Sir Rodrik strode among the boys, face reddening beneath his white whiskers, muttering at them one and all. 罗德利克爵士迈着大步,在男孩群里走来走去,白胡子下脸红成一片,嘴里念念有词, Bran had never seen the old

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She turned to Doreah. Tell me. 于是她转向多莉亚:告诉我是怎么回事。 I... I shall bring Sir Jorah, the Lysene girl said, bowing her head and fleeing the tent. 我我去找乔拉爵士。里斯女孩说罢鞠了个躬,逃离了帐篷。

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Irri dampened a soft cloth and stroked her brow. 伊丽浸湿一块软布,擦拭她的额头。 I have been sick, Dany said. The Dothraki girl nodded. 我生病了么?丹妮说。多斯拉克女孩点点头。 How long? The cloth was soothing, bu

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... sleep, Princess, Sir Jorah said. 睡吧,公主殿下。乔拉爵士说。 No, Dany said. Please. Please. 不,丹妮说:求求你,求求你。 Yes. He covered her with silk, though she was burning. 一定要。他为她盖上丝被,也不管

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Daenerys. Wings shadowed her fever dreams. 丹妮莉丝。她发着高烧,噩梦连连,梦中有长了翅膀的黑影。 You don't want to wake the dragon, do you? 你不想唤醒睡龙之怒,对吧? She was walking down a long hall beneath h

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Joffrey nodded. This way. He led her into the gatehouse, to the base of the steps that led up to the battlements. 乔佛里点点头。这边。他领她进入红堡的城门塔,走到通往城垛的楼梯口。 Sansa jerked back away from him, tre

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Sir Meryn and Sir Arys followed him out, but Sandor Clegane lingered long enough to yank her roughly to her feet. 马林爵士和亚历斯爵士随他离开,但桑铎克里冈粗略地拉了她一把,提她起来。 Save yourself some pain, girl,

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There they forged the Pact. 他们在那里订立了盟誓, The First Men were given the coastlands, the high plains and bright meadows, the mountains and bogs, 规定先民拥有海岸、平原、草原、山脉和沼泽, but the deep woods were

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That was when she realized she was naked. She crouched down, trying to cover herself with her hands, 这时她才发觉自己浑身赤裸,赶紧趴在地上,用手遮掩身体。 as her door began to swing open, creaking, the point of the greatsw

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Jon drew his longsword. He dared defy Ser Alliser only to a point, and he feared he was well beyond it now. 琼恩抽出长剑,他只敢反抗艾里沙爵士到某种程度,而他暗自担心这回做得太过火了。 Thorne smiled. The Bastard

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Sam got awkwardly to his feet. I had better try to sleep. He huddled down in his cloak and plodded off. 山姆蹒跚地站起身。我想办法睡一会儿好了。他裹紧斗篷离开。 The others were still in the common room when Jon returned, a

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Until the dawn of his fifteenth name day, when he had been awakened to find his horse saddled and ready. 直到他十五岁命名日那天清晨,他被叫醒后,发现自己的马已经鞍辔妥当,正等着他。 Three men-at-arms had escorted

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His sore shoulder made the work go slowly. It was late afternoon before Jon finished graveling the paths. 他的肩膀还在痛,也因此拖慢了工作进度,等铺完走道,天已经快黑。 He lingered on high to watch the sun go down, turn

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Pycelle had spoken truly; it made for ponderous reading. 派席尔说得没错,这东西还真是枯燥乏味。 Yet Jon Arryn had asked for it, and Ned felt certain he had reasons. 但琼恩艾林既然找来读了,奈德相信必有其原因。

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The king asked him if perhaps he'd like to outlaw eating, shitting, and breathing while he was at it. 结果国王问他说要不要顺便连吃饭、拉屎、呼吸也统统禁了算了。 If truth be told, I ofttimes wonder how Stannis ever got tha

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The apprentice lifted his face. Ned studied the shape of his jaw, the eyes like blue ice. 小学徒抬起头,奈德仔细审视着他下巴的轮廓,还有那对冷若冰霜的蓝眼睛。 Yes, he thought, I see it. Go back to your work, lad. 是了

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The watchman, my lord, Jory said. He vows he'll never touch another horse. 老爷,您说的这个都城守卫,乔里道,他发誓这辈子再也不碰别的马了。 What did he have to say? 为什么? He claims he knew Lord Arryn well. Fast

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The trumpets blared again, da-DAAA da-DAAA da-DA da-DA da-DAAAAAAA. 喇叭再度响起,嘟嘟、嘟嘟、嘟嘟、嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟。 Sir Gregor waved his huge sword and bellowed a command, and a thousand other voices screamed back at hi

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Maddened, the beast lunged into the ranks. 发狂的战马跃入敌阵, Spears thrust at him from every side, but the shield wall broke beneath his weight. 长枪自四面八方向它捅来,但盾墙也同时在它的重压之下瓦解, The nor

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A warhorn sounded in the far distance, a deep mournful note that chilled the soul. 远处响起军号,低沉哀怨,令人灵魂不寒而栗。 The clansmen climbed onto their scrawny mountain horses, shouting curses and rude jokes. Several appear

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