标签:美国语文 相关文章
O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the people. 哦,感谢尊贵的耶和华,呼唤它的名字;让其恩泽在世间流传; Sing unto him; sing psalms unto him; talk ye of all his wondrous works. 为你歌
Remember, love, who gave thee this, 亲爱的,记住,这本书是谁给你的。 When other days shall come, 在将来的日子里, When she who had thine earliest kiss, 当给你最早亲吻的人, Sleeps in her narrow home. 早已不在人世
Oh that men would praise the Lord' for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! 哦,人们将讴歌耶和华的美德,讴歌你怜惜幼弱生命的温柔与悲悯! They that go down to the sea in ships, that do busines
Action and Repose. By John Ruskin 活动和休憩。约翰拉斯金 About the river of human life there is a wintry wind, though a heavenly sunshine; 在人类的生命长河里,始终存在一股凛冽的风,尽管苍穹阳光明媚。 the iris
One day when I had lost my place in the class, I came home discouraged and fretful. 一天,因为考试不理想,我沮丧和烦躁地回到家里。 I went to my mother's chamber. 我走进母亲的房间。 She was paler than usual, but she met
O Mother, now that I have lost my limb, I can never be a soldier or a sailor; I can never go round the world! 哦,妈妈,我现在已经失去了一条腿,我不能成为战士或者水手,再也不能周游世界了! And Hugh burst into te
for they could not conceal from themselves that each moment lessened their velocity through the water, 因为敌方炮火猛烈,疯狂肆虐的轮番进攻,倾泻不断的炮火,接二连三地炸断防卫舰甲板桅杆, as the shot of the e
Their hospitality was boundless. No stranger was ever sent away from their gates. 弗吉尼亚州贵族世家的豪爽待客令人称奇,他们不会打发上门的陌生人, The gentry received one another, and traveled to each other's houses, i
Mr. Esmond called his American house Castlewood, from the patrimonial home in the old country. 埃斯蒙德先生将他的美国房产称为卡斯尔伍德庄园,那是坐落于乡间的一处世袭家产。 The whole usages of Virginia, indeed, we
China pigs have been esteemed a luxury all over the East from the remotest periods we read of. 什么窝棚,猪崽呀,统统在冲天大火中化为乌有。追溯到我们尚且可查的悠久记载中,中国猪一向堪为整个东方世界奢侈
No such sumptuous funeral had ever been seen in the country as that which Madam Esmond Warrington ordained for her father, 有史以来,弗吉尼亚全州从未经历过如此奢华盛大的送葬,沃林顿埃斯蒙德夫人授权为她的父亲操
On account of a certain apish drollery and humor which exhibited itself in the lad, 抖落乔治身上的诙谐笑料,令人忍俊不禁。 and a liking for some of the old man's pursuits, the first of the twins was the grandfather's favorite and c
My father!methinks I see my father. 我的父王,我似乎看见他了。 Where, my lord? In my mind's eye, Horatio. 在哪里?陛下。在我的心灵之眼,霍瑞修。 I saw him once; he was a goodly king. 我见过他一次,一位慈爱君王
A character so exalted, so strenuous, so various, so authoritative, 一种如此高不可攀,如此令人茫然无措,如此易变,如此彰显权威的性格, astonished a corrupt age, and the treasury trembled at the name of Pitt, through a
The secretary stood alone. 这位大臣一个人站了起来。 Modern degeneracy had not reached him. 近代堕落的风气没有在他身上觅到。 Original and unaccommodating, the features of his character had the hardihood of antiquity. 他的性
Humbled by misery, he presented himself at the countinghouse of the wronged. 怀着痛苦的谦卑心情,来到格兰特兄弟的公司。 Mr. William Grant was there alone, and his first words to the delinquent were, Shut the door, sir! sternly ut
A soldier of the Legion lay dying in Algiers, There was lack of womans nursing, there was dearth of womans tears; 一位德国军团士兵,在阿尔及尔战场上濒临死亡,那里缺医少药,缺少医护照料,他的血快要流尽了。
The day is cold, and dark, and dreary; 天气骤寒,满眼沉闷晦暗, It rains, and the wind is never weary; 雨意阑珊,风,从未如此凄冷, The vine still clings to the moldering wall, 细长枝蔓,恣意爬满颓屺的墙, But
No national ships would have been offered to bear him, a nation's guest, 没有哪个国家的船只会向他招手愿意载他, in the pride of the star-spangled banner, from the bright shores of the rising, to the brighter shores of the setting s
The next is, that Sir Thomas More is chosen Lord chancellor in your place. 其次,托马斯摩尔爵士已被遴选为首相,取代您的位置。 That's somewhat sudden: But he's a learned man. 这倒有些突然啊,不过他是个有学问的人