大吃三顿。 He spent long hours lying on his side, 它舒舒服服地侧身躺上很长时间, half asleep, dream

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The pig walked out to his yard. You there, Templeton? he called. 小猪走到外面它的猪栏去。喂,坦普尔顿,你在那里吗?它叫道。 The rat poked his head out from under the trough. 老鼠从食槽底下伸出它的脑袋。 Got

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In a forest looking for beechnuts and truffles and delectable roots, 上一片森林去找山毛榉果子、块菌、甘美的树根, pushing leaves aside with my wonderful strong nose, 用我了不起的有力的鼻子拱开树叶, searching and

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No, said Charlotte. They don't catch anything. 不是,夏洛说,他们不捉任何东西。 They just keep trotting back and forth across the bridge thinking there is something better on the other side. 他们只是在桥上走过来走过去,老

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You needn't feel too badly, Wilbur, she said. 你用不着太难过,威尔伯,它说。 [00:02.72]Not many creatures can spin webs. Even men aren't as good at it as spiders, 没有多少动物会结网的。连人类也织不过蜘蛛, [00:07.5

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You lack a set of spinnerets, and you lack know-how. But cheer up, you don't need a web. 你少了一个吐丝器,你也少了这门技术。不过高兴起来吧,你用不上网。 Zuckerman supplies you with three big meals a day. Why should yo

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Everybody watch! he cried. And summoning all his strength, he threw himself into the air, headfirst. 大家看好了!威尔伯大叫一声,用尽全身力气,头向前腾空跳下去。 The string trailed behind him. But as he had neglected to

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Wilbur crouched low, with his thin, curly tail toward the rat. 威尔伯蹲低身子,让它那条细细的弯尾巴对着老鼠。 Templeton seized the string, passed it around the end of the pig's tail, and tied two half hitches. 坦普尔顿抓住绳

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Oh, yes, Wilbur adores Charlotte, said Fern. 噢,是的,威尔伯佩服夏洛,弗恩说, Do you know what Charlotte said when the goslings hatched? 你知道那些小鹅孵出来那会儿,夏洛说了什么吗? I haven't the faintest idea

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Yes, I do, said Mrs. Arable. 是的,我觉得是很棒,阿拉布尔太太说, And now, Fern, it's time to get ready for Sunday School. 不过现在,弗恩,该上主日学校去了。 And tell Avery to get ready. 叫艾弗里快准备好。

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I worry about Fern, she said. 我为弗恩担心,她说, Did you hear the way she rambled on about the animals, pretending that they talked? 你听到她嘟噜嘟噜谈那些动物了吗?说得好象它们会讲话似的。 Mr. Arable chuckled.

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Chapter 9 Wilbur's Boast 第九章 威尔伯说大话 A spider's web is stronger than it looks. 蜘蛛网比它看上去的样子结实。 Although it is made of thin, delicate strands, the web is not easily broken. 它虽然由纤细的丝织成,可

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My legs are hairy for a good reason, replied Charlotte. 我的腿毛茸茸是有道理的,夏洛回答说, Furthermore, each leg of mine has seven sections, the coxa, the trochanter, 而且我的每条腿有七个节,基节、转节、 the femu

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Well, said Charlotte, you and I lead different lives. 这个嘛,夏洛说,你和我过的生活不同。 You don't have to spin a web. That takes real leg work. 你用不着结网。结网是真正的腿上功夫。 I could spin a web if I tried,

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Wilbur hesitated a moment, then jumped out into the air. 威尔伯犹豫了一下,接着悬空往下跳。 He glanced hastily behind to see if a piece of rope was following him to check his fall, 它赶快往身后瞧,看后面是不是有根绳子

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Charlotte? said Mrs. Arable. Who's Charlotte? 夏洛?阿拉布尔太太说,夏洛是谁? She's Wilbur's best friend. She's terribly clever. 是威尔伯最好的朋友。它聪明极了。 What does she look like? asked Mrs. Arable. 她是什么样

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Chapter 10 An Explosion 第10章 臭蛋爆炸 Day after day the spider waited, head-down, for an idea to come to her. 一天又一天,蜘蛛头朝下,等着一个好主意来到它的脑瓜子里。 Hour by hour she sat motionless, deep in though

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Oh, I don't remember, said Wilbur. It doesn't make any difference. 噢,我不记得了,威尔伯说,没关系。 Let's not talk any more for a while, Charlotte. I'm getting sleepy. 我们歇一会儿,不要再谈了,夏洛。我想睡觉了。

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