Chapter 27 第二十七章 Two or three weeks passed. 又过了两三个星期。 One morning, having come to a pause in my work, I thought I would give myself a holiday, and I went to the Louvre. 一天早晨,我的工作正好告一段落,我觉得

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Strickland seemed to bear in his heart strange harmonies and unadventured patterns, and I foresaw for him an end of torture and despair. 思特里克兰德的心里好象怀着奇妙的和弦同未经探索过的画面。我预见到他的结局将是遭

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He looked round the studio ruefully. 他懊丧地环顾了一下画室。 On the easel was a half-finished picture of a smiling Italian peasant, holding a bunch of grapes over the head of a dark-eyed girl. 画架上立着一幅未完成的油画一个意

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He gave me a resentful glance. 他气哼哼地看了我一眼。 I stood quite quietly, looking at him. 我静静地站在那里,盯着他。 If you want to do something for me, you can get me some milk, he said at last. 要是你想替我做点什么

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He's ill, he said. Didn't you know? Seriously? Very, I understand. 他生病了,他说,你没有听说吗?厉害吗?我听说很厉害。 Stroeve's face grew white. 施特略夫的脸色一下变白了。 Why didn't he write and tell me? 他为

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Sometimes he embarrassed his wife, 他的这种态度有时候叫他妻子感到很尴尬。 and the only time I saw her put out of countenance was when he insisted on telling me that he had taken a purge, 我见到她恼羞成怒只有一次。那次施

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I wish you weren't so damned monosyllabic. Have you never had a moment's regret for all the unhappiness you caused them? 我希望你别他妈的老说一个字。你给他们带来这么多不幸,难道你就一分钟也没有后悔过? His lips

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Chapter 21 第12章 Dirk Stroeve agreed to fetch me on the following evening and take me to the cafe at which Strickland was most likely to be found. 戴尔克施特略夫答应第二天晚上来找我,带我到一家多半会找到思特里克兰德

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Dirk Stroeve, telling the story, had such a look of blank astonishment on his round, foolish face that it was almost impossible not to laugh. 说这个故事的时候,戴尔克施特略夫的一张傻里傻气的胖脸蛋上流露着那么一种惊诧

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Though he had suffered so much from the ridicule of his friends, Dirk Stroeve, eager for praise and naively self-satisfied, could never resist displaying his work. 虽然戴尔克施特略夫不断受到朋友们的嘲笑,却从来克制不了自己,

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I could imagine her sedately busy among her pots and pans, making a ritual of her household duties, so that they acquired a moral significance; 闭上眼睛我可以想象她在锅碗中间安详地忙碌着,象奉行仪式般地操持着一些家务

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When I told him that I meant to live in Paris for a while, and had taken an apartment, he reproached me bitterly for not having let him know. 当我告诉他我准备在巴黎住一段日子,而且寓所已经租好的时候,他使劲儿责备我没

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Chapter 19 第十九章 I had not announced my arrival to Stroeve, and when I rang the bell of his studio, on opening the door himself, for a moment he did not know me. 事先我没有告诉施特略夫我要到巴黎来。我按了门铃,开门的是

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Finally it occurred to me that I would call as though nothing had happened, 最后我想了个主意:我应该象什么事也没发生那样到她家去, and send a message in by the maid asking Mrs.Strickland if it was convenient for her to see

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Everyone talked a little louder than natural in an instinctive desire to make the party go, and there was a great deal of noise in the room. 每个人都想叫宴会热闹一些,所以谈话的嗓门都比平常高了许多,屋子里一片喧哗。

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I don't know that he's very clever, she said one day, when I was looking at the photograph, 我想他不算太聪明,有一天我正在看照片的时候,思特里克兰德太太说, but I know he's good. He has a charming character. 但是我知

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Look here, if everyone acted like you, the world couldn't go on. 你听我说,如果每个人都照你这样,地球就运转不下去了。 That's a damned silly thing to say. Everyone doesn't want to act like me. 你说这样的话实在是太蠢了

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Chapter 14 第十四章 During the journey back to England I thought much of Strickland. 在回伦敦的旅途上,关于思特里克兰德我又想了很多。 I tried to set in order what I had to tell his wife. 我试着把要告诉他妻子的事理

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Do you mean to say you didn't leave your wife for another woman? 你是说你不是因为另外一个女人才离开你妻子? Of course not. 当然不是。 On your word of honour? 你敢发誓? I don't know why I asked for that. It was very ing

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I had been thinking of it, too. 我脑子里想的也正是这件事。 It seemed to me that here Strickland had finally put the whole expression of himself. 看来思特里克兰德终于把他的内心世界完全表现出来了。 Working silently

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