音标:[wei] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 路, 路线, 路途, 方法, 道路, 情形, 规模, 习惯, 行业, 方面
adv. 远远地, 非常
n. the condition of things generally
n. a course of conduct
n. any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another
n. a journey or passage
词型变化:名词复数形式 : ways



  1. I am on my way to the grocery store.我正在去杂货店的路上。
  2. We lost the way in the dark.我们在黑夜中迷路了。
  3. He asked me the way to London.他问我去伦敦的路。
  4. He tried in every way to verify this theory.他想一切办法来验证这个理论。
  5. She showed them the way to do it.她向他们示范做这件事的方法。
  6. Reading is a good way to unwind.阅读是休息的好方式。
  7. It's not my way to leave anything half done.半途而废不是我的作风。
  8. Do not form an undisciplined way of life.不要养成散漫的生活作风。
  9. I don't like the way she speaks.我不喜欢她说话的样子。
  10. I'm sorry it should be this way.很遗憾,事情竟会是这个样子。
  11. Look both ways before crossing the road.过马路前向两边看一看。
  12. Make sure that the sign's the right way up.一定要把符号的上下弄对。
  13. I was looking the other way when the goal was scored.进球时我正看着别处。
  14. They escaped out the back way.他们从后门逃走了。
  15. We are a long way from the coast.我们距离海边很远。
  16. The summer holiday is still far a long way off.暑假还离得远呢!
  17. I think they live on Birmingham way.我猜他们生活在伯明翰地区。
  18. I may be able to help you in some way.我也许可以从某个方面去帮助你。
  19. It is an excellent novel in every way.无论从哪方面来看,这都是一本优秀的小说。
  20. He's been in a bad way ever since the operation.自从手术以后,他的身体状况就很不好。
  21. I have lost my job for three months,so I am in a bad way.我失业已三个月了,所以我的情形很不妙。
  22. I don't know how we're going to manage,the way things are.按目前这样的情况,我不知道我们要如何应付。
  1. It seems like I'm always way too busy with work.我工作总是太忙了。
  2. His ideas were way ahead of his time.他的思想远远超越了他那个时代。
  3. She finished the race way ahead of the other runners.她第一个跑到终点,远远领先于其他选手。


  1. Is this the way out?这是出去的路吗?
  2. Which way do you usually go to town?你进城一般走哪条路?
  3. He asked me the way to London.他问我去伦敦走哪条路。
  4. There was a lorry blocking the way.有一辆卡车挡住了路。
  5. If you lose your way, ask a policeman.你如果迷路了,就找警察问路。
  6. We walked a long way.我们走了很远的路。
  7. We had to pick our way along the muddy track.我们须在泥泞的小道上择路而行。
  8. Get out of my way!别挡着我的路!
  9. The soldiers cut a way through the forest.战士们在林中开出了一条路。
  10. Clear a way through the crowd.从人群中挤过去。
  11. They claimed to be leading the way in the fight against terrorism.他们声称正领导着对恐怖主义的斗争。
  12. “Which way did he go?” “He went that way.”“他往哪边去了?”“他往那边去了。”
  13. Look this way, please.请往这边看。
  14. They weren't looking our way.他们没朝我们这边看。
  15. Make sure that the sign's the right way up.一定要把标牌的上下弄对。
  16. The arrow is pointing the wrong way.这个箭头指错了方向。
  17. If the tree falls that way, it will destroy the house.这棵树向那边倒下就会把那栋房子压坏。
  18. Look both ways before crossing the road.过马路前要先向两边看一看。
  19. I like the way you've done your hair.我喜欢你头发的样式。
  20. You can see the way his mind works when you read his books.看他写的书就能了解他的思想方法。
  21. We could have the car fixed here or get it towed home; either way it will be very expensive.这车我们可以在这里修理,也可以拖回去,哪种办法都很费钱。
  22. These vegetables can be cooked in several different ways.这些蔬菜可以用几种不同的方法烹调。
  23. She spoke in a kindly way.她说话态度很和蔼。
  24. In this way he remains to live in the countryside with his parents.就这样,他一直同他的父母住在乡下。
  25. He has some rather odd ways.他有些怪招。
  26. Don't be offended, it's only his way.不要介意,他就是这么个人。
  27. It is not her way to be selfish.她并不是个自私的人。
  28. I don't like the way he looks at me.我不喜欢他那种样子看着我。
  29. It's disgraceful the way he treats his mother.他那样对待他母亲,太不像话了。
  30. They admired the way she dealt with the crisis.他们很佩服她处理危机的手法。
  31. It's a long way to London.从这里到伦敦很远。
  32. We have a long way from the coast.我们距离海边很远。
  33. There is quite a way still to go.还要走很长的路。
  34. The roots go a long way down.这些根扎得很深。
  35. December is a long way off.现在离12月还有很长时间。
  36. Success is still a long way off.离成功还远着呢。
  37. A woman sat down beside me as we started, and she chattered nonstop the whole way.我们出发时,一个女人坐到我身旁,一路上她说个没完。
  38. He lives somewhere Lincoln way.他住在林肯市附近。
  39. The crops are doing well down our way.我们这一带的作物长势良好。
  40. Please visit us next time you're over this way.你下一次到这一带来时,请到我们家作客。
  41. Can I help you in any way?我能帮你点忙吗?
  42. She helped us in every possible way.她无微不至地帮助我们。
  43. The result should in no way be seen as a defeat for the government.这个结果绝对不应该被视为政府的失败。
  44. In some ways it's quite a good idea, but the high cost makes it impossible.就某些方面而言,这是个相当不错的主意,但由于代价太高,它行不通。
  45. The changes are beneficial in some ways but not in others.这些变革有的方面有好处,有的方面没好处。
  46. Today the computer is used a great deal in many ways.今天,计算机在各个领域里被广泛使用。
  47. The acid bit its way through the metal.酸腐蚀金属。
  48. She managed to talk her way out of a difficult situation.她设法靠着三寸不烂之舌摆脱了困境。
  49. The doctor told the patient that he was in good way.大夫对病人说,他的病情已在好转。
~+of v -ing
  1. We couldn't contact you— we had no way of knowing where you were.我们联络不上你——我们无法知道你在哪里。
  2. I wish I knew a way of making money quickly.但愿我懂得些快速致富的手段。
  3. He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.他有一种奇特的办法,能使他上的课生动有趣。
  4. He has a pleasant way of speaking.他说话的神态讨人喜欢。
  5. They eventually came round to our way of thinking.他们终于接受了我们的看法。
  6. We all have our favourite ways of doing certain things.我们做某些事都有自己爱用的方法。
  7. There are several ways of doing it.做这件事有好几种方法。
~+to- v
  1. What is the best way to clean this?清理这个最好的方法是什么?
  2. She showed them the way to do it.她向他们示范做这件事的方法。
  3. Try to find your own way to express the idea .尽量用你自己的语言来表达这个意见。
  4. What's the right way to say this in English?把这句话说成英语,正确的说法是什么?
  5. They are trying to find ways to prevent the disease.他们正设法寻找防止这种疾病的方法。
  6. She is in no way to blame.根本不应该怪她。
  1. The way that you're doing it is completely crazy.你这种做法,简直是发疯了。
  2. I don't like the way that you laugh at her.我不喜欢你用那样的态度嘲笑她。
  3. They didn't do it the way that we do now.他们以往做这件事不像我们现在这样做。
  4. This is the way he did it.这就是他做此事的方法。
  1. She finished the race way ahead of the other runners.她第一个跑到终点,遥遥领先于其他对手。
  2. The price is way above what we can afford.价格高得我们绝对付不起。
  3. The initial estimate was way out.最初的估计差得远去了。
  4. The mortality rate was way down.死亡率大大降低。
  5. The shot was way off target.这次射得远离目标。
  6. Their profits were way below the original forecasts.他们的利润大大低于原先的估计。
  7. They live down Canterbury way.他们住得离坎特伯雷不远。


all the way
    一路上,一直; 完全 the whole distance; completely
always the way
    总是这样 what always happens
by the way
    顺便地,附带说说 used to introduce a comment or question that is only indirectly related, if at all, to the main subject of conversation
by way of
    意在,为了 with the intention of or for the purpose ofBy way of introduction to my subject,I'd like to tell you how I first came to be interested in it.为了引入我的话题,我想告诉你我起初是怎样对这个问题感兴趣的。
come sb's way
    发生或来到某人处 occur or present itself to one
every which way
    四面八方,上下左右 in every direction; all over the place
get〔have〕 one's own way
    为所欲为 get or do what one wants, often in spite of opposition
give way (to)
    被代替 be replaced by sthThe storm gave way to bright sunshine.暴风雨过后出现了灿烂的阳光。
go one's own way
    按自己的意愿行事 act independently or as one chooses, especially against the advice of others
go out of one's way
    特意不怕麻烦做某事 take particular care and trouble to do sth
go sb's way
    对某人有利 be favourable to sbThings certainly seem to be going our way.看来事情确实对我们有利。
have it both ways
    两全其美,两者兼得 gain advantage from each of two opposing opinions or actions
have it one's own way
    为所欲为 have what one wants, especially by imposing one's will on others
in a big way
    大规模 on a large scale
in a way
    在某种程度上 to a certain extent but not entirely
in the way
    造成不便或阻碍 causing inconvenience or an obstruction
look the other way
    避而不看某人 avoid seeing sb/sth, deliberately or by chance
make one's way
    走,行走,前进 go (forward)
make way
    让开,让路,让位 get out of sb's path; provide the necessary space
no way
    绝不 under no circumstances or by no means
on one's/the way
    在路上 in the process of going or coming
on the way out
    渐渐过时 going out of fashion or favour; becoming obsoleteLook at her face! Doesn't she know that thick black eyeliner is on the way out?瞧她的脸!她难道不知道涂那厚厚的黑色描眼膏已过时了?
one way and another
    考虑到各个方面 considering various aspects of the matter together
one way or another
    不管怎样 considering everything
out of the way
    异常的,罕见的,不普通的 exceptional; uncommonHe has done nothing out of the way yet.他倒还没干出离谱的事。
put in the way of
    使(某人)有机会做(某事) give sb the chance of doing〔getting〕 sthput sb in the way of sth

    He put me in the way of a job.


see one's way to
    觉得可能 find that it is possible or convenient to do sthsee one's way to v-ing

    I cannot see my way clear to finishing the work this year.


    I don't see my way clear to recommending you for the job.


    Could you see your way to lending me £10 for a couple of days?


stand in sb's way
    阻止某人做某事 prevent sb from doing sth
the other way round
    与料想的相反 the opposite of what is expected or supposed
under way
    启航 start to move through the waterThe great ship got under way.大船启航了。
way of life
    生活方式 normal pattern of social or working life of a person or group
work one's way
    半工半读 have a paid job while one is a student
work one's way through
    从头到尾做 do sth from beginning to end
work one's way up
    获提升,晋级 be promoted from a low grade to a high one
way back
    很久以前 a long time ago


用作名词 (n.)
  • ask the way问路
  • bar sb's way妨碍某人通行
  • break down old way破除旧习
  • clear the way扫清道路,让路
  • cut out one's way开辟道路
  • feel one's way摸索着前进,小心从事
  • fight one's way forward奋勇前进,闯出前进的道路
  • find a way out找到出路,发现出路
  • go one's way出发,动身,离去
  • know the way to知道到…的路
  • lead the way带路,引路,示范
  • lose one's way迷路
  • make way让路,前进
  • make one's way in life事业有所成就
  • open the way开辟道路
  • pave the way for为…铺平道路
  • pick one's way through谨慎地走过…
  • point the way指路
  • stand in the way of阻碍,妨碍
  • wind one's way蜿蜒前进
  • work one's way through...(to)在…中缓慢吃力地行进(至)
  • worm one's way小心缓慢地行进
  • adopt a way采用一种方式
  • appreciate a way of欣赏…方法〔手段〕
  • change the way of改变…方法〔方式〕
  • have a way with对…有办法
  • show sb the way给某人指出路
  • suggest a way of提出…方法
  • think out a way想出个办法
  • cut both ways(议论、行为等)对双方都起作用,模棱两可
  • find one's way达到目的
  • gain one's way达到目的
  • get one's own way自主行事,随心所欲
  • get under way开始进行,开始
  • give way撤退,让步,屈服,(身体)垮掉
  • go all the way完全一致
  • go one's own way独立行动,一意孤行
  • go out of one's way特地,想尽办法
  • have a way for特别喜欢,极爱
  • have one's (own) way随心所欲,为所欲为
  • know one's way around熟悉业务
  • mend one's ways改过自新
  • pay one's way支付应承担的费用,勉强维持
  • put oneself out of the way牺牲自己以助他人
  • see one's way能够,愿意
  • take one's own way独自行动,一意孤行
  • win one's way取得成功
  • evil ways邪路
  • permanent way铁路
  • separate ways不同的路
  • shortest way最近的路
  • accustomed way习惯的方式
  • arterial way干线
  • backhanded way转弯抹角的说法
  • brief way简短的陈述
  • careless way粗心大意的习惯
  • charming ways讨人喜欢的方式
  • common way通常方式
  • different ways不同的方向
  • easy way容易的方法
  • effective way有效的方法
  • familiar way熟悉的方法,常用的方法
  • foreign ways外国的风俗
  • good way好方法
  • modern way现代的方法
  • proper way正确的方式
  • right way正确的方式
  • wrong way错误的方式
  • by way of经由,作为,当作
  • by way of apology作为道歉
  • by way of example作为例子
  • by the way顺便提一下
  • in a way在某种程度上
  • in a big way隆重地
  • in a certain way在某一方面
  • in a small way小规模地,节俭地
  • in every way在各方面
  • in no way没有任何一点,绝不
  • in the way挡道的,碍事的
  • in the family way怀孕
  • in the poor way不景气
  • in this way这样
  • on the way在路上
  • on the way out即将过时
  • on the way to the airport去机场的路上
  • out of harm's way受不到伤害的地方
  • out of the way不挡道,不妨碍人,偏僻的
  • under way在进行中
  • the way into进入…的路
  • the way into the park进公园的路
  • the way out of出…的路
  • the way out of the city出城的路
  • the way out of this building出这幢楼的路
  • the way out of this mess摆脱这困境的路
  • the way to freedom奔向自由的道路
  • the way to success成功的道路
  • the way to the station去车站的路
  • the way of life生活方式
  • the way of talking讲话方式
  • the way of trade做生意的方式
  • the way to sb's heart对某人十分称心的做法〔方式〕
用作副词 (adv.)
  • way ahead遥遥领先
  • way down大大降低
  • way out差得远
  • way above远远高于
  • way below远远低于
  • way off远离


  • In winter, when the ways were bad and the nights long.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  • In among the silver birches winding ways of tarmac wander.

    出自:J. Betjeman
  • The Pennine Way..goes from Edale in Derbyshire..to Teesdale.

    出自:Daily Mail
  • But, in the beaten way of friendship, what make you at Elsinore?

  • The three men had become mere specks, 'way down the road.

    出自:Baroness Orczy
  • They live way up top.

    出自:H. Kurnitz
  • It's late, Holmes, way after eleven.

    出自:K. Hulme
  • The country's always been way ahead in industrial..development.

    出自:N. Gordimer
a sticky wicket
actual activity
actual switching point
adjoint linear space
air-arc furnace
animal pollinated plant zoophilous plant
capped uterus
clematis angustifolia jacq.
coffee urn
complaint notice
complete order
compound wall
consistent data
cost-plus contract
counter proposal
crest of dam
Deutzia bomiensis
differential thermal analysis (dta)
diplazium okudairae
economic lot curve
elastic compaction
expenditure encumbrances
financial questionnaire
fuming cupboard
gaslift intermitter
gasterophilus intestinaliss
go line
graphite container
ground ice
high fill embankment
ibm pcjr
iron-nail assay
lap belt
leek moth
lemons market experiment
Leontopodium fangingense
make an issue of something
multi-pass drying system
neutrophilic metamyelocyte
new policy
point retrieval
project(ed) area
proofed sleeve
Raymond Lully
refuse boiler
regulating variable
residual exciting current
Rolland, Romain
run-off coefficient
rundown pipe
self reevalution
series interface board
sewage gas
sheet asbeston
sign symbol
small garden
spasmodic motion
staff members' regulations
stale dated
succulent metabolism
tall problem
transport capacity of stream
transverse dye laser
unbuffered option
up to our necks
vfr freeway
vortex currents
water drain pipe
water insoluble cutting oil
with one's nose buried in a book