n. 戏剧集;戏剧(play的复数)
n a dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage
n a theatrical performance of a drama
n a preset plan of action in team sports
n a deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill
n a state in which action is feasible
n utilization or exercise
n an attempt to get something
n activity by children that is guided more by imagination than by fixed rules
n (in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds
n the removal of constraints
n a weak and tremulous light
n verbal wit or mockery (often at another's expense but not to be taken seriously)
n movement or space for movement
n gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement
n (game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession
n the act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize)
n the act using a sword (or other weapon) vigorously and skillfully
v participate in games or sport
v act or have an effect in a specified way or with a specific effect or outcome
v play on an instrument
v play a role or part
v be at play; be engaged in playful activity; amuse oneself in a way characteristic of children
v replay (as a melody)
v perform music on (a musical instrument)
v pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind
v move or seem to move quickly, lightly, or irregularly
v bet or wager (money)
v engage in recreational activities rather than work; occupy oneself in a diversion
v pretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity
v emit recorded sound
v perform on a certain location
v put (a card or piece) into play during a game, or act strategically as if in a card game
v engage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously
v behave in a certain way
v cause to emit recorded audio or video
v manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination
v use to one's advantage
v consider not very seriously
v be received or accepted or interpreted in a specific way
v behave carelessly or indifferently
v cause to move or operate freely within a bounded space
v perform on a stage or theater
v be performed or presented for public viewing
v cause to happen or to occur as a consequence
v discharge or direct or be discharged or directed as if in a continuous stream
v make bets
v stake on the outcome of an issue
v shoot or hit in a particular manner
v use or move
v employ in a game or in a specific position
v contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle
v exhaust by allowing to pull on the line



  1. Once he is free, he will play computer games.只要他有空,他就玩电脑游戏。
  2. The boy rushed his homework through and went out to play.那男孩急急忙忙把作业做好,出外玩去了。
  3. On Saturday France plays Rugby against Wales.星期六,法国队和威尔士队比赛橄榄球。
  4. I've never played right back before.我过去从来未当过右后卫。
  5. I think we should play Matt on the wing.我认为我们应该让麦特打边锋。
  6. She played the ball and ran forward.她带球向前冲。
  7. You must play a spade if you have one.你如果有黑桃牌,就必须打出来。
  8. I could hear music playing on the radio.我听到收音机里演奏著音乐。
  9. Gloria plays the violin in the London Philharmonic.葛洛丽雅在伦敦爱乐交响乐团演奏小提琴。
  10. My favourite song was playing on the radio.收音机里播放着我最喜爱的歌曲。
  11. You play the fool and I play the clown.你扮演傻瓜,我扮演小丑。
  12. She had played Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire.她在电影《欲望号街车》里扮演了布兰奇这一角色。
  13. I decided it was safer to play dead.我认为装死会更安全些。
  14. Music play a key role in people's daily life.音乐在人们日常生活中起到了相当大的作用。
  15. He played the situation carefully for maximum advantage.他谨慎应付局面以获得最大利益。
  16. Moonlight played on the surface of the lake.月光在湖面上跳动着。
  17. They played a joke on me.他们开我的玩笑。
  18. Students are running round a chair to play a game.学生们正围着椅子跑着做游戏。
  1. She watched the children at play in the park.她看着孩子们在公园里嬉戏着。
  2. The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller.《炼狱》是一部由阿瑟·米勒创作的戏剧。
  3. The applause made it evident that the play was a hit.掌声表明该剧显然是成功的。
  4. The wet and muddy conditions determined the style of play.潮湿泥泞的环境决定了比赛的形式。
  5. Personal feelings should not come into play when one has to make business decisions.为公事作决策不应搀杂个人情感。
  6. He works hard not to impress his boss but to give his ability into full play.他努力工作,不是为了给他的上司留下好印象,而是为了能够充分发挥他的才能。
  7. Clearly, his play yet irritated all of his friends.很显然,他的玩笑反而惹恼了所有的朋友。
  8. We need more play in the rope.我们需要再松一松绳子。


  1. Let's go out and play.我们出去玩吧。
  2. Can Bob come out to play?鲍勃能出来玩吗?
  3. Children like to play.孩子们喜欢玩。
  4. Work while you work, play while you play.工作的时候就工作,玩的时候就玩。
  5. Don't play all day long, boy.孩子,别一天到晚玩。
  6. The children play indoors when it rains.下雨时,孩子们在室内玩耍。
  7. Our best defender is injured and won't be able to play today.我们最佳的防守员受伤了,今天不能参加比赛。
  8. The band is playing.乐队正在演奏。
  9. The old piano won't play.这架旧钢琴不能再弹了。
  10. He went to playing until he had lost everything.他继续赌博,直到输得精光。
  11. I am going to the National Theatre, where Hamlet is now playing this evening.今晚,我将去正在上演《哈姆雷特》的国家剧院。
  12. Is the phonograph playing?留声机正开着吗?
  13. I could hear music playing on the radio.我听见收音机里演奏着音乐。
  14. The radio is playing too loudly.收音机开得太响了。
  15. The second actor plays well.第二个演员演得好。
  16. There was a pond in the garden in which a fountain played.花园里有一个池塘,里面一个喷泉喷着水花。
用作系动词S+~+ n.
  1. He played the truant.他逃学。
  2. I was up early and down late, set my own hand to everything, took dangers as they came, and for once in my life played the man.我早起晚睡,亲自处理一切事情,承担一切风险,在我的一生中,这一次才不愧为堂堂男子汉。
S+~+ adj.
  1. He's a hard opponent to beat down, but at least he plays fair.他是个很难击败的对手,不过在比赛中他起码是很守规矩的。
  2. The dog played dead.这狗装死。
  3. The boys like the principal because he always plays fair.这些男孩都喜欢这位校长,因为他一向办事公正。
  4. They did not play fair in the matter.在这件事情上,他们是不公正的。
  5. I thought I should play safe by keeping the old machine until the new one actually arrived, in case there was any delay.我当时想,为稳妥起见,我应在新机器确实抵达之前保留这台旧机器,以防货物延期到达。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. The children don't know how to play the game.孩子们不会玩这个游戏。
  2. They are playing football.他们在踢足球。
  3. Do you like to play volleyball?你喜欢打排球吗?
  4. Many boys are fond of playing basketball.很多男孩子喜欢打篮球。
  5. We usually play badminton in the evening.我们一般在傍晚打羽毛球。
  6. I like to play golf, but I'm not a very good player.我喜欢打高尔夫球,但打得不好。
  7. Can you play chess?你会下象棋吗?
  8. They had decided not to play their best player because she had a bad cold.他们已决定不派他们最优秀的队员上场,因为她患了重感冒。
  9. We are playing Shanghai team next Sunday.下星期日我们将同上海队比赛。
  10. Can you play the horn?你能吹号吗?
  11. He plays the piano surprisingly well.他钢琴弹得好极了。
  12. Jane is too nervous to play the piano in public.简太紧张了,不能当着观众弹奏钢琴。
  13. He played a Beethoven sonata yesterday.他昨天演奏了贝多芬的奏鸣曲。
  14. A piano was playing There is a Small Hotel.钢琴正在演奏《有一个小旅馆》的曲子。
  15. The radio played dirges all day long.广播电台整天都在播放哀乐。
  16. I'll play a tape first. Please listen carefully.我先放录音,请仔细听。
  17. They are playing doctors and nurses.他们假装医生和护士在玩。
  18. Let's play pirates.我们来扮演海盗吧。
  19. She likes to play the great lady.她喜欢扮演那个伟大的女人。
  20. She played Queen Victoria like old Queen herself.她把维多利亚女王演得惟妙惟肖。
  21. Shall I play my Jack or my Queen?我出杰克还是王后?
  22. I don't know how you want to play this meeting.我不知道你想怎样应付这个会议。
  1. Let's play that I'm the teacher and you're the pupil.咱们来扮演学生和老师,我扮老师,你扮学生。
  2. He played that he was a bridegroom.他把自己装扮成新郎。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. I'll play you a game of cards.我和你打一圈儿牌。
  2. Yesterday he played them a marching song.他昨天给他们演奏了一首进行曲。
  3. Play us something happy.为我们演奏一些快乐的乐曲。
  4. Will you play us a waltz, please.请给我们弹一首华尔兹舞曲。
  5. He played me a trick.他跟我恶作剧。
  6. He played her a nasty trick by taking all the money.他对她耍了卑劣的花招,把所有的钱都拿走了。
  7. 1
  8. Mary was played a nasty trick by a villain.玛丽受到一个坏蛋粗暴的戏弄。
S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.
  1. He'd written a tune, and played it to us on the piano.他写了一段曲子,并在钢琴上弹给我们听。
  2. Emma will only play her piano pieces to a small group of friends.艾玛只愿为她的几个朋友演奏她的钢琴曲。
S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.
  1. Please play some more Mozart for us.请多为我们演奏一些莫扎特的作品。
  2. He played his favourite record for me.他为我放他最喜爱的唱片。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + n./adj.
  1. I trusted my friend with my money, but he played me false and disappeared with it.我信任我的朋友,把钱交给了他,可他却骗了我携款逃跑了。
  2. It may not rain, but you'd better play it safe and take a raincoat.也许不会下雨,但是你还是谨慎点带上雨衣为好。
其他v -ing as Attrib.
  1. There was a record playing in the next room.隔壁房间里正在放唱片。
  1. His life is all work and no play.他的生活只是工作,没有娱乐。
  2. All work and no play isn't a good thing.只工作不玩耍不是件好事。
  3. No one who has not been working can truly enjoy play.未曾工作的人是不会真正享受游玩的乐趣的。
  4. We did all our work and all our play.我们总是一起干活一起玩耍。
  5. It is time for play.该玩玩了。
  6. He's very fond of play.他很爱玩。
  7. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。
  8. Rain stopped the play.比赛因下雨而无法进行。
  9. That's not fair play.那比赛不公平。
  10. The tennis players need total concentration during play.网球运动员在比赛中需要全神贯注。
  11. We've had an interesting day's play in the cricket match.今天的板球赛打得很精彩。
  12. There was some excellent play in yesterday's match.昨天的比赛有些出色的表现。
  13. There was some nice play from the United in the second half.联队在下半场比赛中有些精彩的表现。
  14. There was some exciting play near the end of the game.比赛快结束时,有些令人兴奋的场面。
  15. They were penalized for too much rough play.他们因在比赛中过于粗野而受罚。
  16. There were some rough plays in that hockey game.那场曲棍球比赛中有一些粗野的动作。
  17. The play caught on well.这出戏大受欢迎。
  18. The play ran for two years on Broadway.那出戏在百老汇连续演出达2年之久。
  19. When does the play begin?戏什么时候开演?
  20. We are going to see the new play at the Playhouse.我们要到大剧院看新剧。
  21. I saw the play a couple of years ago.几年前我看过这出戏。
  22. She has just written a new play.她刚写完一部新剧。
  23. This is the play of supernatural forces in human destiny.这就是超自然的力量对人类命运的影响。
  24. Give your rope some play— don't keep it so tight.给绳子松一下——不要绑得太紧。
  25. There's too much play in the steering wheel.这汽车的方向盘太松了。
  26. He gave full play to his feelings and began to shout angrily.他任意宣泄感情,开始生气地叫喊起来。
  27. Before the building there is a fountain with a leaping play of water.大楼前面有一个喷泉,喷出的水柱忽高忽低。
  28. I could feel the play of wind.我能感觉到微风的吹拂。
  29. He won 1000 pounds in last night's play.他昨天晚上赌赢了1000英镑。
  30. It is high play.这是输赢很大的赌博。
  31. Whose play is it?该轮到谁了?
  32. It's your play.轮到你了。


play about〔around〕1( v.+adv. )
    玩耍 spend time having funplay about〔around〕

    The children are playing about.


    He plays around all the day.


    You're old enough now to stop playing around and start earning a living.


play about〔around〕2( v.+prep. )
    在…附近玩耍 have fun or spend time near (sth)play about〔around〕 sth

    Why do you always play about the river?


    Tell the children not to play around the power station.


play about〔around〕 with( v.+adv.+prep. )
    与…发生不正当关系 have an improper relationship with (sb, usually of the opposite sex)play about〔around〕 with sth

    It is dangerous for children to play about with knife.


    Stop playing around with that gun.


    play about〔around〕 with sth

    Who's been playing about with my papers?


    He played around with the clothes again.


    play about〔around〕 with sb

    You shouldn't play about with another woman's husband.


    I warned you not to play around with married women; it always leads to trouble.


play against( v.+prep. )
    与…进行比赛 oppose (sb or a team) in sportplay against sb/sth

    May I play against you?


    I see we're playing against my old school next month!


play along1( v.+adv. )
    合作 cooperateplay sb along

    They have played me along for some time, without telling me what they really want.


    play along

    Since I have no choice,I'd better play along .


    I will play along if you have made all arrangements.


    play along with sb/sth

    She was in charge, so I had to play along with her odd ideas.


play along2( v.+prep. )
    (使)沿…闪动,荡漾 (cause to) be directed along (sth)play along sth

    The sunlight played along the water ahead of us, making it difficult to see where the boat was going.


    play sth along sth

    They played the water along the whole side of the burning building.


play as( v.+prep. )
    把…演奏成… play music so as to seem sthplay as sb

    He has once played as defence before.


    play sb as sb/sth

    The captain wants to play Mills as defence in our next game.


    play sb as sb

    The director would like you to play the sister as a sympathetic character.


    Hamlet is usually played as a sorrowful person who cannot make decisions or take action.


    play sth as sth

    Play the piece as music and not as a struggle between yourself and your instrument.


play at( v.+prep. )
    漫不经心地做… do sth without seriousnessplay at sth/v-ing

    The children often play at hide-and-seek here.


    We watched the kindergartners playing at camping out this afternoon.


    play sb at sth

    Don't play Father at cards; he always wins.


    play at sth

    A world-famous violinist is playing at tonight's concert.


    play sb/sth at sth

    They're playing Carment at the Coliseum.


    Who is playing Hamlet at Stratford this year?


    play at sth

    He is always playing at centre.


    play sb at sth

    The captain wants to play Brown at left half in the next game.


    play at sb/v-ing

    Let's play at pirates.


    A party of children played at soldiers, at catching a spy, and at keeping house.


    play at sth/v-ing

    You cannot learn anything if you just play at it.


    His parents are so rich that he can just play at business.


    He's only playing at his job in the city; he's much more interested in being a racing driver.


    I don't think he's really learning carpentry; he's only playing at it.


    You're only playing at boxing.


play back( v.+adv. )
    播放,重播 reproduce from a tape or disc after sth has been recordedplay sth ⇔ back

    He played the ball back close to the net.


    play back

    When a fast ball lands short of you, you have to play back.


    play back

    To record, press these two buttons together; then rewind, and then press the red button to play back.


    play sth ⇔ back

    When I play back the text, please listen carefully to see whether there are any mispronunciations in it.


    play sth back to sb

    She played the tape back to us.


    When we finished the recording we'll play it back to you.


play down( v.+adv. )
    和善地对待,放下架子 deliberately talk to or behave towards sb so that he does not feel inferior, in order to win support or favorplay sth/oneself ⇔ down

    Somehow Harriet always tried to play herself down to her friends.


    He will play down the financial difficulties of the company.


    In a crisis it is best to play down the emotional issue.


    play down to sb

    Taylor used to play down to most of his employees.


    Politicians have to learn to play down to the voters.


play for( v.+prep. )
    代表…一方 be an active member of (a team); represent a gameplay for sth

    On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise.


    play sth for sth

    Never play cards for money.


    She dreams of the day when she will be playing the piano for a living.


    play for sth

    All promising young cricketers would like to play for England.


    play sth for sth

    She plays hockey for England.


play in1( v.+adv. )
    使自己进入比赛状态 accustom oneself to playing
play in2( v.+prep. )
    (使)在比赛中占…位置 (cause to) fill a position in a team gameplay in sth

    It's healthy for children to play in the fresh air.


    The local farmer used to let us play in his fields.


    play sth in sth

    Why are children not allowed to play ball games in the park?


    play in sth

    Many of the workers play in the factory's brass band.


    A famous actress is to play in our next production.


    play sb/sth in sth/v-ing

    What an honour to play the drums in the town band!


    The United States played a key role in getting the hostages released.


    This piece is not suitable to be played in the open air.


    play in sth

    But I've never played in a defence position.


    play sb in sth

    I think we should play one of the younger men in goal.


play like( v.+prep. )
    轻而易举地控制住… control sb easilyplay like sb

    All horn players wish they could play like Mr. Brain.


    The pianist played like a man possessed by devils.


    play sb like a fish

    One of the secrets of the speaker's success is his ability to play his opponent like a fish.


play off( v.+adv. )
    取笑 make fun of sbplay sth ⇔ off

    The two equal winners had to play off an additional game to decide the winner of the whole competition.


    The tie will be played off this afternoon.


    The match between the joint leaders will be played off tomorrow.


    play sb ⇔ off

    We must not try to play off the boy troubled with a stammer.


play off against( v.+adv.+prep. )
    (使)相互争斗以坐收渔利 oppose one person to another, for one's own advantage
play on1( v.+adv. )
    继续比赛 continue to playplay on

    As there was still plenty of light, the teams decided to play on.


play on2〔upon〕( v.+prep. )
    对…加以利用 take advantage of (sb's emotions , fears, incredulity, sympathies, etc.)play on〔upon〕 sth

    The baby is playing on the ground.


    Don't play upon the carpet.


    play on〔upon〕 sth

    While he sang,I played on the flute.


    I can play upon the piano very well.


    play sth on〔upon〕 sth

    He was playing an old tune on his flute.


    He just sits in his room playing records on his stereo.


    play on〔upon〕 sth

    She watched the sunlight playing on the water.


    The sunlight plays on water.


    The searchlights played on the clouds.


    His mind played on the idea of going away for a holiday.


    play sth on〔upon〕 sth

    The firemen played their hoses on the burning building.


    He played a searchlight on an object.


    play on〔upon〕 sth

    By playing upon the old lady's fears, the criminals were able to persuade her to give them her money.


play out( v.+adv. )
    疲倦,用完 exhaust; use upplay out

    It's too wet for the children to play out today; they'll have to amuse themselves indoors.


    play sth ⇔ out

    Shall we call it a draw, or play it out?


    As neither of the two teams had gained any points, they decided to play the match out until a goal had been scored.


    play out

    When they played out, there is a smile on their face.


    play sth ⇔ out

    The children succeeded in playing out the comedy within two hours.


    play sb ⇔ out

    The band played the guests out.


    The pianist played the happy pair out with the Wedding March .


    play out

    The rubber hose is playing out.


    play sth ⇔ out

    Let's play out the rope.


    play sb/sth ⇔ out

    We hope we have not yet played out our supplies.


    Having walked eighty li that day, some of them were played out at the end.


play over1( v.+adv. )
    重新演奏或比赛 play againplay sth ⇔ over

    They play over the whole symphony.


play over2( v.+prep. )
    (使)在…荡漾或闪动; (使)喷射在…上 (cause to) pass overplay over sth

    I saw a secret smile playing over his lips.


    play sth over sth

    The watchers played a powerful light over the whole sky, searching for enemy planes.


play through( v.+adv. )
    连续打下去 continue playing while others in front of one wait for one to go pastplay sth ⇔ through

    Let's see if we can play the whole piece through without a mistake.


    play through

    Our team played through right up to the last game.


    play through

    We'll give you a few minutes to play through.


play up( v.+adv. )
    给(某人)找麻烦,使(某人)感到难受 behave mischievously; cause troubleplay up

    Play up! It's your turn.


    Play up! My friend.


    Play up! Play the game.


    play sth ⇔ up

    In the interview you should play up your experience of working abroad.


    She played up her past achievements just to impress us.


    play sth ⇔ up

    This new film will attract the crowds, whatever its quality, provided that it gets played up in the right way.


    play up

    The washing machine is playing up again.


    The engine began playing up.


    play up

    Don't let the children play up.


    The children are very active, but never play up.


    My shoulder is playing up horribly.


    play sb ⇔ up

    This wretched rheumatism has been playing me up.


play up to( v.+adv.+prep. )
    博取…的欢心 try to win the favour of sb
play with( v.+prep. )
    (不太认真地)考虑 think about (often carelessly)
at play
    在游戏 playing
bring into play
    发挥 cause sth to have an influencebring sth into play

    We must bring all positive factors into play.


    This financial crisis has brought new factors into play.


    He brought all his strength into play to move the rock.


    He had to bring all his experience into play to beat this difficult opponent.


come into play
    积极活动或起作用 be active or have an influence
in play
    赌博 gamble
make a play for
    为得到意想的结果而采取行动 perform actions that are designed to achieve a desired result
out of play
    出界,死球 not in a position where the rules of the game allow it to be played
play on words
    双关语 pun


用作动词 (v.)
  • play basketball打篮球
  • play cards打牌
  • play chess下棋
  • play football踢足球
  • play hockey打曲棍球
  • play tag捉迷藏
  • play song演奏一首歌
  • play the guitar弹吉他
  • play the piano弹钢琴
  • play joke开玩笑
  • play a part起作用
  • play a person false出卖某人
  • play a role起作用
  • play game遵照规则
  • play safety求稳
  • play fair比赛公平,按规则比赛
  • play fast and loose with sb玩弄某人
  • play rough粗野地比赛
  • play safe为稳妥起见
  • play badly不善于利用机会
  • play beautifully弹得很美
  • play carefully认真地玩
  • play cleverly玩得巧妙
  • play delicately柔和而细腻地演奏
  • play exquisitely精妙入微地演奏
  • play vigorously玩得很起劲
  • play about玩耍
  • play along合作
  • play around玩弄
  • play away time虚度光阴
  • play away youth虚度青春
  • play back(录音机)倒回重放
  • play down缩小…的重要性
  • play in以音乐迎接,使自己进入状态
  • play off表演,假装
  • play on继续
  • play over重新演奏
  • play out用完,做完,进行到底
  • play through进行到底
  • play up大肆宣传,强调
  • play against opponent与对手竞争
  • play at baseball玩棒球
  • play at hide-and-seek玩捉迷藏
  • play by ear不看乐谱演奏
  • play by turns轮流玩
  • play for money赌钱
  • play for one's team为…队效力
  • play for time赢得时间
  • play into each other's hands互相勾结
  • play into hands of sb中了某人的计
  • play of one against other (another)使双方互斗以坐收渔利
  • play to opponent's forehand打对方的正手
  • play with child和小孩一起玩
  • play with fate摆布命运
  • play with fire玩火,做危险之事
  • play with matches玩火柴
  • play with water玩水
用作名词 (n.)
  • act play演戏
  • allow play充分发挥
  • buy play买剧本
  • commend play赞赏剧本
  • criticize play批评戏剧
  • follow a play看戏
  • give a play演一出戏
  • go to play去看戏
  • novelize a play把剧本改写成小说
  • perform play演戏
  • present play上演戏剧
  • produce play上演戏剧
  • put on play演戏
  • render a play演某出剧
  • review play评论戏剧
  • see play看戏
  • show play演戏
  • sit out a play一直坐到演出结束
  • sponsor play为电视播放戏剧出资
  • stage play上演戏剧
  • telecast a play电视播放一出戏
  • touch play修改剧本
  • work on play写剧本
  • write play写剧本
  • bring sth into play发挥,调动,利用,使活动
  • call sth into play发挥,调动,利用,使活动
  • come into play起作用,开始活动
  • hold in play牵制
  • make play for挖空心思地吸引(某人)
  • put ball into play开球
  • ambitious play雄心勃勃的比赛
  • boisterous play兴高采烈的比赛
  • brawling play喧闹的比赛
  • careless play无忧无虑的游玩
  • ceaseless play不停的玩
  • exciting play紧张的比赛
  • expert play精彩的比赛
  • fair play公平的比赛,光明正大的行为,光明磊落
  • fine play精彩的动作
  • full play拼命活动,全力运转
  • good play漂亮的动作
  • pretty play精彩的比赛
  • rough play粗野的比赛
  • comic play喜剧
  • contemporary play现代剧
  • double play双打
  • experimental play试验剧
  • historical play历史剧
  • humorous play幽默剧,滑稽剧
  • modern play现代剧
  • musical play音乐剧
  • mystery play神秘剧
  • new play新剧
  • numerous play大量剧本
  • propagandist play宣传剧
  • realistic play现实主义戏剧
  • symbolic play象征派戏剧
  • traditional play传统戏剧
  • broadcast play广播剧
  • miracle play(中世纪表演基督教《圣经》故事的)奇迹剧
  • one-act play独幕剧
  • passion play耶稣受难剧
  • stage play舞台剧
  • team play团体赛,全队协作
  • after play戏演完后
  • at play看戏时,在玩,正在游戏
  • by a play靠发挥…
  • for play玩
  • in play在剧中,界内球,不是死球
  • into play发挥,发扬
  • of play爱玩
  • out of play出界
  • play in five acts五幕剧
  • play of words文字游戏,玩弄词藻
  • play on〔upon〕 words双关语,俏皮话


  • That enchanting play of fancy which had once characterized her.

  • There is an invisible Agent..who plays in the dark upon us.

    出自:Sir T. Browne

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Abai Sungai
adrenosem salicylate
Algol yellow gba
an nabhaniyah
artificial obstruction
azobenzene dye
bank cable transfer
block-digram reduction
camptomastix hisbonalis
Castle Peak
Catherine of Siena
character variable
charge to practice
comparative urban economics
connectedness of real numbers
credit volume
cripriform plate
crown of tank
dactylaria lunata
Danube R.
dielectric support
disk-and-wheel integrator
economic common market
effect on predictions
emerging nation
Epley maneuver
European pollocks
fasciculi sulcomarginalis
FET (field-effect transistor)
fever on and off
filter net
fragrant cliff ferns
industrial control push button
Laureana di Borrello
liquid zone
master segment index
metallolophia arenaria
mutual obligations
navigable tunnel
negative mortgage security clause
neutron wave length
new sheet
niece fuckers
non-banded coal
provision for credit loss
record-oriented input & output
registering voltmeter
reverse lever latch link
second cut flat wood rasp
sporotrichum anthophilum peck.
stainless foil
stratum griseum colliculi rostralis
surface matching
ta da
technological aspect
test signal characteristics
tower type fermenter
tracing papers
track with
transit camps
western short jack
white mustard