An old clock that had stood for fifty years in a farmer's kitchen, 农夫厨房里,立着一座半世纪之久的老钟, without giving its owner any cause of complaint, early one summer's morning, before the family was stirring, suddenly stopped

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Very good! replied the pendulum; 太妙了!钟摆反讥道, it is vastly easy for you, Mistress Dial, who have always, as everybody knows, set yourself up above me, 对你来说,说说总是再容易不过,表盘夫人,大家看得都很清楚

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The minute hand, being quick at figures, presently replied, 擅长计算的分钟随即回答: Eighty-six thousand four hundred times. Exactly so, replied the pendulum. 86400次。一点不错,钟摆说, Well, I appeal to you all, if the very t

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Very good, replied the dial; but recollect that, although you may think of a million of strokes in an instant, you are required to execute but one; 很好,表盘说道,不过,你想一下,虽然,你或许考虑顷刻间需要一百万次滴答

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The melancholy days are come, 那些,忧郁悲伤的日子来了, The saddest of the year, 年复一年,最为痛苦难捱, Of wailing winds, and naked woods, 风在哀哭,掠过光秃裸露的丛林, And meadows brown and sear. 炙热尽舔

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In the second day of the voyage, they came to the Highlands. 旅途第二天,他们抵达苏格兰高地。 It was the latter part of a calm, sultry day, that they floated gently with the tide between these stern mountains. 当时天近傍晚,无风

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The clouds now rolled in volumes over the mountain tops; their summits still bright and snowy, but the lower parts of an inky blackness. 云层翻卷滚过道道山峦,峰顶明晃晃地刺眼,峰峦下端黢黑模糊连成一片。 The rain bega

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All day the low-hung clouds have dropped, their garnered fullness down; 低垂一天,云朵已经落下,农夫庄稼,亦已安然入仓。 All day that soft, gray mist hath wrapped hill, valley, grove, and town. 灰色雾霭,万般缱绻裹住,

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That lilac's cleaving cones have burst, 紫丁香,风中绽放挺立, The milk-white flowers revealing; 奶白色花朵,惊悚震撼, Even now upon my senses first 一瞥中感动,最是难抑, Methinks their sweets are stealing. 你的心中

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There it stood, in its little green vase, on a light ebony stand in the window of the drawing-room. 客厅窗边,一个浅乌檀色的花架上,一枝月季插在小小的绿色花瓶里。 The rich satin curtains, with their costly fringes, swep

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Oh, then you know just what I was going to say. 哦,那么,你就明白我准备说什么了。 Mrs. Marshall, I presume, has been speaking to you; 我在揣摩马歇尔夫人与你说话的意思。 she was here yesterday, and I was quite pathet

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(69) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第五册

Just the same as I do, replied Florence, calmly. 这正是我想做的,弗罗伦丝平心静气地说, Have you not noticed that the little girl never comes without looking wistfully at the opening buds? 你难道没注意到,那小姑娘哪次来

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The old lady appeared to forget Polly, at the end of her speech; 说话末了,老太太似乎忘了波莉,她坐在那里, for she sat patting the plump little hand that lay in her own, 忘神地轻轻拍着握在她手里那只丰润的小手,

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Isabel took the clothes, and, narrowly inspecting them with eye and hand, 婶婶伊莎贝尔拿过衣服,仔细察看一番, said, with a fervent voice that was heard even in Michael's despair, No, Lucy is yet among the living. 急切地说,露西

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Jacob wore a solemn expression of countenance, and he seemed, from his looks, to bring no comfort. 雅各梅恩脸色凝重,从他表情来看,似乎并没有什么好消息。 Michael stood up between him and his wife, and looked into his heart.

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Jacob Mayne now took a chair, and sat down, with even a smile upon his countenance. 这时,雅各梅恩拖过一把椅子坐下,脸上甚至浮出一丝笑容。 I may tell you now, that Watty Oliver knows it was your child, for he saw her limpin

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Agnes had raised herself up in her bed at these words, but she sank gently back on her pillow; 听到这话,艾格尼丝飞快地从床上起身,但她的头仍无力地落到了枕头上; aunt Isabel was rooted to her chair; and Michael, as he

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There is a Reaper whose name is Death, 收割者,姑且称为死神, And, with his sickle keen, 寒光凛冽,闪烁镰刀锋利, He reaps the bearded grain at a breath, 转眼间,长满胡须的作物伏地, And the flowers that grow betw

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Noon, by the north clock! 中午,北方时钟报时! Noon, by the east! 中午,东方时钟报时! High noon, too, by those hot sunbeams which fall, scarcely aslope, upon my head, 正午,那炽火的光几乎垂直泻落到我的头顶, a

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Drink, and make room for that other fellow, who seeks my aid to quench the fiery fever of last night's potations, which he drained from no cup of mine. 喝吧,再给那家伙腾点地方。此刻,那醉醺醺的家伙需要我,才能平息他内心

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