Good people all, with one accord, 善良的人,异口同声, Lament for Madam Blaize, 哀悼,布莱兹夫人, Who never wanted a good wordFrom those who spoke her praise. 生前,她不在意任何褒奖,尽管,他们发自内心称赞。
Some pitied him a great deal, and some did not pity him very much, 有些人深深同情这一家庭,有些人却不以为然, because, they said, he might have known better than to try to cross an unsafe bridge, and should have made his horse sw
A poor man once undertook to emigrate from Castine, Me., to Illinois. 从前,一位穷人率全家老小从缅因州卡斯廷准备移居到伊利诺斯州。 When he was attempting to cross a river in New York, his horse broke through the rotten t
In the city of Bath, not many years since, lived a barber who made a practice of following his ordinary occupation on the Lord's day. 前些年,巴斯城内,有位理发匠,他一直保留星期日不休息、照常理发的习惯。 As he was on
One Saturday evening, between light and dark, a stranger from one of the coaches, asking for a barber, was directed by the hostler to the cellar opposite. 一个周六的晚上,天快擦黑了。一位从马车上下来的陌生人想要理发,原来
Heap high the farmer's wintry hoard! 将农夫冬天的囤垛堆高, Heap high the golden corn! 将金色玉米垛堆高! No richer gift has Autumn poured from out her lavish horn! 秋天流泻的丰收,无与伦比,来自大地慷慨的丰饶。
There, richer than the fabled gift apollo showered of old, 比想象的馈赠,更为富足,阿波罗,带来光的神奇, Fair hands the broken grain shall sift, 苍老灵巧的双手,筛尽谷粒, And knead its meal of gold. 揉捻成,霞
Who has not heard of the rattlesnake or copperhead? 有人从没听说响尾蛇或一种头呈铜色的北美毒蛇? An unexpected sight of either of these reptiles will make even the lords of creation recoil; 这两种虫豸,无论哪一种与你不
Come to the festal board tonight, 快来,参加今晚聚会, For bright-eyed beauty will be there, 那美丽的,大眼睛姑娘要来, Her coral lips in nectar steeped, 她珊瑚色嘴唇,浸透花蜜, And garlanded her hair. 头上戴着,
And where is she whose diamond eyes, 明眸生辉,那双迷人的眼睛, Golconda's purest gems outshone? 胜过世上,昂贵的钻石, Whose roseate lips of Eden breathed? 芳唇轻启,玫瑰色诱人, Say, where is she, the beauteous on
Mr. H. says, Ha! Steward, how are you, my old boy? How do things go on at home? 你好!管家,最近好吗?老伙计。家里都还好吗? Steward says, Bad enough, your honor; the magpie's dead. 实在太糟了,尊贵的主人,家里那只
It was a summer evening, 一个夏天傍晚, Old Kaspar's work was done, 老卡斯帕做完了农活, And he, before his cottage door, 他坐在茅屋门口, Was sitting in the sun; 残阳日落,身旁, And by him sported on the green, 他的
My father lived at Blenheim then, 当年,我父亲住在布伦海姆, Yon little stream, hard by; 那里有条小河,水流湍急, They burnt his dwelling to the ground, 英国佬放火烧光我家房子, And he was forced to fly; 寸草不存
The symptoms of its bite are terrible. 遭受这种蠕虫叮咬的症状相当可怕。 The eyes of the patient become red and fiery, his tongue swells to an immoderate size, and obstructs his utterance; 病人眼睛变红或炙热,舌头过度肿胀
The poor man was immediately released from confinement, his accounts returned, and the mistake pointed out. 倒霉的税务官很快从监狱里释放出来,他的账目亦已返还,他的错误自然得到纠正。 During his imprisonment, which
What was to be done? Charles began to pick up the feathers one by one; 下步该做什么?查尔斯迅速逐一拣拾羽绒。 but the old gentleman, who was in an adjoining room, hearing a scuffle, and guessing the cause of it, 此刻,那位老人
Rufus Wilson was next introduced into the room and left to himself; 随后,鲁弗斯.威尔森被吩咐走进房间。 but he had not been there ten minutes before he began to move from one place to another. 不到十分钟,他就开始在房间里
Now had he looked at the top, instead of the bottom, it might have been better for him; 如果他当时查看门顶而不是门底,情况或许要好些。 for to the top of the door was fastened a plug, which filled up the hole of a small barrel o
Come, come, said the old gentleman, one snake is quite enough to have in the house at a time; 得了,得了,老人说道,有时,家里有条蛇还是不错的, therefore, the sooner you are gone the better. 这样的话,还是快走为好!
Work, work, my boy, be not afraid; 干活,我的孩子,不要害怕; Look labor boldly in the face; 勇敢地,面对劳动; Take up the hammer or the spade, 从容地拿起,锤子铁锨, And blush not for your humble place. 千万不要,
- 美国语文第五册 第245期:莱茵河畔的士兵(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第246期:天使
- 美国语文第五册 第248期:暴躁易怒的妻子(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第249期:暴躁易怒的妻子(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第250期:雨天
- 美国语文第五册 第251期:万马千钧
- 美国语文第五册 第252期:种子的传播与种植(1)
- 美国语文第五册 第253期:种子的传播与种植(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第254期:种子的传播与种植(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第255期:种子的传播与种植(4)
- 美国语文第五册 第247期:暴躁易怒的妻子(1)
- 美国语文第五册 第244期:莱茵河畔的士兵(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第243期:莱茵河畔的士兵(1)
- 美国语文第五册 第242期:最好的复仇(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第241期:最好的复仇(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第308期:哈姆雷特(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第301期:弗吉尼亚人(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第302期:弗吉尼亚人(4)
- 美国语文第五册 第303期:弗吉尼亚人(5)
- 美国语文第五册 第304期:弗吉尼亚人(6)
- 美国语文第五册 第245期:莱茵河畔的士兵(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第246期:天使
- 美国语文第五册 第248期:暴躁易怒的妻子(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第249期:暴躁易怒的妻子(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第250期:雨天
- 美国语文第五册 第251期:万马千钧
- 美国语文第五册 第252期:种子的传播与种植(1)
- 美国语文第五册 第253期:种子的传播与种植(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第254期:种子的传播与种植(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第255期:种子的传播与种植(4)
- 美国语文第五册 第247期:暴躁易怒的妻子(1)
- 美国语文第五册 第244期:莱茵河畔的士兵(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第243期:莱茵河畔的士兵(1)
- 美国语文第五册 第242期:最好的复仇(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第241期:最好的复仇(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第308期:哈姆雷特(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第301期:弗吉尼亚人(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第302期:弗吉尼亚人(4)
- 美国语文第五册 第303期:弗吉尼亚人(5)
- 美国语文第五册 第304期:弗吉尼亚人(6)