The dignity of our calling the very heavens attest. Cetus is a constellation in the South! No more! 鲸座是天上的一个星座,捕鲸者是何等的威风也便可想而知了。 Drive down your hat in presence of the Czar, and take it off to Q

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The chief mate of the Pequod was Starbuck, a native of Nantucket, and a Quaker by descent. 斯达巴克是裴廓德号上的大副。 他是地道的南塔开特土著,一个桂克的后代 He was a long, earnest man, and though born on an icy coas

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He was by no means ill-looking; quite the contrary. 他是一个精力充沛的人,像古埃及人那样有感染力。仿佛他会以这副模样永生! His pure tight skin was an excellent fit; and closely wrapped up in it, and embalmed with in

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Aye, aye, said Stubb, the second mate, Starbuck, there, is as careful a man as you'll find anywhere in this fishery. 啊,像斯达巴克这样的细心人,在捕鲸业中可以说是屡见不鲜的。这是二副斯塔布的评论。 But we shall

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With memories like these in him, and, moreover, given to a certain superstitiousness, as has been said; the courage of this Starbuck, which could, nevertheless, still flourish, must indeed have been extreme. 斯达巴克就是这样一个人,既往的

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But were the coming narrative to reveal in any instance, the complete abasement of poor Starbuck's fortitude, scarce might I have the heart to write it; 但是,面对更大的、精神上的恐怖,他也感到是一种威胁了,因为精力过度

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But this august dignity I treat of, is not the dignity of kings and robes, but that abounding dignity which has no robed investiture. 我这里讲的尊严不是帝王将相的尊严,而是平民百姓的尊严, Thou shalt see it shining in the a

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I was resolved to satisfy myself whether this ragged Elijah was really dogging us or not, and with that intent crossed the way with Queequeg, 为了判定一下这个以利亚是不是真的在跟踪我们,我拉着魁魁格走到了路边,看着后

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Avast! cried a voice, whose owner at the same time coming close behind us, laid a hand upon both our shoulders, 且慢! 一个声音从我们身后传来,一个人的两只手搭在我和魁魁格的肩上, and then insinuating himself between

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Tell me, when this same Pequod here had her three masts overboard in that typhoon on Japan, that same voyage when thou went mate with Captain Ahab, did'st thou not think of Death and the Judgment then? 够了,比勒达!当时大家想的只是船要

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Strike the tent there!was the next order. 拆掉那个破棚子! As I hinted before, this whalebone marquee was never pitched except in port; and on board the Pequod, 这个命令是同起锚一样重要的命令, for thirty years, the order to s

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Nevertheless, not three days previous, Bildad had told them that no profane songs would be allowed on board the Pequod, particularly in getting under weigh; and Charity, his sister, had placed a small choice copy of Watts in each seaman's berth. 水手

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That was my first kick. 屁股上就挨了重重的一踢! Is that the way they heave in the marchant service? he roared. 混蛋,在商船上你就是这么干活的吗? Spring, thou sheep-head; spring, and break thy backbone! Why don't ye spri

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The long rows of teeth on the bulwarks glistened in the moonlight; and like the white ivory tusks of some huge elephant, vast curving icicles depended from the bows. 海浪滚滚远离了家乡,绿茸茸的田野,仿佛犹太人心中的圣地,约旦河

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The long rows of teeth on the bulwarks glistened in the moonlight; and like the white ivory tusks of some huge elephant, vast curving icicles depended from the bows. 海浪滚滚远离了家乡,绿茸茸的田野,仿佛犹太人心中的圣地,约旦河

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Some chapters back, one Bulkington was spoken of, a tall, newlanded mariner, encountered in New Bedford at the inn. 冬夜茫茫,裴廓德号船头恶狠狠地劈开冰冷的浪花,驶入无边无际的黑暗之中。 掌舵的竟然是布金敦!

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With all her might she crowds all sail off shore; in so doing, fights 'gainst the very winds that fain would blow her homeward; seeks all the lashed sea's landlessness again; 这种时候,你必须竭尽全力,扯帆转舵,避开陆地强力的吸

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As Queequeg and I are now fairly embarked in this business of whaling; 捕鲸这个行业似乎并不大为人们所理解, and as this business of whaling has somehow come to be regarded among landsmen as a rather unpoetical and disreputable pursu

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Doubtless one leading reason why the world declines honouring us whalemen, is this: 别人一定认你的脑子多少有点毛病。 they think that, at best, our vocation amounts to a butchering sort of business; 人们认为我们属于屠宰业中的

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And if the idea of peril so much enhances the popular conceit of the soldier's profession; let me assure ye that many a veteran who has freely marched up to a battery, 和那些尸臭冲天的战场比起来,捕鲸船上滑溜溜的甲板不知要干

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