He tried to put his tongue in my mouth, Catelyn had confessed to her sister afterward, when they were alone. 他想把舌头伸进我嘴里呢。独处时,凯特琳偷偷跟妹妹说。 He did with me too, Lysa had whispered, shy and breathless. I

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Theon Greyjoy was seated on a bench in Riverrun's Great Hall, 席恩葛雷乔伊坐在奔流城大厅的板凳上, enjoying a horn of ale and regaling her father's garrison with an account of the slaughter in the Whispering Wood. 一手拿着麦酒角

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Even on his deathbed, Catelyn thought sadly. He has not wed. You know that, Father. Nor will he ever. 到了临终还是念念不忘,凯特琳哀伤地想。他没结婚。父亲,你知道的,他这辈子都不会结婚了。 I told him... comm

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Will that bring Ned back to me? she said sharply. 那能让奈德活过来吗?她语气尖锐地说。 The wound was still too fresh for softer words. 伤口还太新,听不得安慰的话语。 She could not think about Ned now. She would not. 现

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Daenerys. The land was red and dead and parched, and good wood was hard to come by. 丹妮莉丝。此地遍野红沙,四下死寂,干枯焦裂,木柴难寻。 Her foragers returned with gnarled cottonwoods, purple brush, sheaves of brown grass

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We went to war when Lannister armies were ravaging the riverlands, and Ned was a prisoner, falsely accused of treason. 我们出兵打仗,是为了阻止兰尼斯特军在河间地烧杀掳掠,是为了拯救遭人诬陷,身陷囹圄的奈德。

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Eddard Stark rode through the towering bronze doors of the Red Keep sore, tired, hungry, and irritable. 艾德史塔克浑身酸痛,又累又饿, He was still ahorse, dreaming of a long hot soak, a roast fowl, 心情恶劣地骑马穿过红堡高耸

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(66) / 评论(0) 分类 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》

A fool I may be, Stark?yet I'm still here, while your brother has been moldering in his frozen grave for some fourteen years now. 史塔克,我蠢是蠢可还活得好好的,令兄倒已经在冰封的坟墓里发霉了十四年。 If you are so

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It would not be the first time. Our good Robert is practiced at closing his eyes to things he would rather not see. 这也不是第一次了,对于不想知道的事,咱们的好劳勃向来是眼不见为净。 Ned had no reply for that. The fac

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I will not believe that Jon Arryn allowed Robert to beggar the realm, Ned said hotly. 琼恩艾林绝不会允许劳勃这样挥霍。奈德忿忿地说。 Grand Maester Pycelle shook his great bald head, his chains clinking softly. Lord Arryn was a

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Ned believed not a word of that, but he kept his voice polite as he said, You have my thanks as well, Lord Baelish. 这番话奈德是一个字也不信,但他还是彬彬有礼地说:贝里席大人,我也感谢您。 Oh, now there's a treasur

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You are a young man, Tyrion, Mormont said. How many winters have you seen? 提利昂,你还年轻,莫尔蒙道,经历过几个冬天? He shrugged. Eight, nine. I misremember. 他耸耸肩。八九个罢,我记不清了。 And all of them sh

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Gared was near as old as I am and longer on the Wall, he went on, yet it would seem he forswore himself and fled. 盖瑞年纪跟我差不多,但待在长城的时间更久。他继续说下去,但他后来似乎是背弃誓言逃跑了。 I shou

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You can, Mormont said bluntly. Your sister sits beside the king. Your brother is a great knight, and your father the most powerful lord in the Seven Kingdoms. 你当然能,莫尔蒙直言不讳,令姐贵为当今王后,令兄是个伟大的骑士

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Much later, when the serious business of eating was done and the others had left, 晚膳用毕,旁人陆续离去之后,莫尔蒙请提利昂在火炉边坐下, Mormont offered Tyrion a chair beside the fire and a cup of mulled spirits so stron

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Tyrion seated himself and took a sip of wine. If a man paints a target on his chest, he should expect that sooner or later someone will loose an arrow at him. 提利昂正襟危坐,啜了口葡萄酒。有人要在胸前划上标靶,就该有挨箭

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That was the most dangerous part, Ned knew. All justice flows from the king, he told her. 接下来是最危险的部分,奈德明白。国王乃是至高的法律仲裁,他告诉她, When I know the truth, I must go to Robert. And pray that he

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That would be most unwise, Littlefinger put in. The Red Keep is full of curious eyes, and children talk. 那就太不明智了。小指头插话。红堡处处隔墙有耳,更何况小孩子口风不紧。 He speaks truly, my love, Ned told her. He

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You may not, the septa said. You have scarcely touched your food. You will sit down and clean your plate. 还不行,修女说,你的东西几乎都没吃,请你坐下来先把盘里的食物清干净。 You clean it! Before anyone could stop he

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Lannister, he said, yanking loose the scarf to uncover his mouth. This is the last place I would have expected to see you. 兰尼斯特,他边说边拉开盖住嘴巴的围巾。想不到会在这里碰见你。 He carried a heavy spear tipped in i

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