音标:[hæv] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 有, 怀有, 拿, 进行
aux. 已经
v. have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense
v. have as a feature
v. have a personal or business relationship with someone
v. have left
词型变化:现在分词 : having ; 过去式 : had ; 第三人称单数 : has ; 过去分词 : had ; 名词复数形式 : haves



  1. A country must have the will to repel any invader.一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。
  2. The police have absolute proof of his guilt.警方有他犯罪的确凿证据。
  3. Have a glass of beer to rinse your dinner down.喝杯啤酒把你吃的晚饭冲下去。
  4. We will have pork chops for dinner.我们晚餐吃猪排。
  5. We have a right to a living wage.我们有权得到足够维持生活的工资。
  6. You will have your reward in the fullness of time.时机一到你就会得到酬报。
  7. To do this job, you must have a degree in English.从事这个工作你必须具有英语专业的大学学位。
  8. I have five years` experience of office work.我有五年从事办公室工作的经验。
  9. We can't have that sort of thing happening.我们不能允许发生这样的事。
  10. She won't have boys arriving late.她不允许这些男孩子迟到。
  11. But Chi might have hired a killer to murder them.但很有可能是戚秦氏雇用杀手杀死的。
  12. We have taken on extra staff to cope with the increased workload.我们已经额外雇用员工来应付增加了的工作量。
  13. Children and adult shall have equal rights.儿童和成年人应该享有平等的权利。
  14. Vehicles coming from the right have priority.从右边驶来的车辆享有优先通行权。


  1. The car has arrived.车子来了。
  2. I have been to see John.我去看过约翰了。
  3. I hadn't met him before.我以前没有见过他。
  4. I shall have finished my homework by nine.九点以前我就能完成作业。
  5. He said he would have done with my camera by the end of next month.他说到下个月底就不用我的照相机了。
  6. I've been writing letters all this morning.我写了一上午的信。
  7. I had been looking for it for days before I found it.这个东西我找了很多天才找着。
  8. If we don't hurry up the store will have been closing before we get there.如果我们不快点儿的话,等我们到了那儿,店门就会关闭了。
  9. He said that by the end of the Spring term he would have been studying English for three years.他说到了春季学期末,他就学了三年英语了。
  10. Had they searched more carefully, they would have found what they wanted.如果当时他们搜查得更仔细些,就会找到要找的东西。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Have you got some matches?你有火柴吗?
  2. I haven't any money.我没有钱。
  3. I've got nothing yet, but I'll let you know when I have.我现在还没有,到有的时候我会告诉你的。
  4. I have something to tell you.我有件事要告诉你。
  5. In this hour of victory, we had so much to tell each other.在这胜利的时刻,我们有多少话要说啊!
  6. I didn't have the books that she asked for.我没有她所要的书。
  7. He had no relatives in California.他在加利福尼亚一个亲戚也没有。
  8. Did you have enough time to do it?你有足够的时间做那件事吗?
  9. Have you any views?你有何看法?
  10. The old patient has shooting pains in the head.这位老病人脑部有放射痛。
  11. My sister-in-law had a baby last week.上星期我嫂嫂生了一个孩子。
  12. We have a much better life now.我们现在的生活好多了。
  13. We had a wonderful time in Summer Palace yesterday.昨天我们在颐和园玩得愉快极了。
  14. They had a high time at George's party.他们在乔治家的晚会上尽情欢乐。
  15. She's always had such a miserable time.她总是过着这样悲惨的生活。
  16. I had the dullest time of my life last night.昨天晚上我过得最没意思了。
  17. We have dinner at six o'clock.我们6点钟吃晚饭。
  18. We'll have noodles instead of rice for lunch today.我们今天中午吃面条,不吃米饭。
  19. Then have some coffee.那么就喝点咖啡吧?
  20. That day he did not have a bite of food from five in the morning till nine in the evening.那天,他从早晨5点到晚上9点连一口饭都没吃。
  21. Do you have tea or coffee for breakfast?你早餐是喝茶还是咖啡?
  22. Will you have a cigarette?你抽烟吗?
  23. We won't have any breach of discipline.我们不允许任何破坏纪律的现象。
  24. I won't have such conduct.我不允许这种行为。
  25. I won't have anything said against my daughter.我不允许谁说任何攻击我女儿的话。
  26. We'll have a discussion right after the talk.报告一完,我们就进行讨论。
  27. They're going to have a sports meet very soon.他们不久将开运动会。
  28. Let's go and have a swim.咱们去游一会儿泳吧。
  29. Why don't you let them have a try?你为什么不让他们试一试?
  30. We're going to have an interview with them Friday.我们将在星期五和他们会晤。
  31. I often have delightful chats with my friends.我和我的朋友们常作轻松的闲谈。
  32. I often have unpleasant dreams.我经常做不愉快的梦。
  33. He doesn't have a fever.他没发烧。
  34. Lots of girls here have influenza.这儿好些女孩患流感。
  35. I have a bad pain here.我这儿疼得厉害。
  36. We had a lot of rain that autumn.那年秋天雨水多。
  37. He had a letter today.他今天收到一封信。
  38. She has a little French.她懂得一点法文。
  39. I haven't a very good temper.我的脾气不太好。
  40. He had me in that argument.在那次辩论中他占了上风。
  41. Look out he will have you as he did me.当心他会像骗我一样地骗你。
  42. 1
  43. There was no butter to be had.没黄油可买。
  44. I've been had by that swindler.我被那个骗子骗了。
  45. Such books may be had at any bookstore.这种书可以在任何书店里买得到。
  46. She'd been had before she got married.她在结婚前已和别人发生过关系。
  47. I was badly had when I just missed the train.没有搭上火车使我很失望。
  48. It may be had for the asking.可能有求必应。
  49. A good time was had by all.大家都玩得很痛快。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. I had me a big lunch.中午我饱餐了一顿。
  2. Have yourself a good cry.你痛痛快快地哭一场吧。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adv./prep. -phrase
  1. We are extremely happy to have you here.能把你请来,我们感到十分高兴。
  2. He knew a Canadian and often had him to his house.他认识一位加拿大人,常常请他到家里来。
S+~+ n./pron. +(to-) v
  1. The soldiers had him stand with his back to his father.士兵让他背对着他父亲站着。
  2. She had planned to have her daughter marry Laurie.她本打算让女儿嫁给劳里。
  3. You should have him come earlier.你应该请他早些来。
  4. I had John find a house for me.我让约翰给我找了一所房子。
  5. I only have good children come in my house.我只允许乖孩子来我家。
  6. Please have the boy bring the things to my house.请派小弟弟将这些东西搬到我家去。
  7. I won't have them answer me back in that rude manner.他们用那种粗鲁的态度顶撞我,我可受不了。
  8. I'm going to have her live with me soon.我准备让她很快和我住在一起。
  9. We'd be delighted to have you work with us.你和我们一道工作我们很高兴。
  10. Don't forget to have him come.别忘了让他来。
  11. He won't have us criticize his work.他不让我们批评他的工作。
  12. She had never had anybody speak to her that way before.从来没有人对她这样讲过话。
S+~+ n./pron. + v -ing
  1. We can't have you going everywhere by taxi.我们不能让你坐出租汽车到处跑。
  2. I can't have you playing truant.我不允许你逃学。
  3. We have him trying an experiment.我们让他试做一个实验。
  4. We'll soon have you walking about again.不久我们就能让你起来活动了。
  5. By the time he came back, she had had a good fire going and had taken the stove into the room.等他回来的时候,她已经把火炉生好,端到屋里来了。
  6. Bronwen tried to have her talking.But no use.布朗温想让她说话,但没有成功。
  7. She'll have you doing all the housework if you're not careful.如果你不仔细的话,她就要你干所有的家务。
  8. He soon had them all laughing.他很快让大家发笑了。
  9. I won't have you smoking at the young age.我不许你这样(小小)的年纪就抽烟。
  10. Now,George,I will not have you shouting at me that way.那么,乔治,我不许你对我那样喊叫。
  11. We can't have that sort of thing happening.我们不允许那种事发生。
  12. We shall soon have the mists rising.我们很快就会看到雾升起来。
  13. I woke up in the night and found we had water dripping through the ceiling.我夜里醒来,发现天花板在滴水。
S+~+ n./pron. + v -ed
  1. I'm not going to have you mixed up with this sort of business.我不会允许你同这种事搅在一起。
  2. I have had the stove lighted.我让人生了炉子。
  3. As we left we had a photograph taken together.临走时,我们一起照了相。
  4. She had her suitcases carried from the train to the taxi.她叫人把她的衣服箱子从火车搬到出租汽车上。
  5. He had his pocket picked.他的口袋被人掏了。
  6. I had my ankle sprained.我扭伤了脚踝。
  7. Papa had his hands burned.爸爸的手烫了。
  8. We must have this work finished by Monday.我们一定要在星期一以前完成这项工作。
  9. We have your medicine prepared now.我们已把你的药给准备好了。
  10. She's having her eyes tested.她正让人检查她的眼睛。
  11. I had that door painted only last week.上周我才叫人把门漆了。
  12. King Charles I had his head cut off.国王查理一世被砍了头。
  13. A week ago I had a hundred dollars saved.一周前我节约了一百美元。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
  1. I will have everything ready so as not to keep you waiting.我将把一切准备好不让你等候。
  2. I had all the windows open, but even then the smell was dreadful.我把所有的窗户都打开了,但那股味儿还是大得可怕。


had better
    最好would find it wiser to (do)
have (got) to
    必须,不得不be forced to; must
have only to
    只需要only need
have about〔around〕1 (v.+adv.)
    在身旁或在家中有(某人或某物) have (sth or sb) near one, as in one's home as an ornament or companionhave sb/sth about〔around〕

    Don't go away,I like having you around!


have about〔around〕2 (v.+prep.)
    对…有(某种看法或感觉) possess (thoughts or feelings) towards (sb, sth, or doing sth)
have one's wits about one
    警觉,保持头脑清醒 keep head clear
have against (v.+prep.)
    有某事对…不利 be (a disadvantage) to (sb)
have a bias against (v.+n.+prep.)
    对…有反感 detest sb/sth or doing sthhave a bias against sb/sth/v-ing

    Some people have a bias against foreigners.


    Many people have a bias against smoking.


have designs against (v.+n.+prep.)
    对…有不良企图 have a plot to sb/sthhave designs against sb/sth

    The country has no ulterior designs against any of its neighbours.


    The group had designs against the government.


have at (v.+prep.)
    攻击 have an attack at sbhave at sb

    The two men had at each other with fits and feet.


have at heart (v.+prep.+n.)
    关心 carehave sth at heart

    They always have the interests of the people at heart.


    In offering these suggestions for improvement,I must explain that I only have your interests at heart, believe me.


have back (v.+adv.)
    重新获得 regainhave sth ⇔ back

    When can you let me have back the money that I lent you?


have a good excuse for (v.+n.+prep.)
    对…有一个好的理由 have a good reason for sthhave a good excuse for sth

    He didn't have a good excuse for his absence so he made up one.


have to thank for
    把…归咎于,为…责怪某人 lay the blame on sbhave sb/oneself to thank for sb/sth

    Who do we have to thank for the broken window?


    I have no one to thank for all my suffering except myself.


    He had only himself to thank for his loss.


    You've got John to thank for your cold.He caught it first then passed it onto everyone.


have in (v.+adv.)
    把(某人)召到家中做某事 invite sb into one's home to do sthhave sth ⇔ in

    Do we have enough wine in for the dinner party?


    have sb ⇔ in

    He had his friends in for coffee on Sunday afternoon.


    Do you want to have the doctor in to see your father?


have act or part in (v.+n.+prep.)
    参与 take part inhave act or part in sth

    Some of the servants also had act or part in the robbery.


have a complaint in (v.+n.+prep.)
    在…有病 be ill in sthhave a complaint in sth

    The baby has a complaint in the back.


have difficulty in (v.+n.+prep.)
    有…困难 be difficult in sth or doing sthhave difficulty in sth/v-ing

    She has difficulty in action.


    He has difficulty in studying English.


have a hand in (v.+n.+prep.)
    参与,与…有关系 join in; have a relation with sthhave a hand in sth

    Do you think she has a hand in it?


have one's heart in(v.+n.+prep.)
    〈非正〉害怕,沮丧 be afraid of; be disappointed athave one's heart in sth

    As I went into the examination room,I had my heart in my boots.


    She literally had her heart in her mouth when she stole the watch.


have one's origin in (v.+n.+prep.)
    起源,来源 stem fromhave one's origin in sth

    The rumour has its origin in the papers.


have one foot in the grave
    将死,离死不远 be dying
have the game in one's hands
    有必胜的把握 be sure of success
have had it
    失去生命; 已失去机会 be dying; lose an opportunity
have it
    找到答案; 想出办法 get the answer; find a wayhave it that-clause

    I have it on the best authority that we will be paid for our work next week.


    have it sth

    Bobby must have it his way and play the game by his rules.


    have it that-clause

    Rumors have it that the school was burned down.


    have it

    Mary wanted to give the party at her house, but her mother wouldn't have it.


    have it

    When the senators vote, the ayes will have it.


    have it

    “I have it!”said John to Mary,“We can buy mother a nice comb for her birthday.”


have it coming
    〈口〉应得… deserve sth, often bad
have it in (v.+pron.+prep.)
    本身有能力 possess the ability (to do sth)have it in sb

    Such a system is fine for those who have it in them to succeed.


have it in for (v.+pron.+adv.+prep.)
    〈口〉想伤害某人; 想与某人过不去 intend to cause sb harm or troublehave it in for sb

    The corporal seems to have it in for me; that's the third time he's put me on a charge this month.


    One of the teachers really has it in for Charlie—she shouts at him all the time.


have it said
    允许说,允许称 allow a statement
have an abhorrence of (v.+n.+prep.)
    厌恶 detest sb/sthhave an abhorrence of sb/sth

    He has a great abhorrence of medicine.


    Most people have an abhorrence of snake.


have the advantage of (v.+n.+prep.)
    知道…所不知道的事 know much that one doesn't knowhave the advantage of sth

    He had the advantage of a good education.


    The hovercraft has the advantage of being able to move straight upwards like a helicopter.


    have the advantage of sb

    You have the advantage of me.


have the appearance of (v.+n.+prep.)
    有…的样子 be similar tohave the appearance of sb/sth

    He has the appearance of a rustic fellow.


    It had the appearance of the 18th century church.


have an attack of (v.+n.+prep.)
    患一次… have illnesshave an attack of sth

    He had an attack of cold.


have a bellyful of (v.+n.+prep.)
    〈非正〉受够了… have enough of sthhave a bellyful of sth

    I had a bellyful of your silly advice.


    He had a bellyful of practical jokes.


    I have a bellyful of your rudeness.


have the best of (v.+n.+prep.)
    从…中得到了大好处 get the benefit from sth
have the best of both worlds
    结合两者的优点 combine the advantage of both sides
have charge of (v.+n.+prep.)
    负责,担任 have responsibility for sthhave charge of sth

    I will have charge of your class tomorrow, so you must do as I tell you.


    He has entire charge of the matter.


have the foot of (v.+n.+prep.)
    比…迅速 be faster than othershave the foot of sb

    Jim had the foot of Henry and caught the ball.


have the makings of (v.+n.+prep.)
    有…条件 own the conditionshave the makings of sb

    He has the makings of a first-rate officer.


    Jack has the makings of a good doctor.


have no brow of (v.+n.+prep.)
    不喜欢 dislikehave no brow of sb/sth

    I have no brow of such a pedagogic tone.


have none of (v.+pron.+prep.)
    不允许… forbidhave none of sth

    The teacher said she would have none of Mike's arguing.


    When the fullback refused to obey the captain, the captain said he would have none of that.


have on (v.+adv.)
    计划好,约定,打算 have sth arranged
have on the brain (v.+prep.+n.)
    对…念念不忘 be continually thinking about sb/sthhave sb/sth on the brain

    Ever since a house a little farther down the road was burgled,Mrs. Everson has had burglars on the brain.

    自从这条街不远处的一家人被抢以来,埃沃逊夫人总是想着强盗 。

    That young fellow has had football on the brain; he talks of nothing else from morning till night.


have cognizance over (v.+n.+prep.)
    指挥 commandhave cognizance over sb

    By invasion time the lieutenant commander had cognizance over a thousand officers and ten thousand men.


have command over (v.+n.+prep.)
    控制 controlhave command over sb/oneself/sth

    He has no command over himself.


    The gun had command over the two beaches.


have an eye to (v.+n.+prep.)
    对…给予注意,打…的主意 be paying attention to (sb or sth)have an eye to sb/sth

    Tom always has an eye to business.


have under one's girdle (v.+prep.+n.)
    支配或控制某人 control sbhave sb under one's girdle

    He tried to have others under his girdle.


have up one's sleeve (v.+prep.+n.)
    手中握有王牌,有应急的妙计 have a good way to deal with sthhave sth up one's sleeve

    It seems as if he has an ace up his sleeve.


    Mr. Heath believes he has some aces up his sleeve for his final campaign.


    I could tell by his sly look that he had something up his sleeve.


    I'm having this idea up my sleeve for the time being.


    I should be very cautious in any dealing with that fellow, for however honest he appears to be, you can be sure he has something up his sleeve.


have done with
    和…断绝关系 have no connection with sbhave done with sth

    When you have done with my book, please return it to me.


    have done with sb

    I have done with her.


have fun with (v.+n.+prep.)
    拿…开心 play a joke with sbhave fun with sb

    The children have quite a lot of fun with that dog.


have no traffic with (v.+n.+prep.)
    与…没有来往 have no connection with sbhave no traffic with sb

    I should have no traffic with a person of his reputation, if I were you.


have nothing to do with
    和…没有联系 have no connection withhave nothing to do with sb/sth

    I advise you to have nothing to do with that fellow.


    I have nothing to do with him.


    This matter has nothing to do with him.


have weight with (v.+n.+prep.)
    对…有影响 influence sbhave weight with sb

    He has great weight with the people.


have a word with (v.+n.+prep.)
    和…谈一谈 speak to (sb) for a short time especially to give or receive advicehave a word with sb

    I think I'll have a word with the man in private.


    I want to have a word with you after the meeting.



用作动词 (v.)
  • have abilities有能力
  • have English at one's finger-ends熟练掌握英语
  • have a good understanding有很好的理解力
  • have a house有一所房子
  • have a liking喜爱
  • have an objection表示反对
  • have patience有耐心
  • have a quick eye有敏锐的眼光
  • have a sense of shame有廉耻之心
  • have talents有才智
  • have a taste有鉴赏力
  • have a bath洗个澡
  • have breakfast吃早饭
  • have a dance跳一次舞
  • have a drink喝一杯
  • have a fight打一仗
  • have a joke开个玩笑
  • have a quarrel吵一架
  • have a rest休息一会儿
  • have a shave刮脸
  • have a shock大吃一惊
  • have a smoke抽支烟
  • have a talk交谈
  • have a taste尝一尝
  • have a wash洗一下
  • have about保持…在近旁
  • have sb around使某人呆在身边
  • have sb back允许(离婚的配偶)回到身边
  • have sth back要回,收回某物
  • have in贮存,邀(某人)来家中
  • have off去掉,脱掉(衣帽),模仿(某人),学(某人)的样
  • have on穿着,开着(电器)
  • have heat on有暖气
  • have on one's overcoat穿着大衣
  • have out邀请参加社交活动或吃饭等,得以结束,终结
  • have sth over使某物翻倒
  • have sb up邀请某人到家里来,控告某人,送某人到法院
  • have sth about sb某人身边带有某物
  • have anything against对…有任何反对意见
  • have at攻击,打击
  • have at each other with fists挥拳对打
  • have by sb同某人有…
  • have for对…表现出,显示出或抱有…,在(某一餐饭)吃…
  • have dish for dinner晚饭吃鱼
  • have in mind将…牢记在心
  • have on把(某物)带在(自己)身边,对(某事)具有(某种看法、感受等)
  • have over比…强
  • have sth to oneself独占某物


  • You have only ragged overalls and no hat.

    出自:J. Steinbeck
  • They had more toys than they wanted.

    出自:W. Golding
a heavy course load
aesthetic shank surgery
afore mentioned rules
aft peak tank
Alpha Centaurians
ancestor worship
arteriae labiales vnlvae
augsburg confessions
be at host
be of sb's mind
bulk acid storage
catch wind of
chili dogs
clan settlement
coefficient of locomotives required
color-blind film
Concepción, Prov.de
core end
counter check
dead studio
debenture paper
deflection indicator
direct reinforcement
discrete excitation
dummy array declarator
eta layer
Extensible User interface Language
family Muraenidae
feed back control loop
fusi piliformis
hard beeches
harmful wind
improvements on leased property
lattice-testing reactor
Litsea elongata
magnetic dip needle
MDS (microprocessor development system)
mental preparation
number crunching unit
oil breather valve
parallel inductance loading
piezoelectric press gauge
pillar brace
power pipe
principle of equilibrium
radar antenna
railway and highway combined bridge
recoil range
reflector blanket
screen voltage
sheep frogs
single-point recorder
speed-limiting brake
spin waves
straw separator
symbolic optimal assembly program
the long weekend
trade management
tuck-in n
voltage telemeering