Afterward Maester Luwin arrived to dress her wounds. 之后鲁温师傅帮她包扎伤口。 The cuts in her fingers went deep, almost to the bone, and her scalp was raw and bleeding where hed pulled out a handful of hair. 她指间的刀伤极深,几

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Sansa did not understand. She looked at her prince. Did I say something wrong, Your Grace? Why will he not speak to me? 珊莎不懂这是怎么回事,于是转头向她的王子求助:王子殿下,我做错了什么?为何他不愿跟我说话

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The queen was furious. Joff will carry those scars for the rest of his life. 王后气坏了。小乔手上一辈子都会留着疤痕。 Robert Baratheon looked at his eldest son. So he will. Perhaps they will teach him a lesson. 劳勃拜拉席恩看

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Prince Joffrey was pale as he began his very different version of events. 接着轮到乔佛里说他那个大相径庭的版本,他的脸色非常苍白。 When his son was done talking, the king rose heavily from his seat, looking like a man who

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Hungry some. I ate some berries, but there was nothing else. 只是有点饿,我吃了点野莓,但没别的东西吃。 We'll feed you soon enough, Ned promised. He rose to face the king. 我们马上就给你弄吃的。奈德向她保证,然后

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They've found her, my lord. 老爷,找到她了。 Ned rose quickly. Our men or Lannister's? 奈德立刻起身。是我们的人,还是兰尼斯特家的人? It was Jory, his steward Vayon Poole replied. She's not been harmed. 是乔里找到的

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She was the smallest of the litter, the prettiest, the most gentle and trusting. She looked at him with bright golden eyes, and he ruffled her thick grey fur. 她睁大明亮的金黄色眸子望他,他忍不住摸摸她厚实的灰毛。 Shortly,

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He had been upstairs, enjoying the comfort of a featherbed and the warmth of Shae's body beside him, 片刻前,他人还在楼上,躺在柔软舒适的羽毛床上,怀抱雪伊温暖的身体。 when his squire had woken him to say that a rider

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Sir Jorah and Mirri Maz Duur entered a few moments later, and found Dany standing over the other dragon's eggs, the two still in their chest. 须臾,当乔拉爵士和弥丽马兹笃尔走进帐篷时,丹妮跑去查看另外两颗龙蛋。 It se

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This is not life, for one who was as Drogo was. His life was laughter, 对卓戈那样的人来说,这根本不是生命。他的生命是开怀大笑, and meat roasting over a firepit, and a horse between his legs. 是火炉上烧烤的肉块,是

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They can march on Casterly Rock if they so choose, and what's to stop them? 他们甚至可以大摇大摆地进军凯岩城,谁又能阻止他们呢? My lords, we are beaten. We must sue for peace. 诸位大人,我们战败了,应该立刻求和

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Tyrion wanted to slap him, to spit in his face, to draw his dagger and cut the heart out of him 提利昂想一巴掌掴去,想朝他脸上吐口水,想抽出匕首把他的心掏出来, and see if it was made of old hard gold, the way the smal

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He tried to imagine the look on Robb's face when he revealed himself. 他试着想像当自己揭开真面目时,罗柏脸上会是什么表情。 His brother would shake his head and smile, and he'd say... he'd say... 他的兄弟会摇摇头,面露

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He tried to put his tongue in my mouth, Catelyn had confessed to her sister afterward, when they were alone. 他想把舌头伸进我嘴里呢。独处时,凯特琳偷偷跟妹妹说。 He did with me too, Lysa had whispered, shy and breathless. I

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Theon Greyjoy was seated on a bench in Riverrun's Great Hall, 席恩葛雷乔伊坐在奔流城大厅的板凳上, enjoying a horn of ale and regaling her father's garrison with an account of the slaughter in the Whispering Wood. 一手拿着麦酒角

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Even on his deathbed, Catelyn thought sadly. He has not wed. You know that, Father. Nor will he ever. 到了临终还是念念不忘,凯特琳哀伤地想。他没结婚。父亲,你知道的,他这辈子都不会结婚了。 I told him... comm

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Will that bring Ned back to me? she said sharply. 那能让奈德活过来吗?她语气尖锐地说。 The wound was still too fresh for softer words. 伤口还太新,听不得安慰的话语。 She could not think about Ned now. She would not. 现

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Daenerys. The land was red and dead and parched, and good wood was hard to come by. 丹妮莉丝。此地遍野红沙,四下死寂,干枯焦裂,木柴难寻。 Her foragers returned with gnarled cottonwoods, purple brush, sheaves of brown grass

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We went to war when Lannister armies were ravaging the riverlands, and Ned was a prisoner, falsely accused of treason. 我们出兵打仗,是为了阻止兰尼斯特军在河间地烧杀掳掠,是为了拯救遭人诬陷,身陷囹圄的奈德。

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LESSON 22 第22课 blossoms 开花 dreary 沉闷的 weary 厌倦 pinks 粉红色 smelling 闻 toiling 劳作 levies 征税 buzz 蜂鸣器 fragrant 香 thistle 蓟 weeds 杂草 scent 香味 treasure 珍宝 yellow 黄色 meadow 草地 tax 税 summer 夏天

发表于:2019-02-11 / 阅读(106) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第二册