音标:[fɒ:m] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 形状, 形体, 类型, 方式, 表格, 形式
v. 形成, 排列, (使)组成
n. 表单
[计] 表单
n. the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something
n. a perceptual structure
n. the visual appearance of something or someone
n. a printed document with spaces in which to write
词型变化:名词复数形式 : forms ; 过去分词 : formed ; 过去式 : formed ; 现在分词 : forming ; 第三人称单数 : forms



  1. Playing basketball is one form of physical exercise.打篮球是体育活动的一种形式。
  2. The form of a building grows out of its use.建筑物的形式取决于建筑物的用途。
  3. It has the irregular form of an ink blot.它具有不规则的水渍形状。
  4. He is filling in a form.他正在填写一张表格。
  5. I've got no record of this horse's form.我没有这匹马的情况记录。
  6. David was certainly out of form.大卫那时竞技状态确实不好。
  7. After six months training, the whole team is in superb form.全队经过六个月的训练竞技状态极佳。
  8. Judging by recent form, he should easily pass the exam.从他最近的表现来看,他应该很容易考及格。
  9. What's the form when you apply for a research grant?申请科研补助金按常规应该怎么办?
  1. A plan began to form in his head.一项计划在他脑子中形成。
  2. I cannot form any opinion about it.我对此还不能形成什么看法。
  3. Caves form when water infiltrates limestone.水渗透石灰石则形成洞穴。
  4. He determined to form a club.他决心成立一个俱乐部。
  5. France and Germany agreed to form a joint army corps.法国和德国同意建立一支联合军队。


  1. Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water.冰、雪、蒸汽是水的不同形式。
  2. The form of matter can be changed.物质的形状可以改变。
  3. Foot-notes are expressed in several different forms.脚注是用几种形式表示的。
  4. We artists should combine healthy political content with finished artistic forms.我们艺术家应该把健康的政治内容和完美的艺术形式结合起来。
  5. This gallery only exhibits the more conventional forms of art.这个美术馆只陈列那些更具传统形式的艺术作品。
  6. All these forms of superstition are current in this area.所有这些迷信的表现形式在这一地区都很流行。
  7. “Worse” is the comparative form of “bad”.worse是bad的比较级形式。
  8. These are the finite forms of a verb.这些是一个动词的限定形式。
  9. He has a well-proportioned form.他有均匀的体态。
  10. The tall graceful form of a woman appeared at the top of the stairs.一个体形修长优美的女人出现在楼梯顶上。
  11. Personnel has〔have〕 lost my tax forms.人事部门把我的税收表格给弄丢了。
  12. Here's a blank form for you to fill in.这是你要填的空白表格。
  1. Ice forms at 0℃ or 32.在摄氏零度或华氏32度时水结成冰。
  2. Clouds are forming on the top of the hill.云正在山顶上形成。
  3. A cloud of smoke formed over the burning factory.着火的工厂上空形成了一片烟云。
  4. The words would not form on her lips.那些话她是说不出口的。
用作系动词S+~+ n.
  1. The school building formed a hollow square, with a playground in the middle.校舍呈中空四边形,中央为运动场。
  2. His courage formed an example to us all.他的勇气是我们全体的楷模。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. This series of lectures forms part of a complete course on French history.这一系列的演讲为一门法国史课程的一部分。
  2. Industrial investments form an important part of state expenditure.工业投资是国家开支的一个重要组成部分。
  3. The children formed a circle round her.孩子们在她周围围成了一个圈。
  4. Then they merged to form this radio parts factory.这时他们合并成这个无线电零件厂。
  5. Flour, eggs and sugar form the main ingredients of a cake.面粉、鸡蛋和白糖是蛋糕的主要原料。
  6. Petrol forms vapour above a certain temperature.超过一定的温度汽油会蒸发。
  7. A spore can quickly spread and form a mould.一个孢子能迅速蔓延并形成霉。
  8. The neutrons and protons form the core of the atom.中子和质子构成了原子核。
  9. What forms the basis of this compound?这种化合物的主要成分是什么?
  10. Oxygen unites with hydrogen to form water.氧和氢结合就构成了水。
  11. We form words with the mouth, teeth, nose, etc.我们用口腔、牙齿、鼻子等器官发出单词的声音。
  12. His lips formed the word“Drink”.他做了一个说“喝”字的口型。
  13. Henry formed the Church of England.亨利创建了英国国教。
  14. Workmen were permitted, for the first time, freely to form trade unions.工人们第一次被允许自由组织工会。
  15. The President invited Mr.Mollet to form a Ministry.总统邀请摩勒特先生组建内阁。
  16. We use bricks and branches of trees to form a simple shelter.我们用砖和树枝搭成一个简陋的避难所。
  17. The five western nations that drew up the plan formed the bulk of the UN peace-making force.起草这项计划的5个西方国家成为联合国维和部队的主要力量。
  18. The people formed a line to pass the bricks from the boat up to the working site.人们排成队将砖头从船上往工地上传。
  19. I formed the impression that she was not completely honest.我有个印象,她并不诚实。
  20. Can you form a picture in your mind of what I described to you?你能根据我对你讲述的东西在你脑子里形成个轮廓吗?
  21. He tried to form his style on good models.他试图模仿好的范文以形成自己的风格。
  22. In this way she would form Harriet's opinions and her manners.这样她就可以帮助哈丽特形成她的见解和风度了。
  23. His courage formed an example to us all.他的勇敢给我们大家树立了榜样。
  24. They had formed a friendship at that time which was never to be broken.那时他们就结下了牢不可破的友谊。
  25. Was a nation's history formed by its geography?一个国家的历史是由它的地理形成的吗?
  26. 1
  27. A beach is formed along the wide bend of the river.在河流的宽阔转弯处形成了一个沙滩。
  28. The design is formed with triangle.图案是由三角形构成的。
  29. The temperature continued to fall for a short time, but no ice was formed.在短时间内,温度连续下降,但是没有结冰。
  30. Ice was formed on the river.河上结了冰。
  31. I don't think that Russian policy is formed that way any more than our policy is formed.我认为,俄国的政策不是那样制定的,就像我们的政策不是那样制定的一样。
  32. So an assault team of 17 heroes was formed.一支17勇士突击队就这样组成了。
  33. Soon a women's association was formed in our village.不久我们村成立了妇联。
  34. A company was formed to develop this region.为了开发这一地区,成立了一个公司。
  35. The House is not yet formed.议会还没组成。
  36. Dantes's plan was formed. He set out to swim to the rock.邓蒂斯计上心来,立刻向礁石那边游过去。
  37. His character was formed in his childhood.他的性格是童年时代形成的。
  38. His character was formed at school.他的性格是在学校养成的。


as a matter of form
    出于形式上的礼节 for the sake of conversation
form of address
    称呼 style of addressing sb in speech or writing
good〔bad〕 form
    〔不〕礼貌的举动,〔不〕礼貌的行为 socially acceptable〔unacceptable〕 behaviour
in〔out of〕 form
    竞技状态不佳的〔良好的〕 in a bad〔good〕 state of fitness, ability, etc.; performing not as well as〔as well as〕 usual
in the form of
    用…的形式 taking the appearance〔shape〕 of
off〔on〕 form
    竞技状态不佳的〔良好的〕 in a bad〔good〕 state of fitness, ability, etc.; performing not as well as〔as well as〕 usual
form from (v.+prep.)
    用…构成 be made of sth, organize sthform sth from sb/sth

    Form a bowl from clay.


    We can form nouns from adjectives.


    The new premier is forming his government mainly from young men.


    Clouds are formed from drops of liquid hanging in the air.


    Coal is formed from the remains of fresh-water plants.


form in (v.+prep.)
    形成 give shape or structure to sthform in sth

    Let's form in line.


form into (v.+prep.)
    使…变成…形状 shape sth into sthform into sth

    People began forming into little talkative groups.


    form sb/oneself into sth

    The volunteers formed themselves into three groups.


    The young people formed themselves into a shock brigade.


    Form a regiment into columns.


    The children were formed into small groups, which went from door to door collecting money and old clothes.


    form into sth

    The water formed into icicles on the window.


    form sth into sth

    Bakers form dough into loaves.


    Form the pastry into a ball with your hands.


form of (v.+prep.)
    用…构成 produce sth; compose ofform sb/sth of sth

    God formed man of the dust of the ground.


    The sofa is formed of three separate sections.


    The village was formed of semicircle huts.


    Water is formed of two elements.


form out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    组成,建造 build sthform sth out of sth

    They formed a boat out of concrete.


    People in far northern countries sometimes form small houses out of bricks of ice.


form up (v.+adv.)
    将(某人)编入队伍 move (sb) into position in lines, as on paradeform up

    The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square.


    The troops have formed up in review order.


    The planes formed up over the airfield.


    The waiting crowd formed up in a long line.


    Form up in line!


    Outside, thousands of people formed up in long queues, waiting their turn to enter the hall.


    The children formed up in queues for morning exercises.


    The soldiers formed up into a line.


    Children had to form up before being allowed into school.



用作名词 (n.)
  • change form改变形式
  • change into a form of变成…的形状
  • standardize a form使一种形式标准化
  • take form成形
  • take the formof采取…的形式
  • fill in a form填写表格
  • fill out a form填写表格
  • lose one's form(运动员等)竞技状态不好
  • basic form基本形式
  • beautiful form优美的姿势
  • complete form完整的形式
  • curious form奇怪的形式
  • dark form黑影
  • different forms不同的形式
  • empty form空洞的形式
  • perfect form完美的形式
  • standard form标准格式
  • strange form奇怪的形式
  • various forms各种形式
  • round form圆形
  • square form方形
  • arrival form来客登记表
  • order form订货单
  • telegraph form电报纸
  • form words虚词
  • as a form作为…形式
  • in a formof以…形式
  • in due form以规定的方式
  • in form竞技状态良好
  • in great form兴高采烈
  • on present form从现在的形势看
  • out of form竞技状态不好
  • form for a deed契约的格式
  • form in running赛跑的姿势
  • form of address称呼
  • form of government政体
  • form of letter书信形式
用作动词 (v.)
  • form a committee成立委员会
  • form a government组织政府
  • form a line排成一队
  • form a new city建一座新城
  • form a part of组成…的一部分
  • form a relationship建立关系
  • form a square形成一个正方形
  • form company成立公司
  • form idea形成想法
  • form impression形成印象
  • form opinion形成观点
  • form sentences and paragraphs构成句子和段落
  • form society成立协会
  • form the habit of养成…的习惯
  • form thunder clouds形成雷雨云
  • form 50% of the total占整体的百分之五十
  • form badly造型不好
  • form expeditiously立即成立
  • form insensibly不知不觉地形成
  • form quickly很快形成
  • form successively连续形成
  • form up排队
  • form after按照…构成
  • form from由…构成
  • form into使成为…,使组成…
  • form one's class into five rows把班级排成五行
  • form into line排队
  • be formed of由…组成
  • form upon按照…构成
  • be formed with由…组成


  • The Schloss Adler was built in the form of a hollow square.

    出自:A. MacLean
  • The fabric..gives character and form to the spaces within it.

    出自:J. S. Foster
  • The Rib he formd and fashond with his hands.


[00:00.00]I come to have myself insured in your company. [00:01.80]我是来投保的。 [00:03.60]When should I go and have the vegetables insured? [00:05.31]我什么时候将这蔬菜投保? [00:07.02]The underwriters shouler the responsibility

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[00:00.00]I come to have myself insured in your company. [00:01.80]我是来投保的。 [00:03.60]When should I go and have the vegetables insured? [00:05.31]我什么时候将这蔬菜投保? [00:07.02]The underwriters shouler the responsibility

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abdominal paracentesis
absolute control on
ainalite (cassiterite)
airway delivery
atmospheric drum dryer
cabinet photograph
chromium(iii) hydride
cocoon holder making machine
cork sheet
dipping sheet
Eimeria perforans
emergency adjustment
external center
Fujitsu VP supercomputer
fusarium lateritium
fy91 deficit
genderless language
gentle exercise
genus deinonychuss
get shut of
Gierke's corpuscles
gini's index
Hadamard transform image coding
hamaspora acutissima
I'm afraid so
immediate-access memory
inner-ring spacer
insulation support ring for vertical vessels
Irrelevance result
jamming handle
legislative councils
leptonic neutral current
master's degrees
micro split image
model of man
number of theoretical plates
numerical experimentation
physical upgrading
pi plus
pneumatolytic hydrothermal metamorphism
polyphase node
proper subset symbol
protection of trustee
q channel
raw sewage sludge
reducing resister
rights management information
Robiquet's paste
schizoaffective disorder
sea milkwort
short term schedule
short-pitman mower
slewing bearing
specialist system
storage parity
top charging
Trypanoplasma borrelli
vacuum-tube keyer