A gentleman who had traveled in Europe, relates that he one day visited the hospital of Berlin, 一位绅士曾去欧洲旅行,有一天,他去参观柏林一家医院。 where he saw a man whose exterior was very striking. 在医院里,他遇见
Good-by, good-by to Summer! 再见,与夏季挥手作别, For Summer's nearly done; 炎热的舞台,即将落幕, The garden smiling faintly, 花园里,笑声黯淡下来, Cool breezes in the sun; 微风,吹过九月艳阳, Our thrush
Conrad Lange, collector of the revenues of the city of Berlin, had long been known as a man whom nothing could divert from the paths of honesty. 康拉德.兰格曾是柏林市的税务官,多年来,他为人正派,极富声望。 Scrupulously
Our bachelor uncle who lived with us was a quiet, genial man, much given to hunting and fishing; 与我们全家共同生活的鳏夫叔叔沉默寡言,性情温和,打猎或垂钓占据他生活中大多时光, and it was one of the pleasures
I made a strong pull, and brought up a tangle of weeds. 我猛地提起鱼竿,拽出的却是缠成一团的水草。 Again and again I cast out my line with aching arms, and drew it back empty. 再来一次,我总是满怀希望地抛出钓线,却
So, overcome with my great and bitter disappointment, 哎呀,一种说不出来的锥心痛苦攫取了我,我倍感失望, I sat down on the nearest hassock, and for a time refused to be comforted, 一屁股颓然瘫坐在身边的草墩上,叔
It snows! cries the Schoolboy, Hurrah! and his shout is ringing through parlor and hall, While swift as the wing of a swallow, he's out, 下雪了!一位校园男生高声叫着,太好啦!伴随一声尖叫划过门厅,穿过走廊,他像只迅
It snows! cries the Belle, Dear, how lucky! and turns from her mirror to watch the flakes fall, 下雪了!美女惊叹,天呀,实在太美了!她从镜中转身,她从镜中转身,窗外雪花飘落, Like the first rose of summer, her d
On Monday morning seven lads, dressed in their Sunday clothes, with bright and happy faces, 一个周一的早晨,七名少年穿上礼拜的衣服,脸上洋溢着开心幸福的笑容, made their appearance at the Hall, each of them desiring t
Come along, follow me, said the stranger, 哎,先听我说,陌生人说, I am going to see a person who says his name is William Reed, of Kingston, near Taunton. 我正在找从金斯敦来的一个叫威廉.瑞德的人,不错,金斯敦确实
On every side death stared us in the face; no human skill could avert it any longer. 死亡四处紧紧地盯着我们,再也没有任何路可以幸免逃脱。 We saw the moment approach when we must bid farewell to earth, 当我们看到死亡的脚
Let Vergil sing the praises of Augustus, genius celebrate merit, and flattery extol the talents of the great. 让维吉尔唱响献给奥古斯都的赞歌,历史上天才睿者颂扬罗马大帝的圣明与伟绩。 The short and simple annals of
A voice from the sea to the mountains, 一个声音,从海洋滚过山脉, From the mountains again to the sea; 接着,又从山脉荡回海洋, A call from the deep to the fountains, 一声呼唤,发自喷泉深处, O spirit! be glad and
模仿文本:Here, with unprecedented resources at hand, he deliveries a biblical story from modern sensibilities, the dark psychology. What'd you do when your creator ask you to destory mankind, the environmental concerns, the stupendous special e
The consecration of the Church of England's first woman bishop was met with a lone voice of protest at York Minister. 在约克教堂,英格兰国教首位女主教的祝圣仪式遭到一个孤零零的抗议声。 男子大喊圣经里面没有妇女
复活节,如很多节日一样都有着自己的传统和习俗。全世界的人民用不同的方法去认定耶稣基督的死和复活,并且迎接春天的来临。 复活彩蛋 蛋象征新生命。坚硬的蛋壳无法限制里面正在孕育
He practices standing on his head, in order to accustom himself to any position. 农场少年还得练习倒立,以使自己习惯任何不拘一格的运动姿势。 Leapfrog is one of his methods of getting over the ground quickly. 蛙跳行进堪称
It is told of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, that, as he was seated one day in his private room, 传说,一天,普鲁士国王弗里德里希大帝坐在屋里, a written petition was brought to him with the request that it should be imm
It is told of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, that, as he was seated one day in his private room, 传说,一天,普鲁士国王弗里德里希大帝坐在屋里, a written petition was brought to him with the request that it should be imm
- 美国语文第五册 第245期:莱茵河畔的士兵(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第246期:天使
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- 美国语文第五册 第255期:种子的传播与种植(4)
- 美国语文第五册 第247期:暴躁易怒的妻子(1)
- 美国语文第五册 第244期:莱茵河畔的士兵(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第243期:莱茵河畔的士兵(1)
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- 美国语文第五册 第241期:最好的复仇(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第308期:哈姆雷特(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第301期:弗吉尼亚人(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第302期:弗吉尼亚人(4)
- 美国语文第五册 第303期:弗吉尼亚人(5)
- 美国语文第五册 第304期:弗吉尼亚人(6)
- 美国语文第五册 第245期:莱茵河畔的士兵(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第246期:天使
- 美国语文第五册 第248期:暴躁易怒的妻子(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第249期:暴躁易怒的妻子(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第250期:雨天
- 美国语文第五册 第251期:万马千钧
- 美国语文第五册 第252期:种子的传播与种植(1)
- 美国语文第五册 第253期:种子的传播与种植(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第254期:种子的传播与种植(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第255期:种子的传播与种植(4)
- 美国语文第五册 第247期:暴躁易怒的妻子(1)
- 美国语文第五册 第244期:莱茵河畔的士兵(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第243期:莱茵河畔的士兵(1)
- 美国语文第五册 第242期:最好的复仇(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第241期:最好的复仇(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第308期:哈姆雷特(2)
- 美国语文第五册 第301期:弗吉尼亚人(3)
- 美国语文第五册 第302期:弗吉尼亚人(4)
- 美国语文第五册 第303期:弗吉尼亚人(5)
- 美国语文第五册 第304期:弗吉尼亚人(6)