音标:[meik] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 制造, 安排, 创造, 构成, 使得, 产生, 造成, 整理, 布置, 引起, 到达, 进行
vi. 开始, 前进, 增大, 被制造, 被处理
n. 制造, 构造, 性情
v. engage in
v. give certain properties to something
v. make or cause to be or to become
v. compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way
词型变化:过去分词 : made ; 过去式 : made ; 现在分词 : making ; 第三人称单数 : makes ; 名词复数形式 : makes



  1. If I had the time, I 'd make something better.如果有时间的话,我会做些更好吃的东西。
  2. In the old China, we can't even make a nail, let alone machines.在旧中国,我们连一个钉子都造不了,更不用说制造机器了。
  3. Her jokes made us all laugh.她说的笑话把我们都逗乐了。
  4. If you take my advice, you will make a lot of money.如果你采纳我的建议,你将赚很多钱。
  5. He's got a strong will and he'll make it.他意志很坚强,他会成功的。
  6. She would have made an excellent teacher.她本可以成为杰出的教师。
  1. Finally,I've got to find out what make of man he was.最后,我终于知道了他是怎么样的一个人。
  2. I don't like the make of her coat.我不喜欢她衣服的样式。
  3. She bought a dinner set of Chinese make.他买了一套中国牌子的西装。
  4. The annual make of the automobile factory is 200 thousand.那个汽车厂的年产量为20万辆。


  1. The thief made towards the open window.小偷好像要走向开着的窗户。
  2. The ship was making towards the pier.船正驶向码头。
  3. The road makes through the wood.这条路穿过树林。
  4. Everything makes it in favour of us.事事都朝有利于我们的方面发展。
  5. Boots are being made in this tannery.这家皮革工厂生产皮靴。
  6. It is easily made.这东西好做。
S+~+to- v
  1. She made to cry.她哭起来了。
  2. He made to go.他要走了。
  3. He made to stand up, but sat down again.他试图站起来,可是又坐下了。
  4. He made as if to strike me.他作出要打我的样子。
用作系动词S+~+ adj.
  1. We must make certain that the sentence is correct.我们一定要确认这个句子有没有错误。
  2. I made certain that I would get the job, but it was given to someone else.我原感到有把握得到那份工作,但它却分配给了别人。
  3. Make certain that this is the right road.要确信这是条正确的路。
  4. Make certain that both doors are locked when you go out.你出去的时候,一定要把两扇门都锁上。
  5. No one should make free to open a letter addressed to another.谁也不能擅自拆别人的信件。
  6. You can make free with my camera any time.你随便什么时候都可以用我的照相机。
  7. The girls don't like Smith because he makes free with them.因为史密斯举止太放肆了,所以姑娘们都不喜欢他。
  8. He has talent and he'll make good.他有天赋,他会成功的。
  9. John's made good, he's got a high position in the company now.约翰干得很出色,现在在公司里的地位已经很高了。
  10. I think the meeting will begin at eight, but you'd better go and make sure.我想会议将于八点开始,不过你最好还是去问问清楚。
  11. Have you made sure whether he will come?你有没有搞清楚他来不来?
  12. Before he left the room, he made sure that all the lights were turned off.他确信所有的灯都关掉后才离开房间。
  13. I made sure he would help me, but I am disappointed.我以为他会帮我忙的,但我失望了。
  14. To make sure that the letter was delivered to the addresses,I registered it.为了保证信能收到,我寄了挂号信。
S+~+as if-clause
  1. He made as if he had not seen me.他装作没有看见我的样子。
  2. He made as if he hadn't heard.他装作没听见的样子。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Now they can make all kinds of precision machine tools.他们现在能制造各种精密机床。
  2. We make many beautiful things of glass.我们制造了很多漂亮的玻璃器皿。
  3. This factory makes paper.这家工厂造纸。
  4. I'm just going to make lunch.我正要去做午饭。
  5. Birds make their nests in spring.鸟儿在春天筑巢。
  6. The sick boy swallowed the medicine and made a face.这生病的男孩子吞下药后做了个苦脸。
  7. The girl made a face at the taste of the medicine.那女孩尝到药味后,露出了一脸的苦相。
  8. The twins made faces at each other.这对孪生子互扮鬼脸。
  9. Mary's new dress made a hit at the party.玛丽的新衣在晚会上大出风头。
  10. This song has made quite a hit with young people.这首歌深受青年的欢迎。
  11. The girl felt very happy that her boyfriend made quite a hit with her parents.那位姑娘看到父母很喜欢她的男朋友,心里感到乐滋滋的。
  12. What he saw in Egypt made a strong impression on him.他在埃及所见到的给他留下了深刻的印象。
  13. The sentence makes no sense at all.这个句子毫无意义。
  14. The arrival of the symphony orchestra made the headlines.这个交响乐团的到达成了头条新闻。
  15. He will never make so great a scholar as his father.他绝不可能像他父亲那样成为一个大学者。
  16. The hall would make a good theatre.这座大厅可以当一个很好的剧场。
  17. He made 600 pounds last year.他去年赚了600镑。
  18. It may not be the most elegant job, but you'll make money at it.那可能不是最体面的职业,但是你会靠它赚钱的。
  19. He is making money fast with his new invention.他的新发明使他大赚其钱。
  20. Most businesses are run in order to make money.大多数生意是为了赚钱。
  21. The businessman tried to make money, but eventually went bankrupt.那位商人想赚钱,结果却破了产。
  22. His one ambition in life was to make money.他在生活中的一种抱负就是赚钱。
  23. She hoped that they would make friends.她希望他们能成为朋友。
  24. The man is so genial; he makes friends wherever he goes.这个人挺和气的,到哪里都能交上朋友。
  25. You'll find that we all want to make friends with you.你会发现我们都希望与你交朋友。
  26. Make haste, or we shall miss the train.快点,否则我们要赶不上火车了。
  27. It's getting late, so let's make haste.时间不早了,我们得加快干!
  28. Mary saw that she had hurt Jane's feelings, and made haste to say she was sorry.玛丽发现她伤了简的感情,于是赶快说对不起。
  29. Can we make the train?我们能赶上火车吗?
  30. She'll never make the summit.她永远到不了山顶。
  31. After work they made a hearty meal in the worker's canteen.工作完了,他们在工人食堂饱餐了一顿。
  32. They made a hasty breakfast and hurried to the worksite.他们匆匆吃了早餐就赶到工地去了。
  33. This is the first point I want to make.这是我想讲的第一点。
  34. We won't be able to get the work done on schedule if we don't make a move right away .如果我们不马上动手的话,就不能按时完成这项工作。
  35. She made no answer.她没作答复。
  36. Well, she has made a good choice.可是,她的选择很不错。
  37. The astronomer made many contributions in the field of solar research.那位天文学家在太阳研究方面曾作出很多贡献。
  38. I think that I made a wrong decision.我想我是作了错误的决定。
  39. He asked us to be quiet and then made a startling announcement.他叫我们安静下来,然后宣布了一条令人吃惊的消息。
  40. They made a deep study of the works.他们深入研究了这部著作。
  41. Let's make a general survey of the current situation.让我们对当前的形势作一番全面的考察吧。
  42. They made great efforts to improve their work.他们努力改进工作。
  43. 1
  44. Once a decision is made, we must carry it out.一旦做了决议,我们就要执行。
  45. I have no desire for money that has been made by dishonest means.我不想使用不正当手段赚来的钱。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. Mother made Mary a new dress.母亲给玛丽做了一件新衣。
  2. I made him a shirt.我给他做了一件衬衫。
  3. I wish to make him a present.我想给他做一件礼物。
  4. Can you make me a birthday cake by Friday?你能在星期五以前给我做一个生日蛋糕吗?
  5. He will make you a good interpreter.他可以给你当一个好翻译。
  6. I made myself a cup of coffee.我给自己冲了一杯咖啡。
  7. This length of cloth will make me a suit.这段布料适合我做一套衣服。
S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.
  1. He'll make a kite for me.他将给我做个风筝。
  2. I make tea for all of us.我来替大家泡点茶吧。
  3. I made a coat for him.我给他做了一件上衣。
  4. Mother made a beautiful skirt for my little sister.妈妈给我小妹妹做了一条漂亮的裙子。
  5. In drawing up a budget, we should make allowances for unforeseen contingencies.在做预算时,我们应该扣除某些意想不到的临时费用。
  6. Can you make room for another guest at the dinner table?你们的餐桌能否腾出一个位子来安排一位客人呢?
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +(to be) n./adj./v- ed/ prep. -phrase
  1. Portugal made the islands its colony at the end of the 15th century.15世纪末葡萄牙把这些岛屿变为自己的殖民地。
  2. They made him chairman of the trade union .他们让他做工会主席。
  3. She set up a company and made him managing director.她办起了公司,任命他当公司经理。
  4. He made her his wife.他娶她为妻。
  5. His scientific pursuits had made him a very observant man.他对科学的追求已使他成为一个观察力敏锐的人。
  6. That makes me mad!这简直使我发疯!
  7. She made him happy.她使他快乐。
  8. Praise makes good men better and bad men worse.赞扬使好人更好,坏人更糟。
  9. Don't make yourself ridiculous!别出洋相了!
  10. Have you made everything clear enough?你把一切都讲清楚了吗?
  11. He made his meaning clear.他把他的意思说得很明白。
  12. Exchange of unequal values makes the poor countries poorer.不等价交换使穷国更穷。
  13. We mustn't allow these successes to make us dizzy.我们不能让胜利冲昏头脑。
  14. Washing machines make house-work easier.洗衣机减轻了家务劳动。
  15. Can you make yourself understood in English?你能用英语明白地表达思想吗?
  16. I couldn't make myself heard on account of the noise.由于太吵,我没法让人听见我讲的话。
  17. Hunger began to make itself felt.开始感到饥饿。
  18. The want made itself felt.匮乏自行暴露出来了。
  19. He could not make his voice heard.他讲话别人听不清楚。
  20. The scents made her drunk.这香味使她陶醉。
  21. What made them so frightened?什么事情使他们如此惊恐?
  22. All this made him interested in the history of philosophy.这些都使他对哲学史产生了兴趣。
  23. He looked at the moon and made the time to be midnight.他看了看月亮,估计时间是半夜了。
  24. What do you make the time?你估计现在几点钟了?
  25. I make the distance across the river 150 metres.我估计这条河有150米宽。
  26. He made the height 20 feet.他估计这个高度是20英尺。
  27. He made good his words and returned the book on time.他履行自己的诺言,如期把书还来了。
  28. Joe made good his boast to swim across the lake.乔夸口能游过湖去,他果然做到了。
  29. The boys made good the damage they had done.孩子们赔偿了他们所造成的损失。
  30. You must make good the time that you have wasted this afternoon.你必须补上今天下午浪费掉的时间。
  31. They made good the time lost through the rain.他们弥补因下雨耽误了的时间。
  32. The pitch-dark night made good his escape from the cell.漆黑的夜幕掩护他越狱成功。
  33. This speed makes the machine of high economic value.这样的速度使这种机器具有很大的经济价值。
  34. Winter wheat has made it at home on the Tibetan highlands.冬小麦能在西藏高原生长了。
  35. 1
  36. Newton was made President of the Royal Society.牛顿被选为皇家学会会长。
  37. The hall was made clean and tidy.大厅打扫得干干净净,整理得井井有条。
  38. Barren hills have been made green.荒山披上了绿装。
S+~+ n./pron. +to-/ v
  1. They tried to make every cent do the work of two.他们设法把一分钱当两分钱用。
  2. We must make him work harder.我们必须使他更加努力工作。
  3. The boss made Tom work long hours.老板逼着汤姆长时间地干活。
  4. His appearance made me laugh.他的样子使我发笑。
  5. His cheerful joke made us forget our weariness.他讲的令人愉快的笑话使我们忘记了疲劳。
  6. What makes the grass grow?青草是靠什么生长的?
  7. But this did not make them waver or retreat.但这并没有使他们动摇或退缩。
  8. I can't make the TV work.这台电视机我修不好。
  9. The sight of the dead man made his hair stand on end.他见到死人吓得毛骨悚然。
  10. 1
  11. The children must be made to clean their own room.必须叫孩子们打扫自己的房间。
  12. He was made to wait for over an hour.别人叫他等了一个多小时。
  13. We were made to work all night.我们被迫干了一整夜。
  1. Is this your own make, made by you?这是你自己做的吗?
  2. This is of Chinese make.这是中国制造的。
  3. This is of home make.这是国内制造的。
  4. This machine is of Japanese make, but machines like this are mostly made in China now.这部机器是日本造的,现在像这种机器大都中国自制了。
  5. The make of this coat is not to my mind.对这件衣服的款式我并不感到称心如意。
  6. What make would you recommend?你推荐哪种款式?
  7. This new factory has turned out boilers of various makes.这家工厂生产了各式各样的锅炉。
  8. She can spot the make of the typewriter a secretary is using.她能辨别出秘书正在用着的那台打印机的牌子。
  9. John is a man of this make.约翰是这种类型的人。
  10. He has the make of an athlete.他有运动员的体格。


make after (v.+prep.)
    追逐 chase; pursuemake after sb/sth

    She made after him like a mad woman.


    The hunter made after the game at top speed.


    Our fighter planes were making after the enemy bombers.


make at (v.+prep.)
    攻击 attack; move towards sb as if to attackmake at sb

    The stranger gave a shout and then made at me.


    The angry woman made at me with her umbrella.


    The two boys made at each other with stones and both ended up with bad bruises.


    When their bullets ran out, they made at the enemy with bayonets.


make away (v.+adv.)
    逃跑 run away; escapemake away

    The policeman stopped the thief who was trying to make away.


    The mouse made away at the slightest sound.


make away with (v.+adv.+prep.)
    消耗光 consume completely
make do (v.+v.)
    将就使用,凑合着用 use a poor substitute when you do not have the right thingmake do

    This hotel isn't what we wanted, but we must make do.


    make sth do

    Can't you make that shirt do for another day?


    make do with sth

    She will make do with the old typewriter until the new one arrives.


    There's no meat in the house, so we'll just have to make do with potatoes.


    We were late for supper and had to make do with a few cold buns.


make down (v.+adv.)
    改小 make (clothes) smaller as to fit sbmake sth ⇔ down

    Can you make the dress down for her young sister?


make for (v.+prep.)
    有利于,致使 result in; ensure; help cause sth to happen or develop
make from (v.+prep.)
    由…制成 manufacture with sthmake sth from sth

    Mother can make a wonderful meal from bits of food left over from the day before.


    The natives make excellent boats from the tree trunks.


    Nylon is made from air, coal and water.


    The wine is made from grapes.


    Butter is made from milk.


    Bread is made from flour, and flour from wheat.


make into (v.+prep.)
    把…转变为,使成为 change intomake sth into sth

    She made the material into a dress.


    He will make this skin into leather.


    We can make glass into bottles.


    Waste products from factories can be made into road-building material.


    make sb/sth into sb/sth

    Working in the kitchen made the boy into a good cook.


    They made the story into a play.


    A hundred acres of land was made into a peach and pear orchard.100


make it
    约定时间 appoint time
make it up
    和好 become reconciled
make of (v.+prep.)
    使某人发展成为 cause sb to develop intomake sth of sth

    The children like making houses of sticks and clay.


    The fence is made of iron.


    The bridge is made of steel.


    Some roads are made of gravel.


    make sth of sth

    “Could you make anything of what he was saying?”“No,I could make nothing of it.”


    make sb of sb

    His father wanted to make a doctor of him.


make off (v.+adv.)
    匆匆逃掉 escape in a hurrymake off

    Before the policeman arrived, the murderer had already made off.


    I wanted to ask him a question, but he made off.


    When the deer saw the hunter, it made off at once.


make off with (v.+adv.+prep.)
    偷,花费 steal; spendmake off with sth

    He made off with all the old man's savings.


    The cashier made off with all the money in the safe.


    Within a few years he had made off with the money that his father left him.


    It is true he had a considerable sum under his uncle's will, but it has probably been made off with by this time.


make out (v.+adv.)
    假装 pretendmake sth ⇔ out

    Please make out a bill for these goods.


    After he paid, the cashier made out a receipt for him.


    The cheque was made out for sixty pounds.


    make sth ⇔ out

    Can you make out the signature at the foot of this letter?


    Looking through the mist,I could make out the figure of a woman standing under the street lamp.


    They could just make out the spire of the church in the distance.


    It was so foggy that the driver could hardly make out the way ahead.


    The signature could not be made out.


    With the aid of a telescope a shape that might have been the wrecked ship could just be made out on the horizon.


    make out wh-clause

    I cannot make out whether this figure is a three or an eight .


    They could hardly make out where the road was in the darkness.


    make sb/sth ⇔ out

    She was a strange sort of person; I couldn't make her out.


    The poem is so complicated that I cannot make out its meaning.


    make out wh-clause

    I'm sorry I can't quite make out what you mean.


    No one can make out how the fire started.


    make out (that-clause)

    They aren't as rich as they made out.


    You can't make out that we haven't tried to help you.


    It was made out by his counsel that he was quite unaware that the money had been stolen.


    make out that-clause

    He made out that he had forgotten all about it.


make out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    用某物制造出 produce sth from (a material or existing object)make sth out of sth

    The boy made a boat out of wood.


    He made a great fortune out of oil.


    He made a mountain out of a molehill.


    What do you make out of their statement?


    The evening dress is made out of pure silk.


make over (v.+adv.)
    修改,改造 make sth look different; change the style ofmake sth ⇔ over

    He has made over his property to a hospital.


    In his will,Ade made over the bulk of his property to his eldest son.


    The property was made over to the son before his father died.


    make sb/sth ⇔ over

    He asked the tailor to make over his trousers.


    He has been made over into a new man.


make up (v.+adv.)
    组成,构成 compose or be part ofmake sth ⇔ up

    John has made up a small song.


    The teacher asked the children to make up a poem about Christmas.


    He is very quick at making up excuses.


    He made up a story without any foundation.


    make up

    They finally decided to stop quarrelling and make up.


    make sth ⇔ up

    The quarrel was only about a trivial matter, but it was years before they made it up.


    make sth ⇔ up

    Somehow the company has got to make up all the time we've lost through illness.


    Vitamin pills make up what you lack in your diet.


    make sth ⇔ up

    The toy cost a dollar and Ted only had fifty cents, so father made up the rest.


    She had to make up her income as a pianist by teaching piano students.


    make up

    Clowns always make up before a circus show.


    At one time it was not considered good taste for women to make up.


    make sb ⇔ up

    When she goes out to visit friends, she is very much made up.


    It may take quite a long time before an actor is properly made up for a part.


    make sth ⇔ up

    The chemist is still making up the doctor's order, and says it will be ready in half an hour.


    make sth ⇔ up

    Leave this notice hanging on your door, asking the servant to make up your room.


    make sb/sth ⇔ up (of sb/sth)

    How many countries make up the Common Market?


    Society is made up of people with widely differing abilities.


    This is made up of three different parts.


    Are all animal bodies made up of cells?


make up for (v.+adv.+prep.)
    补偿,弥补 compensate formake up for sth

    He tried to make up for all the trouble he had caused.


    We must work hard now to make up for lost time.


    I worked last Saturday, so I have today off, to make up for it.


    How can we make up to you for what you've suffered?



用作动词 (v.)
  • make a beast行动如傻瓜
  • make a bed铺床,整理卧具
  • make a big hit with sb给某人很好的印象
  • make a big row大吵一场
  • make a calculation计算
  • make a change改变
  • make a circuit接通电路
  • make a classic boner犯大错
  • make a clean breast of坦承,自由
  • make a collection募捐
  • make a cousin of诈骗,愚弄
  • make a date定期约会,择日
  • make a deduction推论,推断
  • make a difference (to)有关系,重要
  • make a face做鬼脸
  • make a feast设宴款客
  • make a fence击剑姿势
  • make a fend冒险
  • make a fire生火
  • make a fortune致富,发财
  • make a fuss大惊小怪,小题大做
  • make a good wife成为好妻子
  • make a hand得利,获益
  • make a hit受欢迎
  • make a killing获暴利
  • make a match使订婚,使结婚
  • make a mistake失误
  • make a play想取得
  • make a point of强调…重要
  • make a price开价,定价
  • make a purse为他人募捐〔筹款〕
  • make a scene大闹一场
  • make a shave幸免
  • make a sketch绘制草图
  • make a stand立定,停止
  • make a start开始
  • make a strike成就,成功
  • make a train赶火车
  • make a will立遗嘱
  • make account料想,判断
  • make advances预付,提议
  • make allowance考虑到,酌情
  • make an ado慌乱,骚扰
  • make an ambush设伏兵,埋伏
  • make an appearance出现,到场
  • make an appointment约定,安排会谈时间
  • make an ass行动如傻瓜
  • make an attempt on想,结果,欲夺取
  • make an error出差错
  • make an experiment做实验
  • make an impressing留下痕迹,给…留下印象
  • make an impression有影响
  • make black white and white black颠倒黑白
  • make a break急跑
  • make a button有忧容,露惊惧之色
  • make camp扎营,搭帐篷
  • make cheer愉快,快乐,欢迎
  • make a coat做一件上衣
  • make coffee煮咖啡
  • make common宣布,行刑
  • make a conversation交谈,聊天
  • make count计算,依赖
  • make danger尝试实验
  • make drink准备饮料
  • make earth接地线,接地
  • make expiation偿,赎
  • make fashion假装,粉饰
  • make fish晒鱼,腌鱼
  • make friends交友
  • make good one's loss赔偿损失
  • make good one's promise实现诺言
  • make headway前进
  • make a journey进行旅行
  • make laws制定法律
  • make love求爱
  • make a meal准备饭菜
  • make measurements测量
  • make merry作乐
  • make metals熔炼金属
  • make money赚钱
  • make outline写提纲
  • make pace增加速度
  • make place让开,留余地
  • make power发电,产生动力
  • make progress前进,进步
  • make reading取读数
  • make a report报告,通知
  • make reprisal报复,报仇
  • make riddance排除障碍物,扫除阻碍
  • make room让道,留余地,开一条路
  • make sb's blood boil使…大怒
  • make sb's blood creep使人惊悸,令人恐怖
  • make sb's blood run cold使人毛骨悚然
  • make sb's blow走下戏台
  • make sb's a lucky〈俚〉逃离,逃走
  • make sb's market销售货物
  • make sb's mouth water令人垂涎
  • make sb's nose sell使人生妒心
  • make sb's pile获利,致富
  • make sb scarce〈俚〉逃走,离去
  • make sb's way挤着向前走,谋生
  • make scruple踌躇,犹豫
  • make sense有意义,讲得通,合情合理
  • make a sentence造句子
  • make sheep's eyes送秋波,眉目传情
  • make a song作一首歌
  • make steel炼钢
  • make a summary写内容提要
  • make tea沏茶
  • make the grade达到标准
  • make time赶紧
  • make tracks赶快,从速
  • make a trip进行旅行
  • make use of利用
  • make a visit进行访问
  • make war开战
  • make water小便
  • make waves弄得乌烟瘴气,运用个人影响力
  • make weight补足重量,无足轻重的人物,添加物
  • make acquainted with使熟悉,告知关于
  • make certain弄清楚
  • make dead切断
  • make fair大有可能,有…之势
  • make good实现,使成为事实,赔偿
  • make known宣布,公布
  • make shift权宜之计
  • make short of work迅速结束,草草做完
  • make sure把…弄确实
  • make true调整,使准
  • make unready脱衣,卸马具
  • make home回家
  • make advisedly行成于思
  • make delicately制作精美
  • make easily轻松做
  • make eventually终于获得
  • make handsomely慷慨地签订
  • make immediately立即作出
  • make inadvertently写作漫不经心
  • make indiscriminately任意前进
  • make inevitably必然成功
  • make irrevocably不可改变地作出
  • make laboriously写作不流畅
  • make lawfully合法制造
  • make obviously显然能成功
  • make persistently持久进行
  • make powerfully作品很有影响
  • make scientifically科学著作
  • make subsequently后来获利
  • make superbly可超越前进
  • make temporarily暂且认为
  • make ultimately最后成功
  • make unquestionably成功不成问题,作品无可非议
  • make unwittingly不知不觉地到达,无意中进行
  • make away急忙走掉〔逃走〕
  • make away with销毁(罪证),杀死,携…而逃,吃掉,浪费掉,毁掉
  • make off溜掉,跑掉,逃去
  • make off with持…而逃
  • make on急进
  • make out看见,了解,听清楚
  • make over移交,转让,改造,改制或翻新(衣服等)
  • make up化装,涂脂,抹粉,和好
  • make up a list of列出…的清单
  • make up for弥补,补偿,化装,扮演
  • make up one's mind下决心
  • make up to接近,巴结,奉承,向(女子)求爱
  • make after追求,追赶
  • make against与…相反,不利于,有害于
  • make as装作…的模样
  • make at袭击
  • make for走向,向…前进,有利〔助〕于,倾向于,袭击,冲向
  • make for the door朝门走去
  • make way for为…开路
  • make of获得结论,推论
  • make a fool of愚弄
  • make a go of做成功
  • make hay of把…弄得紊乱不堪
  • make light of轻视,蔑视,对…估计不足
  • make little of不重视,不理会,不费力
  • make a man of sb使某人成人
  • make a night of彻夜…
  • make an exhibition of oneself丢脸,出丑,闹笑话
  • make out of用…制造出,从…出来,理解,了解
用作名词 (n.)
  • have the make of具有…的体格
  • like the make of喜欢…样式
  • remember the make of记着…的样子
  • all make各式各样的
  • different make不同牌号的
  • domestic make国产的
  • first-class make第一流货色
  • new make新式样
  • smooth make性情平和
  • special make特制的式样
  • specific make特制的式样
  • standard make标准体格
  • various make各种式样
  • at make〈电〉在接通位置上
  • in make体格
  • on the make在构成中,〈口〉热衷于


  • Look at his delicate hands and slight make.

    出自:H. Martineau
  • He was crowned by a helmet of French make.

    出自:J. Cary
  • A stone which is near the ideal is said to be of good make or fine make.

    出自:E. Bruton
  • They confine their purchases to one make of car or commercial vehicle.

    出自:Motor Sport
  • God that made the world and alle thingis that ben in it.

    出自:R. Pecock
  • As birds sometimes are seen to make their nests.

  • The patent plan of Mr William Onions of making cast steel.

    出自:A. Ure
  • The factory made many things beside rope mats.

    出自:P. Mortimer

绯闻少女 Taylor Momsen 海扁王电影原声 Make Me Wanna Die 泰勒?莫姆森(Taylor Momsen,1993年7月26日-),是一名美国女演员及模特儿,原名:泰勒?米高?莫姆森(Taylor Michael Momsen)。泰勒因演出由小说

发表于:2018-11-29 / 阅读(215) / 评论(0) 分类 电影歌曲

迈克尔.杰克逊:The way you make me feel Go on, girl Hey pretty baby with the high heels on 啊,穿高跟鞋的漂亮的女孩 You give me fever like Ive never ever known 从未有人如此撩动我的情怀 Youre just a product of loveliness

发表于:2018-12-08 / 阅读(128) / 评论(0) 分类 迈克尔杰克逊经典歌曲

You Make Me Wanna Blue To start it off I know you know me To come to think of it it was only last week That I had a dream about us oh That's why I am here I'm writing this song To tell the truth you know I have been hurting all along Someway let me k

发表于:2018-12-08 / 阅读(119) / 评论(0) 分类 VOA标准英语2018年(八月)

1988年5月出生的Adele,有着与年龄不相符的沙哑醇厚的好嗓音,散发着初春时节的乍暖还寒,典型 的爵士和蓝调韵味。 这首Make You Feel My love是翻唱Bob Dylan的歌,选用钢琴伴奏,气韵缠绵,让人

发表于:2018-12-13 / 阅读(97) / 评论(0) 分类 好听的英文歌曲

make me a kite When the sky is bright as the eye of the bird And the winds of the sea It seems to me a lullaby and it sets my sprit free Then I run to the top of the hill And I throw my arms of wide And I wish so hard that my heart might break For so

发表于:2018-12-14 / 阅读(179) / 评论(0) 分类 十八首全球最好听的女声

Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. [00:06.19]SECTION A [00:10.32]1b Listen.What do Amy and Tina think of the two restaurants? [00:55.09]2a Listen and number the pictures[1-4]in the order that you hear them. [01:53.63]2b Listen again and check the things

发表于:2018-12-17 / 阅读(497) / 评论(0) 分类 新目标初中英语九年级(全一册)

歌词如下: Make new friends, But keep the old. One is silver and the other gold. Make new friends, But keep the old. One is silver and the other gold. Make new friends, But keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(96) / 评论(0) 分类 英语儿歌274首

Gravely ill, a man went to the doctor with his wife. After the examination the physician motioned for the wife to meet him in the hallway.

发表于:2019-01-03 / 阅读(328) / 评论(0) 分类 英汉幽默故事选读

The way you make me feel Ronan Keating Couldn't feel much better Than the way I fell tonight Feel like Icould live forever Feel like I could fly When I thought I'd get it wrong, yeah You somehow make things right That's the way you make me feel Bett

发表于:2019-01-08 / 阅读(154) / 评论(0) 分类 音乐咖啡厅

Britney Spears - Born to make you happy 生来就为使你幸福无边(疆) (oh my love) (哦,我的爱人) I'm sitting here alone up in my room 我独自坐在闺房 And thinking about the times that we've been through 回想着我们曾经共同渡过

发表于:2019-01-10 / 阅读(103) / 评论(0) 分类 英语歌曲收藏之一

Song:Born to make you happy Artist:Britney Spears I'm sitting here along up in my room And thinking about the times that we've been through (oh my love) I'm looking at a picture in my hand Trying my best to understand I really want to know what w

发表于:2019-01-11 / 阅读(109) / 评论(0) 分类 英语热力歌曲

饶舌:Das Efx - Make Noize 相关介绍 : 当《They Want EFX》的节奏响起时所有人都依然为之疯狂--虽然这已经是十多年前的热门说唱单曲。此曲出自Das EFX推出的首张专辑《Dead Serious》。虽然歌曲本身可

发表于:2019-01-11 / 阅读(156) / 评论(0) 分类 节奏布鲁斯

The Smiths - Pretty Girls Make Graves Upon the sand, upon the bay there is a quick and easy way you say Before you illustrate I'd rather state : i'm not the man you think I am I'm not the man you think I am And sorrows native son He will not smile fo

发表于:2019-01-26 / 阅读(157) / 评论(0) 分类 英文摇滚歌曲

Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue Laura Fygi 今天我们听到的歌曲是Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue(别让我泪眼朦胧)原唱是美国的乡村歌后Crystal Gayle,我们听到的版本来自于荷兰的爵士歌后Laura Fygi。而这首

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(145) / 评论(0) 分类 听歌学英语

听歌学英语:Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue 今天我们听到的歌曲是Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue(别让我泪眼朦胧)原唱是美国的乡村歌后Crystal Gayle,我们听到的版本来自于荷兰的爵士歌后Laura Fygi。而这

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(115) / 评论(0) 分类 听歌学英语

It's The Way You Make Me Feel-Steps It's the things that you do, So physical, It's the things that you say, So flammable, You know I can't resist, Boy it's such a shame, Do you belong to another, I don't wanna hurt nobody, But my heart just can't hol

发表于:2019-02-07 / 阅读(121) / 评论(0) 分类 好听的英文歌曲

经典歌曲-帮我度过漫漫长夜help me make it through the night--Sammi Smith Take the ribbon from your hair, Shake it loose and let it fall, Layin' soft upon my skin. Like the shadows on the wall. Kristofferson Kris Come and lay down by my sid

发表于:2019-02-07 / 阅读(398) / 评论(0) 分类 经典英文歌曲

Gravely ill, a man went to the doctor with his wife. After the examination the physician motioned for the wife to meet him in the hallway. Your husband is very sick, the doctor said, but there are three things you can do to ensure his survival. First

发表于:2019-02-08 / 阅读(166) / 评论(0) 分类 趣味英语

大家一定知道kill这个词意思是杀死, 大家也许觉得kill是个杀气腾腾的词,给人不祥的感觉,没想到在某些习惯用语里kill竟然跟一些令人高兴的事儿沾上边了。我们今天就来讲这样两个习惯用

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(143) / 评论(0) 分类 美国习惯用语

音乐咖啡厅:Michael Learns To Rock - It`s Gonna Make Sense 相关介绍:《Eternity》是摇滚麦克的最新录音室创作大碟,专辑由乐团吉他手/主唱Mikkel Lentz担纲制作大任,专辑在丹麦的哥本哈根以及瑞典的哥

发表于:2019-02-18 / 阅读(151) / 评论(0) 分类 音乐咖啡厅
acicular bainite
acid carmoisine b
anomaly of plant
be disturbed
beat someone out of his track
bistable triggerction circuit
bow arrow cross arm
buzz over
chimney chimney flue
commercial credit companies
corpus amygdaloideums
cranial cervical ganglion
cross -pollinated cultivate plants
cyclichthys orbicularis
domestic sectors
electric discharge-pumped nitrogen ion laser
emergency air compressor
equal ash density
equilibrium stage
fracture damage
fret mill
genus Littorina
Grand canyon series
index of stock price
ingot drawing crane
job support task
key-to-tape system
koel, koil
light sensitive semiconductor material
lithium iron(iii) oxide
magnetic lamination
menu bars
michel foucault
million instructions per second (mips)
mobile bee-keeper
oversize commodity car
polymer/inorganic layered oxide nanocomposite
Pound, Louise
pressure frequency response of microphone
pure amplification
rose scale
RPI (rows per inch)
sampling platform
sensitivity correction
sets forth
Sibuyan, Mt.
slopes off
spiking output
splachnobryum giganteum broth
spray application techniques
standard power
taken my change out of
tease tenon
territorial song
thixotropic cement
Tungokochenskiy Rayon
two-dimensional spectrum
unilateral component
viral media
water strider
When one door shuts another opens
window options
Windows Media Audio
Zinnia multiflora