That would be most fitting, Magister Illyrio said. 那是再恰当不过了。伊利里欧总督道。 Dany saw the smallest hint of a smile playing around his full lips, 丹妮瞥见他嘴际扬起细微的笑意, but her brother did not notice. N

发表于:2019-01-02 / 阅读(104) / 评论(0) 分类 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》

Magister Illyrio's words were honey. Many important men will be at the feast tonight. 伊利里欧总督的话语甜如蜜糖:许多达官显赫都会出席今晚盛宴, Such men have enemies. The khal must protect his guests, yourself chief amon

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Brandon had been twenty when he died, 布兰登死时不过二十, strangled by order of the Mad King Aerys Targaryen only a few short days before he was to wed Catelyn Tully of Riverrun. 就在他和奔流城的凯特琳徒利成婚前几天,被绞

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By ancient custom an iron longsword had been laid across the lap of each who had been Lord of Winterfell, 根据传统,凡是曾任临冬城主的石像膝上都要放置一把铁制长剑, to keep the vengeful spirits in their crypts. 以确保这

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Im off to break my fast. See that you return the books to the shelves. 我去吃早餐,记得帮我把书放回架上。 Be gentle with the Valyrian scrolls, the parchment is very dry. 不过动作轻点,这些瓦雷利亚卷轴的羊皮纸很脆弱

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He did more than that. The Starks were not like other men. 但他做的不只如此,史塔克家和别人不一样, Ned brought his bastard home with him, and called him son for all the north to see. 奈德把他的私生子带回家来,在众人

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I could not bear it, Catelyn said, trembling. 这样子我承受不了。她颤抖着回答。 You must, he said. Sansa must wed Joffrey, that is clear now, we must give them no grounds to suspect our devotion. 你必须忍耐。他说:珊莎要嫁给

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Enough! Ser Rodrik called out. He gave the prince a hand and yanked him back to his feet. 住手!罗德利克爵士吼道,他拉了托曼一把,协助他站起来。 Well fought. Lew, Donnis, help them out of their armor. He looked around. Prin

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You see Prince Joffrey? Jon asked. 你看到乔佛里王子了吗?琼恩问。 She hadnt, not at first glance, but when she looked again she found him to the back, under the shade of the high stone wall. 她原本没有看到,但仔细一瞧,便发

发表于:2019-01-02 / 阅读(80) / 评论(0) 分类 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》

What are you talking about? Arya asked suddenly. 你们在说什么呀?艾莉亚突然问。 Jeyne gave her a startled look, then giggled. Sansa looked abashed. Beth blushed. No one answered. 珍妮露出吃惊的表情,随即咯咯笑了起来。珊

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I can be fast, Arya said. 我动作很快呢。艾利亚道。 Youll have to work at it every day. He put the sword in her hands, showed her how to hold it, and stepped back. 你以后要天天练习,他把剑放进她的掌心,指导她握法,然

发表于:2019-01-02 / 阅读(85) / 评论(0) 分类 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》

Viserys bristled. Guard your tongue, Mormont, or Ill have it out. 韦赛里斯怒道:莫尔蒙,你讲话最好注意点,否则小心我把你舌头给割了。 I am no lesser man, I am the rightful Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. The dragon does no

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Uncle Benjen is looking for you, he told Jon. He wanted to be gone an hour ago. 班扬叔叔在找你,他对琼恩说,他本来一小时前就打算动身了。 I know, Jon said. Soon. He looked around at all the noise and confusion. Leaving is h

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What were the maesters words? Jaime asked. 老学士具体是怎么说的?詹姆问。 The bacon crunched when he bit into it. Tyrion chewed thoughtfully for a moment and said, 提利昂咬了口培根,发出松脆的声响。他若有所思地嚼了

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It ended as quickly as it began. 死斗蓦然开始,也旋即结束。 The arakhs shivered together faster than Dany could follow, one man missed a step, the other swung his blade in a flat arc. 亚拉克弯刀交击的速度快得丹妮跟不上,但

发表于:2019-01-02 / 阅读(65) / 评论(0) 分类 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》

Seven hells, someone had to kill Aerys! Robert said, reining his mount to a sudden halt beside an ancient barrow. 妈的,总得有人动手吧?劳勃道,他在一座古老的荒坟边勒住马缰。 If Jaime hadnt done it, it would have been le

发表于:2019-01-02 / 阅读(104) / 评论(0) 分类 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》

节目简介: 1、该读本从19世纪中期至20世纪中叶,一直被广泛用作美国学校的语文教材,据称有10000多所美国学校拿它当作教材。到了21世纪,西方一些私立学校(Private School)和家庭学校(Hom

发表于:2019-01-23 / 阅读(71) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文

节目简介: 1、该读本从19世纪中期至20世纪中叶,一直被广泛用作美国学校的语文教材,据称有10000多所美国学校拿它当作教材。到了21世纪,西方一些私立学校(Private School)和家庭学校(Hom

发表于:2019-01-23 / 阅读(65) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文

From there the skulls ranged upward in size to the three great monsters of song and story, 其他的龙头则一个比一个大,最大的三头便是歌谣和传说里最恐怖的巨兽, the dragons that Aegon Targaryen and his sisters had unleas

发表于:2019-01-30 / 阅读(103) / 评论(0) 分类 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》

I have to be with him, if?if? She took her sons limp hand, sliding his fingers through her own. 我得守着他,以免以免她握起爱子了无生气的手掌,把他的手指滑过自己的指间。 He was so frail and thin, with no strength le

发表于:2019-01-30 / 阅读(128) / 评论(0) 分类 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》