But if he wanted to be an artist, why didn't he say so? asked Mrs. Strickland at last. 但是如果他想当画家,为什么不告诉我呢?思特里克兰德太太最后开口说。 I should have thought I was the last person to be unsympathetic

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Do you think he's done something that we don't know about, and is lying doggo on account of the police? 你想他会不会做了什么我们都不知道的事,怕警察找他的麻烦,所以躲起来避避风? The suggestion sent a ray of hope

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Chapter 16 第十六章 What followed showed that Mrs. Strickland was a woman of character. 以后发生的事说明思特里克兰德太太是一个性格坚强的女人。 Whatever anguish she suffered she concealed. 不论她心里委屈多大,她

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Nature had made him a butt, but had denied him insensibility. 讲到施特略夫,一方面造物主把他制造成一个笑料,另一方面又拒绝给他迟钝的感觉。 He writhed under the jokes, practical and otherwise, which were perpetual

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I don't pretend to be a great painter, he said, I'm not a Michael Angelo, no, but I have something. 我知道自己不是个伟大的画家,他对我说,我不是米开朗基罗,不是的,但是我有自己的东西。 I sell. I bring romance

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She was a little ashamed of her courage and business capacity, but delighted that she was going to dine the next night with a K.C. who lived in South Kensington. 对自已经营打字行业的胆略和见识她不好意思多谈,但是一说起第二

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I was silent for a moment. Then I thought of the children. 我半晌儿没有言语。后来我又想起了孩子们。 It must have been difficult to explain to Robert, I said. 这件事一定很难向罗伯特解释,我说。 Oh, I never said a w

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Chapter 10 第十章 A day or two later Mrs. Strickland sent me round a note asking if I could go and see her that evening after dinner. 没过一两天,思特里克兰德太太给我寄来一封短信,叫我当天晚上到她家去一趟。 I fo

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They've been married, he snapped. 他们结婚十六年了,他没好气儿地说。 I never liked him. Of course he was my brother-in-law, and I made the best of it. 我从来就不喜欢他。当然了,他是我的连襟,我尽量容忍着。

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This was the first suggestion that anything untoward had happened. 这是暗示发生了一件不幸事件的第一句话。 I took no notice, and did my best to engage Mrs.Strickland in talk. 我故意不作理会,尽量同思特里克兰德太太东

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But to my practical mind it remained to be seen whether the passion which obsessed him would be justified of its works. 但是以我讲求实际的眼睛看来,使他着了迷的这种热情是否能产生出有价值的作品来,还有待时间证

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I began to be more puzzled than before. It was true that his hotel pointed to the most straitened circumstances. 我比以前更糊涂了。当然,从他住的旅馆看,他的经济情况是非常窘迫的。 What are you going to do when you've

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You don't mind my talking to you frankly? 我说话不同你转弯抹角,你不介意吧? He shook his head, smiling. 他笑着摇了摇头。 Has she deserved that you should treat her like this? 你这样对待她说得过去吗? No. 说不过去

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Chapter 12 第十二章 The Avenue de Clichy was crowded at that hour, and a lively fancy might see in the passers-by the personages of many a sordid romance. 这会儿正是克里舍林荫路最热闹的时刻,只需要发挥一点儿想象力,就

发表于:2019-02-13 / 阅读(94) / 评论(0) 分类 月亮和六便士

Mon Dieu, this is genius. 上帝啊,这是天才。 The words were wrung from him, and he did not know he had spoken. 这句话脱口而出,只是说出来以后他才意识到自己是在下了一个评语。 Then his eyes fell on the bed of mat

发表于:2019-02-21 / 阅读(111) / 评论(0) 分类 月亮和六便士

She went to the house, ascended the few steps that led to the verandah, and entered. 爱塔向屋子走去,登上几层台阶,走上阳台,然后进了屋子。 Dr. Coutras followed her, but waited outside in obedience to her gesture. 库特拉斯

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Captain Brunot was a Breton, and had been in the French Navy. 布吕诺船长是法国布列塔尼地方的人,年轻时在法国海军里服过役。 He left it on his marriage, and settled down on a small property he had near Quimper to live for

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We were all silent for a while, and Tiare fished out of her capacious pocket a handful of cigarettes. 半天我们都没有说话。蒂阿瑞从她的大口袋里拿出一把香烟来,递给我们每人一支。 She handed one to each of us, and we

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Here Strickland lived, coming seldom to Papeete, on the produce of the land. 思特里克兰德就靠着这块地的出产过活,很少到帕皮提去。 There was a little stream that ran not far away, in which he bathed, and down this on occasion

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Tiare paused to take breath. 蒂阿瑞停下来喘了一口气。 It was then he told me of his wife in England. 就在这个时候,他告诉我他在英国是有老婆的。 'My poor Strickland,' I said to him, 'they've all got a wife somewhere; t

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