Then I told them what I had learned about Charles Strickland in Tahiti. 这以后我把我听到的查理斯·思特里克兰德在塔希提的情形给他们讲了一遍。I thought it unnecessary to say anything of Ata and her boy, but for the rest

发表于:2018-12-18 / 阅读(96) / 评论(0) 分类 月亮和六便士

You know, we English are so dreadfully ignorant. 你知道,我们英国人见闻狭窄,简直太可怕了。 You must forgive me if it's necessary to explain. 如果我不得不做些解释,你一定得原谅我。 Then she turned to me. 接着她

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Chapter 1 第一章 I confess that when first I made acquaintance with Charles Strickland I never for a moment discerned that there was in him anything out of the ordinary. 老实说,我刚刚认识查理斯思特里克兰德的时候,从来没注意

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(242) / 评论(0) 分类 月亮和六便士

Maurice Huret in his famous article gave an outline of Charles Strickland's life 莫利斯胥瑞在他那篇驰名的文章里简单地勾画了查理斯思特里克兰德的生平; which was well calculated to whet the appetites of the inquiring. 作

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Chapter 5 第五章 During the summer I met Mrs. Strickland not infrequently. 夏天我同思特里克兰德太太见面的次数不算少。 I went now and then to pleasant little luncheons at her flat, and to rather more formidable tea-parties. 我时

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When we left I walked away with Miss Waterford, and the fine day and her new hat persuaded us to saunter through the Park. 离开思特里克兰德太太家的时候,我是同瓦特尔芙德小姐一同走的。因为天气很好,又加上她这顶

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Chapter 4 第四章 No one was kinder to me at that time than Rose Waterford. 在那些日子里,再没有谁象柔斯瓦特尔芙德那样关心照顾我了。 She combined a masculine intelligence with a feminine perversity, and the novels she wr

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But others thought this frivolous, and they wore art fabrics and barbaric jewelry. 但是也有一些人认为这样不够庄重,这些人穿的是艺术性的纺织品,戴着具有蛮荒色调的珠宝装饰。 The men were seldom eccentric in a

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Chapter 3 第三章 But all this is by the way. 但是这一切都是题外之言。 I was very young when I wrote my first book. 我写第一本书的时候非常年轻, By a lucky chance it excited attention, and various persons sought my acquain

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I think Strickland knew it was a masterpiece. 我想思特里克兰德也知道这是一幅杰作。 He had achieved what he wanted. His life was complete. 他已经得到了自己所追求的东西。他可以说死而无憾了。 He had made a worl

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The final impression I received was of a prodigious effort to express some state of the soul, and in this effort, 他的这些画给我的最后一个印象是他为了表现某一精神境界所作的惊人的努力。 I fancied, must be sought the

发表于:2019-02-13 / 阅读(98) / 评论(0) 分类 月亮和六便士

Chapter 43 第四十三章 Looking back, I realise that what I have written about Charles Strickland must seem very unsatisfactory. 回过头来看一下,我发现我写的关于查理斯思特里克兰德的这些事似乎很难令人满意。 I h

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When I come to his connection with Blanche Stroeve I am exasperated by the fragmentariness of the facts at my disposal. 当我开始叙述他同勃朗什施特略夫的关系时,我也深为自己掌握材料不足所苦。 To give my story coheren

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But my study of Strickland's character suffers from a greater defect than my ignorance of many facts. 但是我对思特里克兰德的性格的分析,除了因为有许多事实我不了解外,却还有另外一个更为严重的缺憾。 Becaus

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With Strickland the sexual appetite took a very small place. It was unimportant. It was irksome. 性的饥渴在思特里克兰德身上占的地位很小,很不重要,或勿宁说,叫他感到很嫌恶。 His soul aimed elsewhither. 他的灵魂

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Chapter 44 第四十四章 A certain importance attaches to the views on art of painters, 对于其他大师的绘画艺术看法如何,是一件相当重要的事; and this is the natural place for me to set down what I know of Strickland's opin

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Chapter 45 第四十五章 I have said already that but for the hazard of a journey to Tahiti I should doubtless never have written this book. 我在前面已经说过,如果不是由于偶然的机缘到了塔希提,我是肯定不会写这本书的

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My friend's appearance suggested that he was now in the same predicament, and I prepared myself to cultivate an agreeable acquaintance. 从我这位朋友的仪表来看,今天他的境遇一点也不比那时好;我决定同他交个朋友。 Th

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But I do not think he was a happy man. 然而我认为他生活得并不幸福。 He suffered from dyspepsia, and he might often be seen sucking a tablet of pepsin; 他长期患消化不良症,嘴里经常含着一片胃蛋白酶药片。 in the mo

发表于:2019-02-13 / 阅读(84) / 评论(0) 分类 月亮和六便士

I guess you'd better get out of Marseilles before Tough Bill comes out of hospital, 我看在硬汉子彼尔出院以前,你还是离开马赛吧, he said to Strickland, when they had got back to the Chink's Head and were cleaning themselves. 当他

发表于:2019-02-21 / 阅读(136) / 评论(0) 分类 月亮和六便士